Continued Diversity & Representation in Customization

We both really always asking the questions that need to be asked!


I’m talking about the source of the issue. Unjustice. Hate. Shame. Insecurity. Forced competence when there is none. The desire to get recognition and believing that the world is out there to get you.

All you people do is look at the surface without looking at the roots and what caused it. It’s not just an external factor. And because I’m also in a helping mood today, I’ll teach everyone some family techniques which will not only boost your confidence but also lessen the hate given out on forums like these ones. And yes, I’m serious about this, so everyone feel free to try it out and practice this your own and post your results in a few weeks. I’ll also discuss why this works and why it has a beneficial effect on everyone.


To change your outlook, you need first to change yourself. And that’s the key here. People, who are constantly negative or see only bad things around them have a few things in common: They cannot praise themselves. I see this on the forums in several forms from various groups every day. And we are going to change this with a simple technique. What these writers always try to force is to gut down men and women for the sake of a revenge game. This alone is already a red flag, because it indicates imbalance on a subconscious level, as my late great grandfather would say. These discussions of oppressed women stems from society and within themselves. And while it is necessary to fight the first one, the later one continues to rotten everything on the way.

The technique is based on repetitions which you say to yourself, until your subconscious mind grows accosted in accepting them after 3-4 weeks of practice. And the kicker is the following: It is for some people hard because they cannot bring themselves to say this.

“I love myself.”
“I am perfect the way I am.”
“I am not afraid of being alone.”
“I am a likable person.”
“I can easily make friends everywhere.”
“I honor everyone.”

These are just some examples but I have seen people struggling with something simple as “I love myself”, because they really don’t like themselves in the end or in what situation they are in. And that’s what one needs to fight. The more often you affirm to yourself, the easier it becomes to accept not only this believe but also find peace within yourself. Find your trigger words (and believe me, you will easily find them when you cannot speak or hear them out without any hitch), record them and put them in a mp3 and listen to this every night while you sleep. The reason why it needs to be recorded by your own voice is simple: The brain registers your voice easier and faster. The subconscious mind will pick this up over time and starts to accept this as the new given form. If you don’t like yourself, then you will start to like yourself. And while this sounds silly at the moment you read this, people do struggle with certain words like love, your looks and so on. Everyone has something else they do not like to confront. Unlike the conscious mind, the subconscious cannot resist any thoughts you feed it, that’s why something like this works over time. This is also how mantras are done, inner strength is won for any situation.

Change your outlook on life and you will be more at peace. It works but it takes time.

People of color are used as poster child to provoke which is the problem. Nobody would care a lot about this otherwise. Just look at the new Tolkien-show. It’s so provocative, so innovative, it breaks norms and leads a way - but it doesn’t in the end, because it’s offensive to its source material. If you don’t honor the past, then you will also not gain the acceptance of the future. And that’s what happened with the show and why people fight so much against it, apparently. I haven’t watched it yet because I simply don’t have the time for it but from what I can tell from friends, it’s just “too much” woke but I’ll need to watch it myself first.

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Seems like a very odd thing to focus on, but ok

 actually they have pretty diverse hairstyles already, and always had. The hairstyles are very unique and over the top and not similar to eachother at all. Unless you are using the “diverse” word in the “real world politics” meaning, which if that is the case, I don’t see any reason for gnomes, dwarves and elves to be designed around human ethnicities at all.

If it is so important for you to have a character that looks like you, that is fine, I play as a cute girl while I’m a semi obese semi bald dude and that is fine. I would never be able to create a character that looks like me in any game at all, because no one wants to look like me. But if you want your character to look like you, great, but you will not be able to do that while playing a gnome or a dwarf since no one in the real world looks like them. So I have no idea why you mentioned gnomes and dwarves.

About Blood elves, yes, they are kinda alien like, but they are close enough, however if you want your character to look like you, a human is probably going to be a lot closer than a blood elf.

Ok, so we are strongly using the very specific political party usage of the word “Diverse”, it is non apologetically meaning “non white”, which is kinda racist
 And yes, there are 4 skin tones that were added for “inclusivity” sake, and they are very weird

Yes, it is extremely odd why you are only allowed to make overweight Kultirans, while on the island almost everyone looks like a normal human. They should stop treating factions as races and just merge the cosmetic options of the 2.

Yes, that is very weird, and so mindbogglingly out of touch. Especially when in real life due to extreme amounts of different ethnicities, it is so easy to find people that have traits that Blizzard is arbitrarily locking away. It is just so cringy.

This one is very funny to me because you can already dress up male characters in very feminine ways, but since they took the lazy route with necklaces, rings and trinkets by making them invisible, they then added other arbitrary jewelry to the barber, which is just such a wasted opportunity.

Now, if they go ahead and make options in the barber to the male characters that look too feminine, they are just going to get the wrath of all non western countries and conservative parents. It is a lazy approach that dealt a hit to their agenda.

And omg body type 1 and 2 is so cringe
 Everyone knows what a male and female body looks like, but they need to cater to the gender ideologues that pretend gender doesn’t exist to virtual signal to trans trenders

The problem with your approach is that it is just never enough. You can add more options, and there will always be more options to add, you can add more reddish tones for native americans, you can add more faces and hair styles for native south americans, you can add options for people in alaska, and there will be always more ethnicities, hairstyles, colors, garments, and more to add.

That is the problem with the idea of representation in games, there is no character creation system that is powerful enough to handle what we have in reality, and even if there was, the vast majority of the players don’t want to play with perfect replicas of themselves anyway. The drive for representation is completely artificial and the only reason it even exists is due to the pressure for racial representation of very specific races in movies.

But yes, increasing the color pallet would be nice, but just because more options is always better, not because of any political BS.

But you just posted 2 hair styles. Oh I forgot that “diverse” means non white. Yes those look nice, thumbs up to add them.


non white skin tones are weird? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Yes, they were added later and they are so far from what was already established for blood elves that just looks off.

Many customizations aren’t represented in the game we’ve seen this with many characters. How do you know that blood elves are established as an entirely white race? Got any citations for that?


All appearances of them in the game so far were basically on a very specific skin tone, and we have access to basically all Blood elves, we can go into their cities and into their houses. They are also present in WC3, and their skin was also described in books when explaining their differences from the night elves, and how the influence of the sunwell made their skin paler.

There is just no way to look at the added skin tones and think “Oh, this has nothing to do with real world politics, they are just trying to represent blood elves as they always were”.

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We have citations for Blizzard calling the options intended to facilitate better representation for players as an oversight on their end and having always seen Azeroth as diverse.

So seems like someone unwilling to accept black and brown people being allowed to exist WoWs setting.


What does any of that have to do with movies including women as main characters for a change, without the focus of said movie being romance or drama?


I think this is where our opinions differ. I don’t find POC provoking. I think we are now opening a dialogue and reserving space for problems that, quite frankly, have always been there.

May I ask how it is offensive? I’ve read Tolkien’s work and while there are no specific citations of darker skinned elves, there is also no source material that explicitly precludes them from existing. If anything, Tolkien has said that elves are set apart by thousands of years and migrations; they exist all over the realm and are not homogenous.

I see what you’re saying here and respect your thought process, but I also think that taking a realistic glance at the past is important. The past is, quite frankly, often a terrible and oppressive space for many diverse peoples around the world. History is not pretty, and it is important to be able to open that dialogue.

The show has lots of problems. I found it dreadfully dull, the CGI was too intense on my eyes, and the storyline was subpar at best. But the show’s problems weren’t because it had diverse cast members. The show failed because of the writing imho.

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You already have women in prominent roles in movies, tv shows and literature who are not just here for some brownie points because of a trend. Current female writers have some internal issues they need to work on and everyone is easily affected by it and how “diversity” is seen as a bad thing, as an end result, when it is used as a vehicle to spew hate and dissonance.

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again this means squat. Warcraft customization is very limited so much so that Lor’themar a character that lost his eye for over a decade had a character model with two eyes when canonically he only had one.

And I argue that they were not added because it saved time on customization as according to blizzard they exist. Just because something is not seen at the time is inequal to it not existing.

This is incorrect from what I know, the sunwell did not do this. They began to change because of disconnection from the well of eternity actually and they lost their purple hue, that’s all that is said in the lore.

"A“After being exiled from the Well of Eternity, the Highborne began to feel the effects of aging and disease. Their skin had even lost its violet hue, and they had begun to shrink in stature. The Highborne feared that the effects would only worsen over time.” -Chronicle Vol 1.

so again where is the source that says there is only white blood elves?

My friend from my perspective the only one making this political would be you.


For people who are racist/sexist/homophobic etc will always see diversity as a problem, no matter how well, or who it was written by.


That is what I was saying in my earlier post. I don’t think there is any source material that explicitly precludes darker skinned elves, and I’ve read the series. I could be wrong but I don’t think there is any.


Only one source suggests they were pale or white skinned and it’s non-canon.

Plus this.



I thought the show was great.

I had fun I loved it and on Twitter there’s a clear disconnect between Tolkien fans and ROP fans and ROP fans kinda have pointed out how a certain group type of Tolkien fans spend all day under anyone’s tweets who enjoy the show lol. So I don’t think it’s universally disliked I think the people who dislike it are just loud. I do think it has an audience.

I know people who are Tolkien fans and loved it, I know people who are Tolkien fans and didn’t like it. But no one I know takes issues w the diversity added thankfully.

I would say I get where you’re coming from though I personally didn’t care for the Star Wars sequels but it was because of the pacing I felt it slow especially the first one, but the issue isn’t because the lead role is a powerful female character. I don’t remember much explanation being why Anakin was the chosen one either and no one took issue w his role. So Rey’s role isn’t an issue for me what so ever.


My brother also thought it was great, and him and I both huge Tolkien fans. He loved it; he thought it was one of the best things on television. I watched it and was like, that was cool, but I probably wouldn’t go back and watch it again. And yeah, it had nothing to do with the diversity that killed it for me. Galadriel’s personality was sometimes off-putting for me compared to how I thought she would behave and I found some pretty big plot holes, but meh. I could ramble.

I have mixed feelings on the Star Wars prequels as well, and even the Star Wars shows. I actually really liked Rogue One, which I’ve heard is one of the most disliked movies in the series. And I loved Rey, but I read the original scripts and I thought they were much better than how the story actually ended. She was supposed to be blinded by Kylo and kill him, and start a new Jedi academy as a blind master. That would have been epic.


I cannot tell it, I haven’t watched the said show yet. I may like it or not, it’s bit too early for me to give an opinion. But form what I have heard, it simply try to provoke too much. I also have heard that the Tolkien Estate does not like the show but I haven’t really followed the drama, because the show simply isn’t something I would watch. I loved the original three movies but I lost interest in the IP very quickly.

I do not think that most people on these forums are capable of this due their lack of emotional responsive behavior and how they react to issues. They simply cannot because they have been trained and educated in certain ways due social media. And I’m with you here, that the past looks terrible but so does our future as well. We make for every two steps forwards three backwards as well, and the worst offender in the “woke” category is the umbrella deflection, which ruined everything.

But what about you? You start calling them names already without understanding their point or try to have a conversation. It’s an instant shut down. What’s your point then in the discussion? Just to call them out and how bad everything is? Why do you think I wrote the short summary in the first place? This is no progression in my eyes, I’m sorry.

I wish you people having fun, it’s bed time here.

This isn’t me trying to be snarky, but I would watch it and form your own opinion first. It sounds a little like you’re basing your perspective on the opinions of others.

Alas, here we are. Crying millenials, trying to build a better future for our kiddos. The past is messy, the future will be messy
 It is why honest conversations are so important. I celebrate Thanksgiving with my family and I acknowledge the horrific past of the holiday. My family and I acknowledge the Indigenous land we are residing on and donate to Indigenous charities every Thanksgiving to try and find a balance between what the older generations in my family feel is right versus what I think needs to be done. The conversations aren’t easy.

I think that these kinds of people and deflections exist in all perspectives unfortunately.


They are the ones trying to shut down conversation. Some people don’t want to hear about why diversity is important. Some people don’t care because they’ve always been able to see themselves in a main character. Some people will deflect and cry about lore even if we already have some options that won’t be removed anyway, so they may as well be added to. If it bugs them that much, they can look for a game where just white people exist.