Continued Diversity & Representation in Customization

Seems they’re still doing that too

And you’re on point about this too as that still seems to be the case


What does that even mean?

Yes it does speak for the majority, love it when white liberals want to tell me what is and what isn’t racist. Don’t speak on our behalf no thank you we don’t want it or need it.

The majority of people are kind and tolerant, you all paint a picture that this country is racist and cruel, which is far from the truth., and please for the love of god stop with the “charmed life” comment. Nothing charming about how hard I had to work to get where I am.

We left Mexico because my older brother didn’t want to work for the cartels and our live’s were in danger, people like you have no clue what you are talking about.

You don’t speak for everyone. I’m sorry thats hard for your to grasp.

I didn’t paint any pictures about this country. I’m responding to you. In fact I was rather gentle with how I worded anything about societies racial and discriminatory issues.

Your life appears to be one where you do not have to deal with those sorts of issues. Its charmed compared to the wide array of issues I’ve seen, heard, or been told about from others. Not to mention my own life. I know from experience that my own experience is not going to be the same as the person standing next to me and I’m not going to talk over them and just deny what is obviously happening just to make myself feel better because my life didn’t have those same issues.

You don’t know anything about me. You’ve assumed a lot but thats it.

I’m glad your family escaped a hard situation to find a good one in the Untired States. That doesn’t give you the right to impose your charmed life on others as though its the only reality.

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I do speak for most hispanics, you on the other hand try to virtue signal to make yourself known.

“Look at me I am inclusive and fighting for minorities rights!”

No thank you we don’t need or want you to crusade for us, we are just fine.

Once again stop using the term “charmed life”. Nothing charming or easy about what I went through. For others out there I want to let you know that if you want something you just have to work for it.

Don’t listen to people who say you can’t because of some racist boogeyman it just isn’t true.

You speak for yourself and yourself alone.

It is charmed compared to others. You haven’t, by your own admission, been experiencing racism or dealing with inequalities of the society you live in.

Truth of the matter is that others do daily, and they have to deal with that. Your life bereft of that is charmed.

No, I speak for many hispanics. Once again a non-minority telling a minority what they know and don’t know. It isn’t charmed when the cartel goes after your family, and how would you know of others since you are not hispanic.

Just stop speaking on things that you have no clue about, and sorry it is rare to run into a racist person. You just like to gaslight people, so I will say again if you want something go get it, don’t listen to people like this guy who creates an imaginary boogeyman who is trying to hold you down.


I’d really like braid jewelry as a person who’s go-to it isn’t within the global afro community :rofl: it can’t get better whatever style is chosen and I will eat pineapple pizza to stand by that :laughing: also it was a bit unfortunate to see the orc speaking for all races as a person of a unique experience himself hoping to ascend beyond the realm of subjectivity, but this thread is way more important and I really think dreadlocs would be sick as my brother would battle with me they’re even better than braids :smiling_imp::crossed_swords:

As I play Dragonflight I do appreciate more of what I notice to be their attention to including more diverse characters and stories, and hope that when it comes back to customization they implement that mentality to take that extra step to really help better facilitate representation for players.

I think more making a better selection of skin tone options benefits all the human skin toned esque races, and they really could do so much w more hair options.

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(random note) In the first post you made it says “Kul Titan” but great requests :dragon: i’d also adore a size choice for them skinny etc

Oh thank you! It was probably spell check

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Does anyone know if we’re getting any new customization in the upcoming patch, I think Zandalari are getting new hair colors?


Yes so far we’ve only seen a collection of new hair colors for the Zandalari. It’s a rather nice collection.


Ah okay I see

I had heard they made last minute changes w the priest and mage stuff due to feedback so I was hoping they were on more of an extended roll w feedback lol

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The more option the better. I want to stop using straight hair with this toon, and use one more according to his skin color. But currently non of the aviable styles suits him. SO I WANT MORE

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Could anyone please enlighten me how it is you feel represented by an elf? It’s not a human, not any more than my Dracthyr is a human.
Am I supposed to feel represented by this Dracthyr?

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For Orcs several skin colours could be done with a minimum of retconning since they were from pretty much all over their world. All it takes is that THAT orc tribe/clan are from some tropical/subtropical region. During the invasion of Azeroth the difference wasn’t as visible due to the fel taint making almost everyone look green. Now, years later many orcs have successfully got rid of their fel taint and further groups could move in from Outland.

Dark skinned High/Blood elves however do not give that option in the same way. Blizzard needs to take a look at the lore for them. Right now, they are just tokenism, some kind of weird mutants that just doesn’t fit in. There are two paths to go here racial diversity for their Night Elven ancestors or some kind of event that darkened the skin of some High/Blood Elves. The problem here is as the lore is now it seem that a group of probably Zandalari Trolls found the Well of Eternity and got mutated into Night Elves by it. That is a single ethnic group. That doesn’t give room for racial diversity BUT Elves seem to be EXTREMLY easy to meld into new subraces to adapt to their environment providing access to some kind of power source to provide that adaption. There are Nightborn that as individuals used to be Night Elves and they got remoulded as well.

Imagine an enclave of High/Blood Elves that of some reason ended up in a tropical region, found an old artifact that adapt life forms to “fit in”, maybe a Titan artifact in the Un’Goro crater that some Reliquary researchers accidentally managed to activate causing themselves to be remoulded? It could DEFINETLY explain the dark-skinned Blood Elven Reliquary researcher that we meet in the opening of the Dragon Isle expansion and since this is such a new even the voice actor should, hopefully be available to drop a few new lines for her so she could explain the event. Maybe down to the point that she herself managed to activate that hypothetical Un’Goro mutation device. The region is tropical so dark skin is helpful to deal with the strong UV light from the sun so that is what the mutation device does to people.

Another possibility is to adapt the rules used in the Elderscrolls games where mixed species doesn’t exist unless the mixing is done repeatedly over a long time. In that game if a human and an elf have a child the offspring will NOT be a half elf, it will be a human OR an elf. If THAT rule was adopted for Warcraft universe, then Arathor the Redeemer would not be a half elf, he would be a Highelf with a human father. With THIS explanation with could add a dark-skinned human subgroup that brought in some dark skin genes to the High Elves. Suggestibly the Kul Tirans found a southern continent where these humans live and started to trade with them, and some took on jobs working for the Kul’Tirans, predominantly as sailors and become a natural minority group in their society. Dark skinned High Elves are then caused by Human ancestry. Another way to fix the problem.

Personally, I find it odd that there are ancient dragons with human avatars. They are older than the humans have been in existence and Neltharion clearly used a human avatar in events that took place at least 14000 years ago in the Dracthyr backstory.

Alex, Malygos, and Nozdormu’s thalassian elf forms don’t really make sense either, since thalassians wouldn’t exist until the founding of Quel’thalas.

Would be cool if they made different customization packs via Trading post.

So you would have a theme for each or several races which would supply new barbershop options. They could be unlocked for everyone for an absurd amount of gold next expac.