Conversation about ADDONS should they go or stay?

If you don’t care what my opinion is. Then why are you making a big fuss about me saying that they should remove them? I don’t see you making a fuss over others in this thread that said some addons should go. I think you just saw me make a comment to you about your own comment and felt the need to retaliate thinking that I was taking a crap in your pool or something. Either way, if you don’t care, I am moving on.

This read. Get rid of the addons I hate, or don’t use, but keep the ones I like, or use :rofl: Funny stuff lol.


Right? Like, I don’t care if they allow addons. If they don’t remove them, then I will use them or not use them lol. If they remove the ability to remove then, then fine, I will just play the game without them, but hope that the Devs at least work on the fights to make it so the use of addons aren’t going to be needed to do certain mechanics.

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I think that is the biggest problem they’ve run into.
Addons that help you manage bags, and stuff like that are great.
But at some point with raids and characters they developed to a point where addons are needed.
Lot of classes have to many functions to keep up with, and I don’t know how much it has changed but there use to be or still is a bunch of procs that don’t give you any visual indication they’d triggered so you needed a weak aura.
And it uses to be in raids you really only needed a damage meter and something to warn you to get out of the fire, but they added more and more mechanics in raids that are really hard to call out; especially with a bunch of pugs kind of making necessary>


You don’t like addons? Don’t use them.

It’s not necessary to ruin the game for everybody else just because you don’t like something that can be effortlesly solved by you.

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Was in a guild back in the TBC, WOLK years. In the guild info section it said. Don’t be a putz, have omen threat meter, and dbm installed lol. Edit. Also said we require ventrillo :nerd_face:

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Same. Back then, if you didn’t have a Team Speak or Ventrillo and didn’t have DBM. you weren’t going to be invited to the raid. Back then, we didn’t have the things that we have now to do fights so DBM was very helpful. Now these days, it’s kind of do you want to use them? No? then don’t use them.


That’s actually not true at all. If you don’t do the content then you don’t get to have a valid opinion. You can have an opinion but it’s not valid at all.

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This isn’t me making a big fuss. This is me pointing out that you don’t do the content therefore your opinion is invalid.

Do the LFR folks use addons :thinking: Asking for a friend lol.

But your point is that because I didn’t raid THIS tier makes my point not valid although I have done the other 2 raids in Shadowlands. Just not THIS new one.

I never said that they should remove DBM because of what it provides in just THIS Tier. I am saying they should remove it because of what the addon as a whole provides to ALL raids, which then makes my opinion valid because I have done the majority of all raids in WoW.

Point still stands. If you aren’t doing current content your opinion is invalid.

Again invalid.

This is not entirely true, much of this perception is false, an illusion product of too many years of dependency and the decision of the Devs to create content around the existence of addons.

Most or all of this needs could go away with the proper implementation of Blizzard’s new UI.

Many games do not require addons to be played, FF14 is the best known, it is true that there are addons, but in my experience the people who use them are few, personally I have never needed addons in that game. Also as combat addons are prohibited under penalty of ban, new content kill races don’t use them, and content doesn’t revolve around them.

In WoW, Devs must spend time creating ways to circumvent addons, or make tougher/complex fights because of the addons addons. If combat addons weren’t something they had to be thinking about they could work faster and better.

Ok so you are saying if I just go into WoW when the servers come up and do LFR that my opinion would be validated? Even if I do or don’t use DBM?

Keep in mind. you NEVER said what difficulty.

Part of the problem with addons/ WA that Blizzard is not addressing (either publicly or in the game) is that a great many of these addons are simply used to overcome FLAWS inherent in the game UI.

When the “challenge” … is that I SIMPLY CAN’T SEE WTF IS GOING ON … you’re not truly designing a challenging fight. Your game is just WEAK.

Whether it’s plants, flowers, walls or whatever environment blocking my view, or the mobs themselves (melee is inherently punished in this game… WHY???), or the fact name plates NEVER stack properly … the list is seemingly ENDLESS with UI issues that shouldn’t be part of the challenge.

It’s like you’re a car mechanic trying to pass your final exam and you have to strip down an engine. And they hand you a toothbrush and a shoelace.

The problem isn’t whether or not you understand how to work on cars. The tools they’ve given you SIMPLY AREN’T SUFFICIENT.

That is where 95% or more of the addons/WA fit atm.

Blizzard needs to address this to shift the focus back to GAMEPLAY, not GIMMICKS.

Raiding in 2005: Show up with your guild and slay some dragons
Raiding in 2022: Healer has to do a triple lindy backflip while the tank does ballet and the dps sing opera

gUyS iT’s tHe aDDoNs



Don’t feed the troll, just report it.

if it’s not useful, then why is it required by a ton of guilds?

I know of many that require at the very least, DBM/BigWigs and WeakAuras.

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Nah! I want him to to answer me because he clearly messed up.

They should go, but ONLY because it would force Blizzard to quit using lazy design for encounters.