Continued Diversity & Representation in Customization

Show me a single human that resembles a big cow man irl. Humanoid races are the ones for irl physical feature representation. I’d say tauren would be more close to cultural representation of indigenous people if anything.

You are wrong.

All peoples were dark originally.

The mutations are those who left sunny places to live in higher latitudes.

There is no need to insert IRL epigenetics into WoW

Just leave it at Robots With Lovecraft Curse

Robot had more sulfur? Curly Hair.
Robot had more nitrogen? Darker Skin.

Reductio ad absurdam

We are discussing IRL Human Diversity onto In-game Human & Adjacent Peoples (Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Elves, and Undead Variations therein).


Absolutely ridiculous take, plus MENA motifs are already invoked in Belves and African cultural elements are already present in Trolls. “Doubling dipping” would be a narrative failure and trainwreck.

WoW represents IRL CULTUAL diversity via the Monster Races. That has always been the case, cope.

WoW represents IRL PHENOTYPE diversity via exclusively the Humanoid races.


“human adjacent” They’re not human.
Elves in Warcraft are even LESS human than in some other settings. They’re a completely unrelated species.

Treating them as human adjacent just cheapens them as a unique culture and people.

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My statement stands, double dipping ethnic representation would be a mistake and phenotype diversity is the only thing humans are meant to have due to the inherent nature of the world building for 30 years

Stay mad, cope

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They’re not only arguing against what you’re saying or what I’m saying but they’re quite literally arguing against blizzard.

Who has already said not having more diverse options on these races was an oversight on their part.

My issue is that since that oversight correction more or less has been lackluster. Kul Tirans don’t benefit from the much larger diverse selection of options humans have. Gnomes don’t have as many skin tone options as blood elves. And blood elves literally have 2 brown and 2 black skin tones to a selection of 10 white options. Like… the math isn’t mathing.

And that’s not even getting me started on a lack of hair type and style options. So while these people are outting themselves as people who are still arguing w these options / mad they exist which is very telling in the end they’re arguments don’t matter because Blizzard already stated otherwise and tried to rectify what they said was an oversight by not having these options.

And while I was willing to give credit where credits due when I first saw what they were doing / heard they considered a lack of having more diverse options on their sight an oversight… that was at the beginning of SL. We’re in dragonflight now, still a lack of skin tone options when compared to white skin tone options, still a lack of hair types (they could be adding here & there to races they’ve been adding things to in these patches)

Stuff like that - at first I thought it was nice blizzard was righting a wrong but now I’m like okay wait a minute you don’t think you’re done do you, at least that’s my like pov / purpose of this thread.

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I still wish they would disconnect human faces and skin tones so we could use any face with any tone. There are a couple combos I would like to make but cannot because of that.


Disconnect everything really. It’s silly that you can only use scars with specific face options, and likewise silly that you can’t use red eyes for elves without also using undead skin tone. Blizzard should have learned from this when they had linked and then later unlinked the night warrior customizations for night elves.

  1. They would NOT be out of business for expanding their options. Most Korean make-up brands still don’t have options for dark tones. Plus the majority of them dont cover anyone with Olive Undertones.

Like no company has or will be canceled for adding more inclusion. Not to mention people buy brands that fit them. So this is very disingenuous on your part. A better thing to say, is they are missing out on money from people who they essentially don’t cover.

As for your negativity regarding Blood Elves specifically. It’s honestly disgusting.

You do realize that THE NEW lore even in Shadowlands, AFTER they’d released more hispanic and black tones for Blood Elves. Still stated that ALL Thalassian Elves were Blonde with blue eyes, and perfectly straight hair. Like even being white but with non-blonde hair was exceedingly rare and unheard of.

This has been their lore, and it was continued even after they added darker elves into the game, and had said elves be Guards in Silvermoon.

Mind you, visually expanding Blood Elves to have darker skin and be more of a Sun Elf as well from DnD or Dragonprince, is cool. Especially with their cultute evolving to be more the Sun/light.

Not to mention that your comment I’m responding to comes from November 2022. Dragonflight launched that month and the Diversity info was fully known from the Beta by then.

The Dragon Isles are chocked full of darker skin toned races, with some lighter ones too. It introduced TWO major characters as dark High Elves in a way.

Sindragosa’s Inner Self being one. Along with Nadia Rivergleam, the first ever Black Elf in WoW lore. There is a settlement in the Ohnaran Plains that is mainly Darker Elves. In top of the more Hispanic toned brown Elf Paladin they introduced at the end of Shadowlands.

Like, would it be cool to have curly hair and a proper Medium Light Olive skin for my Elf? Especially if it was a Banana Curl Pompador, hell yeah. Because atm only the Dracthyr Visage form has a skin tone that accurately matches mine.

But here I am, reading your posts, and it just seems so arrogant. Like isntead of acknowledging the world building and new inclusions of Darker characters, and even Gay characters… you know just representing more kinds of people.

You ignore the diversity and inclusion they are literally using and setting up, because it’s “not good enough”. Like why not just say you’d like more options.

Why word it to where you sound like NOTHING they do is good enough?!

Your attitude is giving Ohio. As well as the same vibe as the people who RIOT about High Elves, instead of being grateful that they can be High Elf skined Void Elves at least as something.

Someone just wrote a wall of text just to bump a really old thread?

Looks at the necromancer, bops him on the nose with a rolled up newspaper “Bad Necro bad!”



Surely you have a source for this.


The Sylvanas Book, that released mid-end of Shadowlands.

Sylvanas talks about it.

Baps dragon with newspaper :newspaper_roll:

Bad necro… bad!



In my defense I was reading another thread. It had a link to this one, and they said some cool customization ideas were listed. Which is why I even started reading this thread. Lmao


I tried to quote you both, but it wouldnt let me at first. So I added yours to it.

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Still… six months since last, and a reply is made to a post nearly a year old, and it’s absolutely eviscerating of the person. That’s bad form.


Perhaps it’s bad form, as my reply did have some harsh truths, and it did come half a year post the last reply.

But it is also bad form on their end. Acting as if Blizzard isn’t diverse at all. At the same time that an expansion with a massive amount of diversity launches. Especially in regards to Blood Elves, which was a large chunk of their topic.

Like I’m all for asking for new options, but to attack the devs for something that they’ve delivered en mass for the first time for a given race (let alone the other diversity that DF brought in its representstion) is a bad take.

There is enough negativity in the world and in WoW. Given what OP seemingly wants, one would imagine that they would’ve at least acknowledged the inclusibe W that DF brought, instead of acting like they never do anything of the kind. Which is honestly what pushed me to reply.

Because dang-it, someone who wants a diverse customization, should be able to acknowledge the diversity that they’re working on and bringing forward into the game.

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It is a year old, perspectives can change and evolve and refine, and even improve. There’s no reason to respond to something that dang old in the manner you did.

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None of which translated to them continuing diverse customization options for players.

Adding 4 skin tones after 17 years isn’t some fall over and thank blizzard moment you think it is, it was why i gave them the benefit of the doubt bcz they had said customization was ongoing, but here we are the end of DF almost and the range of skin tones is still in the state it was in when they added a few in SL.

This is a customization discussion thread. It was linked to another OP to give some inspo for their thoughts or post not necessarily to necro, but since you did yes blizzard is lacking in this department still.

They’ve been adding darker and in some cases lighter skin tones to various races. Granted those races do not all use human skin tones.

However it is still more diverse costumizations, via colorism. To include more of a spectrum for each race. Night Elves, Nightborne, Forsaken, and Dark Irons all recieved them over the last 3 expansions. Probably a few others. But these come to mind.

You say this, but yet you also went to attack Blizzard by saying if they were a makeup company they’d be closed for adding the diverse options they did. That takes it from a costumization thread, to saying Blizzard clearly doesn’t care about diversity. Especially when you said that at a time when they’ve shown their increased levels of diversity options. It becomes jarring and wrong of you honestly to act that way.

You’ve glossed over the fact of what Blizzard has defined a Blood Elf as.

Blood Elves are NOT Dracthyr or Humans. Who have Dreads or Afro textured hair.

Blood Elves are based on Scottish and British mythology and culture. That even their Shadowlands era lore goes out of its way to emphasize how out of place it is for even a White Elf with White or Brown hair. Since they are all Blonde haired white people, with perfectly straight hair.

So even during SL, after they added in the 4 skin tones. Non-light skinned Thalassian Elves did not exist in their lore. Period. None of them had afro textured or even curly hair naturally either.

But instead of realizing that the race does NOT infact have these characteristics in the lore, and Blizzard is adding more diverse colored Elves into the game and the lore for diversity.

You act as if Blood Elves specifically mean that Blizzard doesn’t care about Diversity.

If you’re gonna talk about their racial options or lack there of. Then you have to acknowledge their lore, and how Blizzard is expanding them.

You went full on:

“we only got 4 skin tones that don’t fit the
lore” instead of “now they’re making lore and characters with the diverse options they’ve given us, and I’d like to see more options.”

It’s peak entitlement, and very Ohio of you.

Hhhhhhhold up.

Why is Ohio being brought up in this context?