Continued Diversity & Representation in Customization

I feel like people are also bias to what they grow up w, have the people who are growing up w now the sequels weighed in the conversation, probably not.

I grew up w and prefer the prequels over both the originals and sequels lol

Of course it doesn’t. You are never going to enjoy something as much as you did when you were a child.

I don’t agree with this. Newer movies can still resonate with people as much as movies when they were younger. Bladerunner 2049 was awesome. One of my favorite more recent movies. Mad Max: Fury Road was an incredible addition to that franchise as well, surpassing the earlier films imo. I thought the Star Wars prequel trilogy was awful, not because I was older when I saw them, but because they were genuinely terrible movies.

I don’t like sand.

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I’ve had this discussion in real life a few times.

So here’s the thing. Nothing is ever going to match the way something made you feel, watching it when you were about 10, developing your personality, with good snacks and in a place you felt safe.

That’s why a lot of people love the big cheese movies that may actually be a bit rubbish (I’m not SAYING Star Wars is one). Because it evokes that feeling. And if you go into the newer movies in the franchise expecting them to make you feel the same, you’re going to be let down. Because what makes those movies great isn’t necessarily something that can be captured, even with fantastic writing and great actors and gee whiz special effects (not that most franchise spin offs can claim all of those).


Would rather say bad storytelling from insecure women who try to shoulder the world as they have been told by the media: You must be strong.

Real strength comes only from yourself and you are also the only one who can draw from it. Not the media, not your friends, not what the mass tells. If anyone needs to help you in any regard, then you’re not strong enough, have no confidence and will be a victim your whole life.

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Man, so you’re saying we’re only going to get most of the characters in movies, books and games, more money and all the political power???


What are you even talking about?


The way I said that when they entered the thread bringing up a completely different topic trying to make a false equivalency argument.


I mean
 Yeah, I won’t disagree with this. But that’s politics in general. My post was my shock at the idea that People of Color are somehow “woke”, because “woke” is a new concept whereas POC have been here long before anything else. There are people in this thread genuinely attaching “woke” to People of Color and that is whack to me.

Well, maybe the idea could be to give them more greens then. Blue-greens, natural tones of skin with green undertones, etc. I just hope to see color wheels moving forward.

Something like this could be really cool.

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See that’s perfectly fine because diverse green options make actually work.

I do think diverse colors could work for some races though, like Draenei, Night Elves, and Trolls.

If you mean like the example you posted above I agree, if you mean our irl human skin colours on them nah, they can keep those to the Humans and Elves.


Well for Draenei

I do think there is a way forward w the races you’re speaking of as well yes.


we should be able to mute threads without having to click them and scroll to the bottom of the thread.

I would sell organs to have that diversity in our customizations. Organs, I tell you.

Thanks for the insight, I hope Blizzard looks into it for you.

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No matter how many diversity changes they make for the diversity obsessed, it’ll will never be enough. Thus it’ll never stop, male and female were considered offensive thus it was changed to body types one and two, but then that’ll be offensive, we wont have black enough characters, etc etc etc. This mindset never has a ending because the progressives must always make “progress” to feel like they have value.


More skin tones would only benefit everyone.

More options to make your character look how you want, customizations are content in constant use, and more variety means your personal character looks a little less samey.

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What’s up w all the low post count history people all being against this thread I wonder.

No matter just interesting how certain topics engage the forums I suppose.

In any case hopefully Blizzard moves back to customization now that Dracthyr are out.


I was just going to ask the same thing. I wonder how many are alts.


[quote=“Gulkas-barthilas, post:667, topic:1400172”]
Three of the four highest grossing star wars movies are the sequels.

I get where you’re at, now do it in adjusted dollars. Or if you don’t wanna go the long way, consider this:

in 1977 $100.00 = $493.89 in early 2022.

in 2022 dollars, A New Hope made $1,517.815MM