Convert Forum to BattleTag

Excuse you/me??


If you do that you get a forum vacation.

Like Vincent said, this idea is just bad.
People would never just like their own posts and make their alts agree with them. That would be silly.


And have everyone flag my toons and message me like hell no.

Not if it is a real violation.

This has popped up several times. Which youtuber is complaining now?


RealID =/= BattleTag


Sure. I don’t see why not to convert to battletags for the forum structure.

It also helps with false reports or alt liking themselves.


yes even if it is a real violation.

No, I can tell you for a fact because I have reported several posts with multiple toons and they got removed by a moderator and I am still here.

The problem is not a barrier to making ad hominem attacks. Knowing who or why doesn’t make a post any more or less valid.

The problem is that the forum moderation isn’t throwing off topic threads into the off topic forum, selectively enforcing rules, and not policing obvious and sustained efforts to be divisive.


So you abuse the report feature. In any case, it is just like people trolling - they get away with it awhile and then they don’t.

No, not trolling. It was only for very specific posts where there were serious, one-sided, name calling and flaming.

Tell me what makes you think this method wouldn’t be misused? Given human nature as a tendency on the wimp to out right demean people they disagree with and seek revengeful actions.

Tell me how BattleTags would be misused or exploited more than how things are now? BattleTags don’t show any personal information. It is not RealID.

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geez - I am saying the moderation isn’t consistent because people have gotten forum vacations for doing that and the posts were in violation of the CoC. One report is all you are allowed - everything else is you trying to shut up someone.

Yeah, agreed. The issue is the enforcement, they have all the tools they need. They just don’t have enough people to handle the tidal wave of activity.

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The fact that they have it in all other Blizzard forums maybe? There is no widespread complaints of random adds.

If that happens it would make it so easy to track though, all friend requests need to be approved. If someone is spamming requests, the ticket system should handle it.


Unlike now where anyone can add anyone with name-server and whisper without mutual friendship.


well who the hell else am i supposed to talk to