Continued Diversity & Representation in Customization

Why are we discussing joules per second?

I have a headache and idk.

Iā€™m just here cause I keep getting this thread and that other thread mixed up. LOL

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Enjoy the confusion. Popcorn? :popcorn:

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That is the meaining of Fair, not Fair Skin.

See: https-//www-collinsdictionary-com/dictionary/english/fair-skinned#:~:text=(%CB%8Cf%C9%9B%C9%99%CB%88sk%C9%AAnd%20),Collins%20English%20Dictionary.

You can call yourself whatver, but you cant call other people that.

If someone referred to dark skin as a deficiency. The world would be on fire, because ā€œracismā€. Itā€™s the same thing.

Deficiency implies the body needs it to be healthy. You can be healthy regardless of Melanin.

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ā€œFairā€ meaning is different than ā€œfair skin,ā€ though. Iā€™ve been searching through Google for the definition of ā€œfair skinā€ and every single one is saying this:


Iā€™maā€¦ Iā€™m gonna stay out of that debate and eat popcorn.

Noms on popcorn

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Sorry my mistake I expected folk to read what I posted the link to.

ā€œOf the main modern senses of the word, that of ā€œlight of complexion or color of hair and eyes, not dusky or sallowā€ (of persons) is from c. 1200, faire, contrasted to brown and reflecting tastes in beauty. From early 13c.ā€

I can get more about the slow change from its originally meanings towards exclusions of darker tones and concepts that lead into racism if youā€™d like but itā€™ll take a bit for me to get good sources back up.

Also for some reason it wont let me load up Faerinathā€™s linkā€¦

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If that were what was said, yes, it would be rightfully on fire. But weā€™re equating the exact inverse as also racism? The context here is a self-deprecating joke.

As for the health impacts, thereā€™s a number of things that can reportedly stem from having clinically-deficient melanin production. Itā€™s easily pulled up, and yes you can be healthy, but sometimes it can be a challenge depending on how deficient and your other risk factors.

Iā€™m not trying to start a fight or anything. Iā€™m just giving the facts of everything Iā€™m reading.


If people want to twist it just so they can fight about it, more power to 'em. Iā€™m not a part of whatever argument is going on with whoever. I just wanted to clear up what dermatologists, cosmetologists and the rest of medical science and everything I can research is saying.

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Iā€™m a still stay out of it. D:

Iā€™m just gonna nom on popcorn.

You realize any race can be racist towards any race right? Weā€™re not talking about Systemic Racism here.

The Tauren didnā€™t use it in a self depreciating joke. Which who I snapped at.

If you want to split hairs, sure. But are we gonna then start talking about Sickle Cell or something? In geneal people are 100% healthy regardless on the color of their skin. Which is the point as to why itā€™s ate the hell up to refer to someone by the level of melanin in the skin as ā€œmelanin deficientā€.

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I has Goldfish crackers. And not those crappy cheddar ones. The best ones. The plain original ones.


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Wait a minuteā€¦ they arenā€™t cheesy? BLEH

I need to see if the old bay ones I saw advertised are still around



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Snarls and growls

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More than half of the forum content has me like this latelyā€¦ at least the vocal half


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Honestly, thatā€™s why I come across so snippy. Iā€™m not really like that. Only on this forum. lol