Continued Diversity & Representation in Customization

They look nothing like the previews, lmao. You’d think this “multi dollar” company would be able to create proper customization but ig not.

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I’m South East Asian, Filipino specifically lol and am using the same skin tone options I think.

My main thing has been there are only two brown skin tones. And two black skin tones. In contrast to 10 white options. So Blizzard understands nuance exists within skin tone variation they just didn’t include it for brown and black skin tones. 2 options each in those categories is a disparity.

If they gave us 10 each, 10 brown / medium, 10 black skin tones. With the 10 white skin tone options we already have that’s 30 options, and distributed to everyone fairly.

Then just apply that to gnomes dwarves and humans the human skin toned races. And everyone’s on the same footing basically.


I’d love them to add more options-

But also to adjust faces. And like, understand how darker skin tones work. Like a lot of the undertones for darker skinned elves, dwarves, and gnomes are off.

For humans they need to unlink face and skintone. It’ll sound wild to some people but, light skin black people exist.

Also more customization in general is needed WHY in the world do Mechagnomes only have natural hair colors?? Where’s the pink, blue, green, and crazy purple? Idk. I think customization as a whole needs a pass.

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considering how many customizations dracthyr will have, they gonna owe everybody a truckload of options lol


no doubt. tech=neon. they went steampunk with it tho

(borrowed from void elf customization thread)

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I don’t know why Blizzard felt it was a good idea to link face and skin tone. It really makes no sense at all unless they did not want to have rework the faces to fit the new skin tones. Personally I want them to revisit the bald options and hairstyles were you can see the scalp. I would like to see them add stubble to those like Thrall has when you go back to WoD. I feel it would make those styles look better overall or more appealing. They could keep the smooth options as well for the people that like them.

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I just want to add I did edit my OP just now to include some of the examples I posted later in the thread :dracthyr_heart: if anyone has anymore art or examples feel free to post ^^

I thought these three examples really showcased the discussion for the OP, from a more diverse skin tone range, to some hair styles by two different artists credited below each one :dracthyr_heart:


Children and people born after 2000 pushing diversity in a franchise that has dozens of different races. For no reason.

Excuse me, I’ll be in my time machine back in '09.


freckles! :sparkling_heart:


customizations you mean

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Some people like to play self insert characters and if you are going to have humans then you need to offer more customization options than 6 shades of white, 2 tan, and 1 dark brown. The face options were even worst…they still kinda are >.>


I know SO many people are after freckles options

I’m after a curly hair style like this

And these :dracthyr_heart:

I think I decided to leave these examples out of the OP just to not clutter the OP, I used two beautiful art examples + a good example of the type of skin tone diversity options I hope to see on the human skin toned races

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It’s funny because there were some darker tones before the cata model upgrades, which basically white washed many of the human skintones for the races who had them. This was just adding them back in, with improvements for the humans.


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I don’t need to be represented in a world with talking foxes and space goats. Maybe I’m just different.


Or maybe your experience doesn’t negate the importance of representation for others.


Being latino, I’ve found it’s usually white people pushing for this stuff. That is my experience.


People aren’t a monolith

And none of our experiences diminishes the fact representation is important.

Even if as you said you think

Even if this were true it would simply mean they recognize the importance and impact this has regardless if it’s personal for them or not.

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