So I watched the cinematics a few times… and got me thinking. The Horde one ends with all the Horde races standing in a circle, united. Whatever the Horde does next, they’re doing it together… And it’s Baines words that trigger this! Forgot how much I can respect Baines character. He is noble, and ultimately brought the Horde together.
In the Alliance cinematic there is a horrible divide within the faction. After Tyrandes words of defiance, one by one each race walks out. At the end Anduin is alone with Jaina. He says peace will work, “it must” but he does not sound confident. It is deeply deeply concerning for the future of the Alliance.
Contrast all this with the beginning of BfA. It is the Horde that is torn apart by Sylvanas, with Saurfang walking away and slowly other leaders echoing his sentiments. Meanwhile the Alliance is largely united - “stand, as one!”… but now here at the end, the roles seem reversed. Horde united, Alliance divided.
So what do you guys think about the contrast between the beginning and endings of BfA, and the contrasts between the Horde and Alliance story progressions?
i guess that it makes sense that the alliance was fully united at the start of the expansion because someone decided that it was a good idea that killing malfurion and make him a martyr.
i just hope that something come out of this. hopefully a good story.
I’m really worried for the Alliance tbh. Like I mentioned, the cinematics display the Horde as totally united now, but the Alliance falling apart - just like after the Second War. The Alliance fell apart due to the Orc Camps, with members slowly leaving it. Then when the plague came, it almost shattered it. It was a low point of the Alliance, meanwhile while the Alliance was falling apart, the Horde was being reborn under Thrall. I see potential for a similar situation unfolding from these cinematics, unfortunately.
It sounds like people who complained saying they love the Horde being a band of outcasts united in a struggle for survival but don’t want the Horde to be villain batted got what they wanted. Same for the people who said they wanted inner-factional conflict within the Alliance to make their stories more interesting got what they wanted.
But for some reason it feels like people will find a way to complain saying that they want the Horde to have a big bad Warchief again despite always harping about being villain batted. It should be interesting to see where it all leads to.
Unfortunately I think it’s going to be the other members of the Alliance that will be bad… err maybe not bad, but failing to live up Anduins ideals.
I think we have a similar situation to the end of the Second War occurring. The Alliance was split on what to do with the orcs after that war, and that split caused the Alliance great harm, topped off with finally the plague and scourge.
Oh, I should have probably mentioned SPOILERS. There are two in-game cinematics (not those movie quality ones) , one for the Horde and one for the Alliance, which show their leaders discussing the armistice. That is very much my bad, and I am sorry.
Well it is the Alliance’s turn to be “interesting”! Let the Horde become this modern, extremely diverse political power that has learned from its chaotic founding and entire existence. Now that it has settled, that old guard monarchy driven human controlled Grand Alliance falls into disrepair as its non human members begin to wake up to the fact that they’re in a humans only club that would rather make peace with dead humans than protect the living elves who swore loyalty to them.
Ok I just watched it. I felt a little familiar becuase I remembered i heard the voice overs already.
Oh yeah, we’ve got BIG PROBLEMS!!! HUGE!!! Did Tyrande just do a power up in the middle of the meeting!!! This is bad though, it seemed like Tyrande and Genn are united bit alone. Everyone else is clapping like idiot’s. I figured that this might happen, Sylvanas tried to divide the Alliance but in the end the fractures starting appearing on their own. I’m REALLY intrested to see how this plays out and of course I’m team Tyrande all the way.
I’m surprised that Alleria isn’t more apprehensive, and as a co leader why isn’t Malfurion ever present?
Alleria should have been alarmed that the Alliance had become so xenophobic that it drove the VAST majority of her race into an alliance with… Orcs! ORCS! Orcs. Ring ring ring danger internal error.
Instead we get the usual windrunner religion of the human man and she’s just like “hey come back guys oh I broke your thing bye and I hate you all now” Windrunners…
garithos who was never part of the current alliance while the belfs had to deal with an even more racist garrosh and the only reason why they stayed horde was because due to gameplay reasons.
That’s a fair point. I felt that she should have asked what happen to push Silvermoon to the horde when she met with Lor’themar. She had been gone for 20 years. But currently she’s seen that the horde hasn’t really changed. They burned Quel’thalas and now they’ve burned Teldrassil, not to mention Theramore which killed her brother in law.
So I’m just wondering went she isn’t hesitant, she hated the horde even she left for Dreanor, but that was 1000 years ago for her. Then again, elves have long memories.
Garrosh Smarrosh. Racist aggressive orcs are the rule not the exception. Why does everyone act like Garrosh was this fluke that never happens and just came out of nowhere?
Oh it definitely was only the tables were turned. Humans were marching them to extinction. Orcs offered to help them survive and rebuild. Thrall. Thrall exemplifies more humanity than most actual humans in game. Jaina and Anduin have sound ethics but the people they rule? Mmm…
Speaking of Thrall and Jaina, I’m really glad they’re back. Both of them really want to do good and try to do good. Both have made terrible mistakes. Both own those mistakes and have learned from them. Introspective characters in a world full of people who can’t see past their own noses.
It wasn’t unfriendly. It was a quid pro quo. Impeach!!! Quid pro quo is better than dying. It worked out for them too. Blood Elves hold a position of authority in the Horde now. If they don’t want to do something, all the others have to consider that amd wonder why and react.