Continued Diversity & Representation in Customization

It’s internet slang.

Typically being used in reference to trashy or overly entitled behavior. But it’s also kind of a catchall for a variety of other meanings, like most internet slang.

I have never once heard this nor can I find reference to it. I’ve heard “only in Ohio,” used to joke about weird, quirky things. But never a derogatory reference like that to the state.


TikTok, it’s all over the place. I only discovered the term about a month ago when my fiancé got me to finally download the app, lol.

Also not finding anything but Ohio translations of their slang.

Don’t spread toxicity from cesspool social media here, please. Ohio is not synonymous with any of that.


Night Elf males still only have one usable face. I feel like that should be a priority.


Mhm because 10 white shade options and only 2 brown skin tone and 2 black skin tone options after x years is not good enough. Period.

This goes for Kul Tirans not inheriting human options as well, gnomes also lack the range humans got.

I never said they don’t fit the lore and would never say that you keep saying that. And now your posts make sense don’t they.

Vaguely making a claim isn’t giving a source. Quote, page number, etc go head you’ve had a few days to answer.

You’re still the only one saying these new skin tones aren’t within lore.


  1. Hispanic and Asian people also come in lighter shades, so it’s more inclusive then you realize.

  2. You keep ignoring the fact that anything beyond a lighter skinned Elf didn’t physically even exist before Dragonflight in their lore (aside from 1 character in the Belf quests at the end of Shadowlands). It was essentially a non-canon player option before then.

That would be like being shocked that Mag’har orcs who have brown skin, don’t have white human skin too.

If you can’t acknowledge the story for the race you want, and see how Blizzard is infact expanding their diversity and lore to fit things you want.

Then all you’re doing is proving that you’re an entitled brat, with no appreciation for anything, which is honestly pathetic, and dare I say maybe even a bit racist. “This whiter skinned race, is expanding to include darker options and NPCS. But it’s not the skin shade I want, so its not diverse, REEEE”.

Like by Elune, grow up. Sit back, look at the steps Blizzard is actively doing in their world building and the option they keep adding. At the moment the more humany race to get darker skin has been Forsaken who have gotten a few rounds of darker skin now of late.

Like you do realize anytime Blizz adds customizations people whine its not THEIR chosen race. Not to mention if Blood or Void Elves get anything people REE. But they’re still moving ahead and adding in more diverse tones to races and providing new customizations to various races every couple of patches.

Like dang, I don’t know. Maybe be glad that they even added in some darker colors, or that said darker colors are used for a lot of NPCs in the newer expansion.

Because right now you’re still coming off as just entitled, ungrateful, and disrespectful.

Oh no, I pointed out the lore to you, how dare.

It’s not a vague claim. It’s literally in the book. I provided the source. Go out and read it or do what I did and get the Audio Book.


It’s not you’re just pointing out your biased take which lets us know why you’re really having a convo about this.

And right now you’re still coming off as that angry over something posted a year ago, and after necroposting a thread that was dead by 6 months. Please. Stop.

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No, I’m stating to you the lore. I provided the source. This isn’t a Bias.

I even said my own skin isn’t a Belf Skin. But it would be cool to be.

I also said I thought the new diverse additons put them more inline with Sunfire Elves or Elves of the Sun. From Dragonprince and DnD. Which was cool.

You’re spiraling.

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Actually I’m just placing you on ignore. But perhaps that statement fits you better.

You’re vaguely claiming that the Sylvanas novel disproves that dark skinned elves exist, yet you’re not really providing the citation yourself. Aside from the fact that it makes zero sense for them to decanonize them in a novel years after making such a big deal about adding those skin tones in game, the burden of proof falls to you to show us where in the novel it does this.

Telling us to read the whole novel is not providing evidence, because it could be easily missed and not at all read in context. If you have proof from the Sylvanas novel that it does what you say it does, cite it and show us. As of now, I could easily say that the Sylvanas novel proves they exist, and it would hold just as much proof as you’ve provided.

Further than that, to suggest that this novel states that there are only blonde haired and blue eyed Thalassian elves is a crazy take to have, given that even before the introduction of darker skin tones, there were plenty of Thalassian elves who were not this.

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It’s not a vauge claim. It’s a factual one. To which I provided the source.

You can’t physically show someone something from an Audiobook, which is the format I have it in.

It’s in chapters where she flashes back to her life before her Undeath.

The book is over several hours long to go through an Audio format. Something that I do not have the time to do yet for an exact Chapter.

It is before Chapter 17. Which is pretty early on in the book.

So you have the Source info. If you want to find the exact page, there you go.

She remarks how rare it is for even Lor’themar to have the hair that he does.

Which I found to be a bit odd.

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So that leaves 16 chapters… out of 400 pages, with an indeterminate number of chapters?

There are 29 chapters, and “interludes” of music and voice in the interlude.

You’re telling people to… go read half the book to find it.

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I do not have the book, and I have no interest in purchasing a book by Christie Golden, or a novel that contains crucial context outside the game itself. I do not care for the author or the practice, and would rather not give either money.

Citing the vague location of this without actually including the contents of the writing is not how you cite something. Even if you have the audiobook, you should be able to listen and write the citation as it exists in the book (unedited). If you are unwilling to do this, there is no reason to give any merit to the claim you so staunchly say is true.

And quite frankly, I’m fairly certain whatever the passage is is not so much a deconfirmation of dark skinned elves, and more an interpretation you took away yourself over a vaguely worded passage.

There are dark skinned elves in Dragonflight, an expac that came after the Sylvanas novel - so even if this book says what you claim it says, the most recent version of this lore now decanonizes that. So one way or another, dark skinned elves DO exist in lore. This is not a debatable fact.

How did you glean “all elves were blonde haired and blue eyed” from “Lor’themar has weird hair?” That is a very big leap to make, with a lot of room for interpretation to call in a hard fact.

I provided the source, and until I have the time to find the exact chapter, which takes several hours.

That is the best specifics I can provide. :man_shrugging:

You’re DAFT AF. I’ve never said they don’t exist NOW.

I was telling OP that its messed up how they’re acting, consideirng the first cannon Dark Elves dropped when they made their post.

Ive also stated this retcon additon happening in DF multiple times.

I never said I was unwilling…just that I didn’t have the time yet.

Andi it’s not an interpretation. It’s a fact.

Because she talks about how all elves have fair skin, and blonde hair with blue eyes. That they’re essentially this echo chamber of Perfection and beauty in their hair and how they all look alike in skin and hair. To the point that even Lor’themar’s white hair sticks out as incredibly rare.

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Why the heck are there 2 freaking threads on this topic going at the same time?

Because some forumancer necro’d a thread from 6 months ago.