Continued Diversity & Representation in Customization

It’s important for you



not likely since you can mog yourself wearing a huge range of unique armor/clothes. people are just asking for the same large variety of skin/hair/eyecolors

It is important to me.

But the concept is important regardless if it was or not. Period dot.

Your lack of care towards understanding the importance it has for people doesn’t diminish its importance.


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this was released the same year as vanilla wow. look at all the customizations

Now you’re gaslighting


I do not think you not understanding the importance of representation diminishes its importance as a concept to anyone. You can not care about an important topic, that doesn’t make it less important. And because I stated this you accuse me of gaslighting lol.

I think words have weight and we each should make an effort to not be reckless with them, good day.

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Blood elves make more sense to have darker skin color

I said earlier to someone else in the thread swtor has a complexion slider w over 30 options in addition to a skin tone slider w over 30 options, it varies on each race but thats roughly the number for all of them.


well i certainly wasnt thinking that when i asked for normal skin tone options for void elves. so part of it at least is just cause we would appreciate the options

Are you another white person trying to teach me about diversity while being condescending? You are aren’t you lol


haha no hes not

well i was after the high elf option on alliance. i dont think you asking for customizations is racist. variety is the spice of life.

Not only have already stated that I’m south East Asian and Filipino and to this poster directly,

So who is engaging in gaslighting exactly?

Anyways even if someone who was white was someone speaking about the importance of representation that simply means they understand its importance. That doesn’t diminish its importance either.

Just like someone who is a person of color can try to use their experience to diminish the importance of representation doesn’t do anything to that effect.

Which is what your angle is remember

And again I say to you, your experience doesn’t diminish the importance of diversity and representation mattering.

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I got real problems, representation isn’t gonna put gas in my tank and I love the all white LotR. Have at it and keep fightin the good fight :+1: wish you well on your travels


It’s so bad I heard they might reboot the entire thing.


sorry lann. people are just getting exhausted over the real world squabbles. i see nothing wrong with you wanting customizations for your blood elf. if a dragonkin can have more options in his visage alone, than several of our races combined, i say ask for whatever your elven heart desires. go for it!


I want the options to apply to all the human skin toned races specifically. Not just to BEs benefit.


i loved the dwarven queen. she was awesome and they were a cute couple.


I havn’t seen it but most reviews I’ve read and seen state those two are some of the only good parts

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