Continued Diversity & Representation in Customization

You sound upset.

I can’t post links, so you have to take the - marks in the https-//www-collinsdictionary-com and make them be periods.

Fair skin is simply in modern times, a PC way of saying lighter or more pale skin. It’s not got anything to do with racism. The culture the word came about in, was one that had paler skinned people, just because the root word “fair” means beautiful, doesn’t mean the term Fair Skin is racist, and it’s not saying that people who aren’t Fair Skinned aren’t beautiful. It is also important to mention that most people ethnic and racial groups on the planet have members that can fall under that category. Native Americans, Asians, Anglos, Celts, Swedes, Italians, Egyptians, Hispanics, and many more. It’s not specifically saying “white people” just that they have a lighter skin tone.

At racist remarks? Absolutely. Negatively referring to anyone’s skin tone such as saying deficiency is disgusting. Not sure how you think society can progress if we keep coming up with new ways to attack or degrade eachother based on the shade of our skin. If that still doesn’t compute for you, think of a sentence were a darker skinned individual is being called deficient or is implied to be unhealthy for the natural state of their body? Would that upset you, or would you find that upsetting? If so, the same logic applies to other statements, like it’s 2023, no one should still be on the train of “let’s make degrading remarks about people’s skin or sexuality”.

I don’t remember the other people who specifically wanted to be tagged, but I have come back with a citation and info.

  1. The book does reference how some of the characters are fair skinned, but it doesn’t say they are all fair skinned. It just says they are all beautiful and perfect. Which is why Sylvanas liked Nathanos. This is echoed throughout the entire book.

I will also add, that it probably wouldn’t been smarter to start from Chapter 1 and go forward, but I started from Chapter 16, and went backwards as that’s the last place I had left off in the book.

  1. I will admit I was wrong, and had misremembered the hair color mention specifically. It is mentioned that the “Blue-Black Hair of Ranger Vorathil, made him stand out in a sea that was overwhelmingly Gold and Silver”. I was correct in that she mentioned Lor’themar’s hair in the same go, but it is in reference to his silver hair being more confusing to her, because she associates silver and white hair with older people essentially.

  2. The mentions of hair color are both early on in Chapter 1, which again why I regret having went backwards in the book, as it would’ve saved me a hell of a lot of time if I started from the front.

So I admit to having mis-remembered what I heard over a year ago now, when I was listening to it while moving cross-country.

But I will also still point out, that it is a Diverse and Progressive step to have Darker Elves just present in the story and the World now. So I still disagree with the viewpoint of the OP that the company isn’t progressive and that they don’t care about diversity. When they are now adding characters with these skin tones, for a race that has typically been represented in their media as only fair-skinned.

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Handy tip for that, all you really need to do is stick a space in the https to break the link detection, so like h ttps


That’s just the definition of the word fair. Fair-skinned means the lightest shade of light skin. It’s why the lightest shade of foundation is usually called ‘fair’ in this context it means light skinned.


I’d appreciate some more representation for ginger and people with red curly hair, there are only 2 styles of curly hair ingame which are the Curly Bun and the Curly Bob which though nice there a little tight coiled and frizzy I’d like to see a long style like Julia Roberts from Pretty Women(sorry I don’t know how to post images for a reference and yes I do suppose i’m dating myself here).


Wrong? Have you ever seen the hands of a dark-skinned person? The palms of the hand are way lighter in skin tone. Our prehuman ancestors were furred hominids. Once the fur disappeared in order to increase heat dissipation dark skin evolved to compensate.

But in any case, light skin is itself an adaption for when living in areas with less exposure to sunlight as a way to maximalize the production of Vitamin-D in the body. We have noted that vitamin-D deficiency is rampant in some immigrant groups, especially when they are culturally forced to cover up their bodies. This deficiency can be treated medically today but historically, not so much.

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We were furries!?!?



Pretty much… :stuck_out_tongue:

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