Continued Diversity & Representation in Customization

That’s worldwide.

As far as inflation, I can’t really comment. But let’s be honest, we’re talking about the 7-9th in a sci fi series at a time when there’s more sci fi media than ever before whereas when it came out it was totally revolutionary.

Either way, the sequels beat the prequels and the context to that is the number of movie tickets sold have gone down steadily by roughly 40% since 2000. My point was more that the idea that Star Wars is somehow dying is complete crap. It’s bigger today than it was 20 years ago.


Terrible idea, goblins for example are supposed to be green so giving them racial skin tones is just a stupid idea. You can have diversity where it actually makes sense and works in the humanoid races but adding all that to every single race is just a terrible idea and luckily one Blizzard will never implement.

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Do people go to the movies anymore?

Like, since I can watch movies at home via Paramount + or w/e streaming service I use, I never go to the movies.

Come to think of it the last movie I went to was in like when I was a teenager and I just turned 30.

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Except we’re not. Some races just go from pasty pale (with several variations of pasty pale) to dark black with no middle ground at all. What’s wrong with some middle ground being added in? Tans and browns.


Poor men being sidelined after nearly every story revolving solely around them and women legit being used as nothing more than props to advance a male story. Boohoo.


It was down 32% by 2018 and there was an event that slightly lowered theatre attendance the next year.


When will we get our turn???


Fair enough and honestly my biggest gripe with the movies is you always have someone… SOMEONE that brings a baby.

The baby cries and cries and cries and ruins the entire movie. I get it some folks can’t get a sitter but holy cow it gets super annoying.


You took the words right out of my mouth! Very well thought out and 100% truth!

I agree I believe the poster replied with something ridiculous like saying:

“There are still people who believe the South should have won the Civil War”

My god for the life of me, like for real where are these people. This is the same gaslighting I see on certain news networks. People manufacturing a “boogeyman” that doesn’t exist. I am a darker skinned hispanic who lived in Kansas, Nebraska, and Texas and I never saw any of this behavior let alone someone telling me that they thought the South should have won The Civil War.

This is why we can’t have a civil debate because people like that make up outrageous things or call other racist when they disagree.

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I’d pay extra for a movie session or flight without babies ngl.

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Same. I know it sounds bad but it’s just… if the baby starts crying take them out to calm them down or if you can’t find a sitter don’t go. The movie is gonna be there regardless and can be watched pretty easily now.

But I digress. Babies on a plane I get it if they have to travel and their ears pop but there should be ways to calm them down easily.


I am not surprised based on your name calling and other posts that you wouldn’t understand how hard it is to parent a young child.

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Go watch the Checkmate, Lincolnites! series on YouTube. It consists of about 15 45 minute episodes of a historian responding to claims made by neo-confederates in his comments section. They 100% exist.


No they don’t this is what you call an outlier. You can find 1 or 2 of just about anything, that doesn’t make it the norm. I see what you tried to do there and I will not let you get away with it.

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Each video includes dozens of posts left by different people.

Yes they do.


No it doesn’t once again an exaggeration. If you look hard enough you can find just about anything on the internet. I bet you could find people who think Santa is real and the Earth is flat, you trying to be slick amigo but I won’t let it happen.

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Never, men are now to be oppressed forever.


I suppose I agree with this. I think the issue for a lot of people is that the newer stuff just doesn’t resonate with them the way the originals did when they were kids. I certainly feel this way. Couldn’t get into the newer movies at all (Rogue One being the exception). The Mandalorian is pretty good I guess, but yeah the newer movies just do nothing for me. /shrug

So I agree saying it’s a dead franchise monetarily speaking is silly. It’s pretty much dead to me in spirit though, sadly.

There is tonnes of literature available on the neo-confederate movement. Here are some organisations, which have magazines, public events, newsletters, you name it.

I mean the klan are literally neo confederates. Do they exist?

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