Continued Diversity & Representation in Customization

I mean, isn’t this the status quo with white guys in at least America? Much easier to get into jobs with inferior qualifications due to connections and, speaking as one of the white guys, an amazingly touchy sense of entitlement to be treated preferentially and acting like others being treated the same is an attack by a world out to get you?

That’s a big fat old citation needed that there is anything in the source material that is injured by casting some characters differently than some people think they should have. What harm is done to the story by the existence of darker elves and dwarves?

Dunno, if it’s anything like most of the media outrage lately it is due to reactionary racists realizing they can use nerd spaces to recruit for their hate groups using rhetoric like you use here about an imaginary past that was pure white guy fantasy. Frankly many times showing their ignorance of the source material (Oh the many many people crying about ‘woke’ Star Trek is only now are a personal favorite). See Gamergate and Sad Puppies for some examples.

And thusly you are an expert in how it spits on Tolkien’s works.


You keep saying this. You’re talking about LGBTQ people right? Just say that.


These topics never get old. We need more of the SJW religion.
Maybe we can get a topic on creating climate change in the game so all the genz children can feel like they have a purpose in life.


“I love the fact that it was made by the same guy. The new one was what he WANTED to make the first time, but censorship and the higher ups made him do it their way. Plus, now he has the special effects and stuff he needed to make it like HE envisioned it.”


Do you people ever stop crying? My god…

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Cataclysm already happened :wink:

Fury road was pretty much all practical effects.


“They were a lot better than he had access to, when he made the first one.”

“He did a great job. I was glad he got to show the story he wanted to show from the beginning.”

Is that the one where someone died?

“A LOT of people die.”

I meant during filming doing some of the more extreme practical effects.

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“That is possible. I haven’t heard of it yet.”

Ok so you might be unaware but in certain parts of the globe like the US for example, the place where the Blizzard offices are, has a political environment that is very race oriented and subjects like police brutality, representation, reparations and other race related things are constantly being discussed in political terms.

Here in Brazil for example this race narrative is a lot weaker due to the extreme amounts of ethnically diversity, however the police brutality narrative sometimes has a race component.

On the middle of the BLM protests Blizzard started a big wave of virtue signaling moves, and this “increased representation” in game was one of them. Don’t get me wrong, it made the game better, however since it can all be tied to allegiance to a very specific and controversial political party in the US, players who don’t like that political party, for whatever reason, usually don’t like when the company they support keeps pandering to them.

Also, world building is usually something very hard to do retroactively without feeling cheep. For example every time the world map changes to accommodate the new expansion’s continent, that feels cheap since it becomes clear that this land was not thought of initially and was just retroactively added to fit the needs of the new thing that the game is doing now. If feels cheep.

The obnoxious part of the LGBT-community is a part of it but you can find umbrella deflections at every layer of life. It’s not unique to them.

And which part would you say is the obnoxious part?

I’m not aware of any deaths during the production on Fury Road. A stuntman broke his femur during a scene in Mad Max 2/The Road Warrior though. It’s actually in the film. He was supposed to crash his motorcycle into a wrecked car and fly over it, but his feet got caught on the car and sent him somersaulting through the air. Pretty wild accident, but looks great in the film because it was real.

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I’m curious what they mean by that


Same, it’s definitely concerning.


Tbh you’ll find racial issues everywhere. In my country, we brand ourselves as “multi-racial and multi-cultural” but there’s still things like job discrimination, racial insensitivity, and interesting comments. An incident happened last year where a college professor started shouting at an interracial couple in public. It’s a lot to get into and it’s more on the level of reading implicit language, but it’s definitely not as bad as the US.

I don’t think any of that should stop companies from pursuing something like this though, even if people might think it’s forced/cheap. I share the sentiment where I question Blizzard’s intentions and I don’t fully trust them as a corporation, but ultimately giving people options is a good thing. And I also think that seeing different skin color humans in a game is not political. Fantasy is the very place where we can freely introduce such concepts without the same restrictions in the real world. It just requires creativity. It is also consistent with other games that have already done such things without any of the controversy from their community.

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“I agree. I even think purple skinned Humans is just fine too. Not joking. It’s a Fantasy Game, let us have true creative imagination. Let us go wild with customization, and have some real creative fun.”