Conversation about ADDONS should they go or stay?

Yes, and that is why we should point out these points and ask that they be prioritized during the UI redesign (and future fights), with those points covered combat addons can be banned without harming the game and it is assumed that any difficulty or problem in combat is part of the combat design; and in case of being very serious/bad we can complain properly.

Addons are fine.

Addons that solve mechanics for you are iffy. (e.g. the Lords of Dread AUTO votes is bad, the weak aura that has player voting set up is not.)

Meters, DBM. Etc. Are fine.

No, it is not toxicity if you’re not pulling your weight in hard push content groups. Getting kicked for dpsing under a tank is not toxic.


Nope. Your opinion would still be invalid because LFR doesn’t even need them.

But neither does Normal, Heroic, or Mythic. You can do the fights without them. You said it yourself. If I don’t want to use them, I shouldn’t. So me doing the fights on any difficulty may not change my opinion, but from the sounds of it, it wouldn’t matter because you don’t understand the difference between valid and invalid.

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That’s your invalid opinion.

That’s your choice. You’re trying to remove others choices because of your feelings.

I understand it just fine.

Your opinion is still invalid :+1:

Making up for them would probably be a disappointment, even if they decided to try. Blizz has been known to sometimes incorporate the functionality and/or features of popular addon into WoW, which sounds great, except…they are usually not nearly as good as the addons they’re copying, so I wind up using the addon anyway (Outfitter vs. Equipment Manager, for example).

Using DBM or the like, is not a guarantee of success. There are too many other variables.

Lag on Blizz’s end or mine, can determine whether or not I can avoid or counter certain abilities. DBM can tell me all it wants to, if I can’t move it doesn’t matter.

Glitchy/broken content can determine whether or not I can avoid or counter certain abilities. If the game doesn’t work the way it is supposed to, an addon doesn’t matter.

Who is the target audience for raids/dungeons? Those with a gaming computer, keyboard, mouse and the fastest internet speed? Optimally, yes. Can the game be played with less, of course, but I don’t think that is the crowd Blizz is aiming for. Not having those things can interfere with how one interreacts with the game slowing reaction time. Age can slow reaction time. Disabilities can slow reaction time.

And an issue particular to this xpac, player abilities that put a graphic image on the ground, either around them or the boss/mob in addition to whatever the boss/mob is doing. Do DBM warnings tell you what color the boss’s ability will be? Unless you are familiar with every class/spec/covenant ability graphic and you can see all the different image areas with enough clarity, you could spend the entire fight trying to avoid standing in anything rather than performing your role. (if you can even move during the lag fest that usually ensues during such fights)

I can only imagine the complaints of toxicity when someone misses a mechanic and gets booted from the group due to a lack of DBM.

Classic case of “You think you want it, but you dont”.

What they actually want is the removal of the DPS meter and thats all they really care about.

I haven’t see anyone being kicked from a group for not having DBM, but I have seen people kicked because they are not doing a lot of dmg, verified though meters.

I have kicked people for constantly messing up mechanics.

Messing up a mechanic, I can understand, but that could happen while even using DBM. Not everyone is perfect when it comes to doing all the mechanics and even though DBM can yell at the person to move to do a mechanic, that person may not react fast enough and die to it. I had that happen a few times in Sire on Mythic by not dodging the blades.

Did you try to teach them the mechanics?

I agree, I am saying it will happen more without DBM.

You should have read my post. Weakauras is phenomenally useful. DBM is not.

Why do a lot of guilds require it? I dunno. A lot of guilds are dumb?

Of course, that’s how you play the game. There is however a time when you have to cut your loses and move on. I can only help so much, after that its on them.

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I quoted you all not to single you all out in particular, but to highlight this sentiment specifically, as it is evoked often.

I have a question specifically for anyone that feels this way: When you do meet with someone who doesn’t use your combat add-ons, do you actively avoid playing with them, or prevent them from joining your group(s)? I’m genuinely curious.

More general questions, for combat add-on advocates:
-Lots of players claim they don’t care whether or not other players use add-ons, so why are there so many forum threads involving their use in gatekeeping?
-Why is Ion’s interview such a source of agitation, when Blizzard seems to be ready to integrate (or improve) a lot of functionality?


I was manually putting in the addons at like 12 years old. Why do they need to take away addons?

Why are there so many threads? Because people watch Reverend Asmongold instead of playing WoW, and this was the topic of one of his recent sermons.


I’m still trying to find out how this is gatekeeping and why someone thinks they have a right to force others into playing the way they want them to with them.

Well, I realize Asmongold just interviewed Ion, but well before that, I recall Raider IO being the cause for several threads. Before that, some other score thing, and before that DBM, some other boss thing, and others throughout the years.

So, going back before Asmongold’s interview…