I would like to start out by saying that I applaud Blizzard for making a move towards adding more diverse options and having better representation. I myself am able to find a skin tone a lot closer to my own than previously when I simply couldn’t. However there is still disparity between options.
Humans got the benefit of diverse hair styles, but Gnomes, Blood Elves, and Dwarves did not(?)
Using Blood Elves as an example, there are 14 skin tones not including the recent undead one that VEs and NEs also received, of the 14 I’m looking at 10 shades of white, so the diverse options were a total of 4? There is nuance in darker skin tones as well, that seems fair to at least assume should equal the same amount in the nuance we see in selecting white skin tones.
Kul Tirans have a total of 6 skin tones, period. Why are they not benefitting from a lot of the human stuff, specifically the skin tones and hair styles? But even extending to the face options humans get.
"Because frankly I think we see this as correcting an oversight on our part, over the years. And just trying to improve representation more broadly. We are custodians of a fantasy universe and a world that we build and we don’t want to not do the right thing because we feel shackled to a decision that was made creatively in a different era that was fifteen plus years ago."
While I understand that across the board for races customization is lacking, I do hope that as we move forward diverse options aren’t considered “finished”. Part of why I would be concerned of this is the locking Blizzard seems to like to do, many human faces being locked to specific skin tones, the red eyes Elves now get being locked to one skin tone, jewelry being locked to one body type, none of this screams movement towards more diversity even amongst options we have hence why I question if it remains a commitment moving forward for the existing races.
EDIT: To include some of the examples I included later in the thread but think would be good in the OP ^.^
Something like this as a nice diverse selection of skin tones!
Diverse Hairstyles!
By Mystic Potion
By TaliaMirai