Continued Diversity & Representation in Customization

This topic is basically about having more diverse customization options. E.g. giving Kul’Tirans, Mechagnomes, etc… more hair/skin/beard/accessories options Or even just sharing the styles with their existing counterparts. It’s nothing to do with what you’re saying.

Even later. They were still nightelves when they arrived. Queen Azshara are clearly a nightelf before she got transformed into a naga. I supposed the Sunwell continued to mutate them, and it STILL do now when it is a mixed arcane/light power source causing some bloodelves to high have sun-coloured eyes.

Came to think of it there ARE nightelven ruins in good condition in the Eastern Kingdoms. It is reasonable to believe that there was nightelves living there during the events of The Sundering so what became of them? Eastern Kingdoms really SHOULD have their own native nightelven population, but we do not see that. It is possible that they retreated to Quel’Thalas when it was newly founded and the population there still nightelves?

I’m not sure what happened to pre-sundering Night elves in lands beyond Kalimdor. It’s possible they were taken to safety through the dreamway portals in the groves you find the ruins near.
The only piece of land lacking any Night elven ruins is Pandaria. There might even be some there, I can’t remember off hand.

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You don’t see the importance of black and brown people finally having representation on a human skin toned race, in skin tones and in the future hair styles?


What are you confused about? Because you being confused seems the arguably more confusing thing.


I’m not against the added choice, it’s never a bad thing… but I will never in my life care about representation or inclusion in games, show, movies or book/stories. It’s just not important to me, the only thing imho that matters, is the game, show, book or movie is good. All women? Cool. All white dudes? Cool. All black dudes? Cool. No humans at all? Cool.

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Personally I see Blizzard adding diversity as a good thing but don’t forget everyone needs to be included.

Or in other words don’t go so inclusive that you start excluding.

And to those people who get upset at them including more, remember it doesn’t hurt you at all so why get upset?

This highlights the problem I have with all this so called “diversity”: Only there to please a minority who place color skins above EVERYTHING, without caring about the material.
And unfortunatly, they are listened.

If diversity consisting of mixing “everyone everywhere” is a good thing in the REAL world, it’s not in a FANTASY world where travels and discoveries play a major part to enjoy this world.
Whether some like it or not, color skin is a major tool when building said fantasy world.

Black skinned elves are a prime exemple as there is a clear rule regarding how an elve can change his color skin overnight depending of the magic used.
We could have a new civilization, with new stories but we have nothing, just there for tokenism.

The real world diversity in WoW impoverishes the game.
The true diversity in a fantasy world is a diversity of civilizations, with different stories to tell - and it includes color skin.
I am not against diverse skin customizations by principle but i want it to serve the worldbuilding and being done right.

Let’s take the Southern Seas:
Imagine if the devs make all these islands full of black people (regardless of the race) with civilizations inspired by African or Middle Eastern mythologies.
I’m all in to see this, especially since there are not many games that use these tales as inspiration.


“human skin toned race” It’s not a human.
Homogenizing it to be more human-like is gamey and un-immersive. It tells you “this race is only here for you to play in a game and nothing else matters”.


i want greenskin night elves

I don’t even consider it tokenism.
It’s just soulless customization for the sake of customization at the cost of racial and cultural identity in lore.

Like how they added Sandfury trolls, Wildhammer dwarves, and literal UNDEAD Darkfallen elves as simple customization options instead of the full distinct cultural and living-status distinct people that they should have been.


So to be clear you’re upset that black and brown people have options to represent ourselves on blood elves, Kul Tirans, humans, gnomes, Dracthyr visage options etc?

And would not want to see more options for further representation including different hair options?

Am I understanding you correctly? :woozy_face:


Not on humans(KT are humans). Human customizations fit pretty well on humans.
But racial uniqueness expressed itself in different ways in the other races. Dwarves had Dark Iron(obvious differences), Wildhammer(bigger and stronger than Ironforge dwarves), and Ironforge dwarves. Elves were expressed as spawning new subspecies through magical mutation. The gnomes I’m not sure about, they never really had any subspecies or anything else, only afflicted lepergnomes and their original mechagnome form. Giving them darker skin options might not be an issue since they didn’t express any unique differences before.

Dracthyr visage I have no problem with. It’s currently an unknown species, and it having any skin tone can’t be an issue because it’s yet to be established.
Dracthyr visage’s species presents a good opportunity to introduce a new lost civilization of humanoids that existed before humans and elves, maybe it could even be the species of Azeroth herself when she awakens, as the original humanoid species of Azeroth.

I don’t really care. It’s typical of the kind of person to both have a Twitter and that can’t separate fantasy from reality.


diversity huh.

im korean & i want my moomoo to look korean, where’s my diversity or do i not count.

I’d really love to see things like Troll beards and more shared hairstyles:

I would love this hair on my Night Elves tbh:


I had seen a perf example of art the other day but now can’t find it and am sad. Was a perfect example of a new hair style / type that should be implemented in game

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Especially hairstyles and hair colours since those are affected to cultural trends. A hair colour doesn’t need to be natural. And an episode of Star Trek Deep Space Nine did in an episode mention a bolian (hairless species) with a wig. In ancient Egypt high status pretty much required a beard, not even the ladies where an exception, they had small glued on artificial beards for that purpose. That is why depictions of Egyptian queens may indeed show them with a beard.

Nope, you aren’t of a sufficient skin tone to be pandered to.


I believe that it is the lack of lore for that is the problem, not that they exist. Here on Earth the lore for brown skin is that it is an adaption to a tropical/sub-tropical environment since that provides an increased UV protection. The price for that is a risk for Vitamin-D deficiency when living in areas less exposed to sunlight. The need to expose more skin to compensate in a colder environment is a problem, especially during wintertime. This is broad statistics of course; individuals may differ greatly.

dangit curse my melanin deficient skin!

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