Continued Diversity & Representation in Customization

Reminds me how I wanted Kyrian to be playable lol


I am all for Diversity, Representation and Inclusion in video games and particularly WoW!

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What is a “race oriented” political environment? Acknowledging that different racial groups exist? Being concerned about racism?

Because they are, in fact, political issues.

If I were asked to name a controversial political party in the US, I would name the party founded by George Lincoln Rockwell, since they’re very definitely extreme and fringe. Calling either of the two major political parties “controversial” with the implication that the other one isn’t? Simply indicates one’s own bias.

Insert violin heart strings image.
Give me a break with this pathetic me too I’m special and different crap!

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More options are good for everyone!

More options are also good for the game!

It’s all good all around. :sparkling_heart:


That isn’t tons of literature that is just a few nut jobs that are outliers. Stop with the smoke screens, the majority of people aren’t like these individuals.

Strawman argument–no one’s been saying that “the majority of people” are dangerous bigots. But you’ve been acting like hate crimes and racism etc are virtually nonexistent in the United States, and unfortunately that simply isn’t true.


No, it is a policial environment where one group supposedly takes the side of the racial minority, claiming that that group is being disadvantaged due to a series of factors that they intend to fix, while the other group claims that the other group’s claims are made up or grossly exaggerated. This political environment in my opinion is deeply annoying.

A political issue in my opinion is something where people disagree about. Murder is not a political issue, it is a law enforcement issue. Police brutality is against the law and no one seems to want to change that.

Representation is also not a political issue since it is not something that can be done by governmental entities. Also, if you take demographics into consideration the groups that claim to be underrepresented are usually over-represented by an order of magnitude.

Reparations could be a political issue, however due to how hard it is to do such a thing in a non arbitrary way, and due to how unpopular any attempt to do such a thing is, it is usually something just talked about and never acted uppon.

That is where you are wrong. Political parties are controversial by their own nature. It is not possible for a gaming company to ally with any political party in the world without alienating at least half of their player base. That is why companies used to avoid this practice so much.

However due to social media, people in general became more encased in bubbles, and more radicalized, so they not only have the habit of thinking that everyone thinks like them, but they usually consume so much propaganda against the ones outside the bubble that radicalization to the point of putting the health of the company in line for cheap political points becomes common.

I personally dislike every political party in the world just for them being political parties. But like everyone else, I dislike some more than others.


My generation is particularly affected by this. Going after every trend, not thinking for themselves. But instant gratification through Facebook, Instagram and Twitter from “friends”.

I always knew why Wednesday Addams was my spirit animal.

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Because there’s absolutely no way to gain gratification by doing the whole “going against the trend” trend.

I do have to say I am happy we are seeing characters in the story utilizing customization options made available in SL and further driving home the point that Blizzard sees Azeroth as diverse and how that extends to the human skin toned races.

I wonder and hope that we see customization additions to continue what they themselves understood as a goal in SLs when it came to adding more customization.

I guess we shall see :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


Hate crimes are pretty much nonexistent sorry to burst your bubble but minorities are not being attacked by white people on a daily basis, and yes people here have been saying that the majority of “white” Americans are racist bigots, like are you not reading the comments on this thread?

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Like this is what I don’t get, when I log on diversity or the way a character looks is the last thing on my mind. Personally, I like to PvP and the things running thru my mind is what spec or class I am going against and how to properly use my cc’s and burst, I am not thinking:

“I wonder what color that Night Elf is or why isn’t he able to have dread-locks”

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You like to talk over everyone.

Your experience won’t be the same as everyone else’s.

I’m sorry, or maybe I’m thankful(??), that you have apparently managed to live a charmed life where you experience no harm.

Others do.

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grabs champ emote pepe :sparkler:

My family came from Mexico all 8 of us were extremely poor and pretty much wore the same clothes everyday. So no didn’t live a charmed life, with that said my parents raised us to work hard and not blame society for things not going right. When I went to college other people saw that and that is why they accepted me, a person who works hard and doesn’t use race as a crutch.

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I wonder if you can articulate what an AADOS citizen of the U.S is, and not mention it’s required demographic under law.
As long as divisiveness based on facets of people exists, inclusion based on facets of peoples will exist and matter.

Again. Your experiences do not override the experiences of others.

I’m sorry, or maybe I’m thankful(??), that you have apparently managed to live a charmed life where you experience no harm.

It’s fine to recognize issues within society without demonizing society as a whole.

Your words give me the impression you think that by pointing out where society is experiencing as yet unattended issues that somehow that equates to needing to throw the whole society out.

This is not the case.

The other possibility is that like your name might imply you’re just being patronizing. I’d like to think otherwise though.


This is well said. Being an immigrant is far different than being an import, which is how other’s unlike his story conclusion arrived in the U.S

Aside from such errors in thinking made, as the thread is about something far more more contemporary in nature, what hairstyles do you personally prefer in curiosity :blush:

I’d really like to see more dreadlocks but done so they look like they might exist in reality. The cornrows we got leave a lot to be desired.

We could use much more diverse options in hairstyle. Blizzard doesn’t do the best work with frizzled or curly hair, though I understand it’s harder to create.

Lann has had a lot of nice examples in the past and I’m sure if I were home I could provide some that I’ve always been fond of as examples.