Continued Diversity & Representation in Customization

Do you really wanna cite this as a valid source for the canon of Warcraft?

Also this whole reply was just you stomping your feet and going “IT IS CANON,” when the reality is you haven’t actually proved anything. I don’t need to prove anything myself, because I’m not making an assertion - YOU are, so the burden of proof rests on your shoulders.

I’ve seen plenty of fair skinned fel users as well, so the idea that all dark skin inherently stems from fel usage is a nothing statement with no basis. It was not “implied,” that is just a headcanon you took away because of a few cases of it.

No. You’ve proved nothing, and demanding that you have does not magically make it so.

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At this point.

You have more to prove then I do on the ground of Fel corruption.

The Felblood Elves

And how the Felblood Elves are the only Darker Skinned Elves we see until DF.

No, I’ve proved far more then I need to you on this front.

I’ve cited the lore and shown to you how both IN GAME and things like the Movies show that Fel and it’s exposure CAN darken the skin.

I also cited the Devs talking about how Blood Elves have been radiated by Fel.

YOU have cited nothing, and refused in universe lore.

Making YOU the guy that now has to back up the headcanon you preach.

Mind you, I’ve not once even attacked the idea of more skin tones. Even saying I’d love mine to be added.

The only Lore I’ve got a burden of proof to show is the quote from the book.

So you don’t deny that in game characters change skin when powered up by certain magic, especially raid bosses.

You’ve tried to admit that further deny my point. Lol

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This is the best I can find:

But it’s not at all what we’re discussing with normal skintones. That’s literally a demon. So I’m not sure what he’s referencing otherwise.

They have Golden Brown colored Felblood Elves in the world as well.

Felblood are literally demons. And their skin is either grey or red. Not unlike Demon Hunters.

They are literally just Blood Elves who injested a LOT of fel. To then be classed as a Demon.

My point, is that the Fel changes skin, and in game makes the Elves have those darker shades.

It is presumable that there is a point between Felblood and just Fel melanin.

Which just furtheres, MY point. Of how adding in Black and Brown Elves in DF. With Yellow eyes or even Blue. And NOT tieing them to the Fel.

Is progressive and inclusive for the race that previously wasn’t shown. Which is a W for Blizz.

It’s not a moment to be like “Blizz don’t care about diversity” like the hell.

I’m not sure how this is the conclusion you drew from this, but like it’s been pointed out - many times when this occurs, the skin tone changes to RED or GREEN - not the darker skin tones added for customizations.

This is not valid proof that dark skinned peoples - as in people who resemble those IRL descents, not a demom - are inherently born from fel. I’m unsure why I need to explain to you how a demon with red skin is different from a black person.

If you have an instance of a white person turning into a black person from fel usage, please show the class.

Obviously. Blood Elves are not based on IRL anything other then some Celtic and British stuff.

A Dark Skin Elf, is not an African Elf. There is no IRL correlation.

Actually, there seveal that go TAN. Not red and not green.

The point is once again, Elves of this color, DID exist via Fel corruption in older WoW.

Demon or not, it’s STILL an elf.

So adding new darker Elves and not tieing them to that, is a good thing.

Again, where?

Cite and back up your claim that they’ve NOT done this in WoW and it’s universe. Because I’ve already cited instances where they have.

So they’re demons.

To red or grey. Not to the natural tones we’re talking about.

You’re comparing apples to oranges here.

There isn’t.

I was never arguing this. I’m simply pointing out that trying to explain away natural skin tones by using grey and red demon skin just… doesn’t work.

You didn’t provide an example of a white person becoming a black person from fel usage. Hell, you didn’t even provide one becoming tanner from fel usage.

Can we then presume you have nothing of substance?

You weren’t.

But the OP was. Which is where my commentary began. Hence the relevance of mentioning it.

I mean, we have Mag’har Orc > Green Orc > Fel Orc. So a middle ground is probably.

I literally did. You just ignored it.

The Warcraft Movies shows Medihv being more Tan.

Other characters also go tan.

Show me or cite me ANYTHING about Fel corruption being isolated, and then we can talk about being able to back things up with substance. Because you obviously can’t do anything but Deflect.

And yet Mag’har are naturally brown. So I’m not sure where you’re going with this.

It’s just a skintone. It has no lore. It just exists. There really isn’t anything more to it.


It shows him becoming a demon. It does not show him getting tanner. Also that’s the movie, and not canon to the universe.

Name one. From the game, name one.

No. That’s not how this works. We have not been told black people come from fel usage. You are asserting they do. It is not on me to prove a negative, it is on you to prove your assertion - which you have not.

I’m going with

Fel made them Green
More Fel made then Fel Orcs

The Green Orc here is the middle ground.

This needs to die out…


With respect, you do not have to keep coming back here to say this.

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I’ve cited you plenty from Lore, to Game Dev comments on Lore, to in universe movie.

You try to jump around my cites. And don’t cite anything yourself.

That’s not how this works. Try actually contributing for a change.

So can you name one from the games, or…?

Also if you’re really begging me to “contribute” - Kanrethad Ebonlocke, the former leader of the most foremost Warlock organization, imbued an insane amount of fel, to the point that he himself became a demon. The fel he absorbed needs to be contained in shards, or else they will automatically return to him and re-corrupt him. It stands to reason that he is one of the most fel-y fel users to ever exist.

What color is his skin?

Or hell, let’s use your own example. Medivh - and I mean game Medivh, the movie has no bearing on anything in the game’s lore - was the vessel for Sargeras, the Dark Titan and lord of the whole Burning Legion.

What color was his skin?

Which has nothing to do with the natural skintones of Belfs.

That’s… not a middle ground. That’s just throwing spaghetti at a wall. LOL

Belf skintones are just Belf skintones. Nothing more there, nothing in lore, they just simply exist.

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None of that, is what you were asked to provide a citation for.

Yes, they exist now. They did not before DF. Hence why it’s jaring to see people act like Blizzard isn’t diverse or inclusive.