Continued Diversity & Representation in Customization

No one has asked for infinite skintones, just a bigger variety for the human toned races. Some additional hair would be nice as well, all kinds of hair. Some races got quite a few extra, and some got barely any, so it’d be nice to see the races who were relatively neglected get some more love.

And it’s not like anyone is demanding it be done tomorrow or anything. It will take time to do, but we can still ask for what we’d like to see.


then we’ll have to disagree. permanent character customization is a good allocation of resources. warcraft customization is incredibly barebones and behind many games.


ya know black and brown cultures have a lot of different skin colors and hairstyles that look really good that i’d like to see in the game. not for any kind of political reason. they’re just cool hairstyles. who cares?! white skin tones are fine but dark ones and hairstyles are somehow fantasy breaking


I think the important thing is that different people have different ideas and interpretations about how diversity and inclusion should be included, and that’s ok.


“The saying that comes to mind, often, in these threads…”

“You can please all of the People some of the time, and you can please some of the people all of the time, but you can’t please all the people all of the time.”

“Such a true lesson, that everyone needs to learn. IMHO.”


I am quite content now. I just found this thread to be a worthwhile proposition. Nothing wrong with more requests for things.


As long as it doesn’t preclude you having fun and being happy with what’s in-game now, Fair enough.

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Fair enough that we’ll disagree, and I hope you still have fun with this little escape from the real world.

Fair call. Also, I may be hair-biased…as I have none. It just appears to me after reading a great deal of these posts, that there are some that are asking for infinite skin-tones, or they’re ‘not being represented’. (like the OP, for example)
If you can’t find one out of the existing skin tones, you’re just looking for some reason to not be happy.

I’ve been working on this for the last two months, so presumably Blizzard could get it done in maybe a month and a half.

It’s hard work out here. :hot_face:

The problem with woke is how damaging it is on both sides. Either you have the umbrella-people, who deflect every criticism with “you’re offensive and a bigot” or the people, who dislike how the trend has ruined many things and did not had any progression at all. Forced spoon-feeding is a problem.

And yet Star Wars take a massive blow and was only restored through the TV shows. The MCU, or shall we call it “M-She-U”, how people express their dislike, also took a massive hit in popularity and reviews. I haven’t seen every of the new movies or tv shows but I do wonder why they introduce so many new female characters and abandon the already established one the people love already? I can see why men feel sidelined with the current phase but like I said, I haven’t seen all of it. This She-Hulk show is apparently super awful. If you force something to happen, then it will never be accepted. And that’s also the same with forced diversity and representation for the simple sake of it but not because it would work.

Diversity and representation comes natural. This is why, I think, people have massive problems with these discussions. And the more forceful you act and get supported, the bigger the resistance and non-acceptance will be. The biggest whiners are also the most helpless people, which is why they report everything as soon as possible, because they crave power and self-confidence which they clearly lack.

That’s the best take-away opinion so far. Diversity must make sense, just adding them because “we are so progressive!!” will only backfire massively. The developers made the first step with the human customizations which works, because this was long overdue.


I agree with this, and my main problem is not that they are trying to satisfy the liberal people, its that they are broadcasting openly the reason they are making certain changes is FOR the liberal people. Clearly in the Dragonflight announcement roundtable with wotlk they made this absolutley clear. Instead of taking the feedback and making the changes so players could decide on their owm that for example, a dracthyr, would be a very diverse race with a plethora of customizations, they worded it in the announcememt so particular towards the LGBT community i kind of said, and what about the rest of us?

They can make changes to the game without saying subtly or point blank that those changes are representing a certain group of people. Want darker skin tones? Advertise you’ve expanded the customization to include a wider range of tones so that players have more options for creating a character they feel they relate to, but when you talk about making all these changes to the game specifically to make it more diverse and inclusive, its offputting. Not everyone lives in California, and because we disagree with the way things might be there, it doeant mean we’re intolerant or hateful, it just means that in a video game, i would think the majority of players want a company neutral to politics and influence and heavily inveated on lore and content…it might just be me, but i feel like Blizzard is fighting a two way battle between quality content and appeasing a fractured playerbase. When you mix OG players and millenials, thats two different generations with two different ideologies and youre not going to make everyone happy.

And i know I’m about to get massively attacked here by the LGBT community, because these days no one can just debate and have a difference of opinions, but know this, i don’t have any issues with the content they are providing, it lies in the fact they are openly forcing and broadcasting Azeroth to take a more Californian culture direction, you can especially feel that when they justified the horde and alliance conflict being less meaningful outside of structured PvP. Either way, i dont fault Blizzard, if someone jad the amswer to make everyone happy, they should be running for President to mend this country instead of running a video game.

Sorry for all the typos, my phone’s autocorrect isnt on.


How so? What exactly did they say that was “particular towards the LGBT community”? And what exactly do you want Blizzard to provide for “the rest of us” AKA cisgender heterosexual people, that isn’t already being provided?

It’s only offputting to people who are–for some reason–hostile to diversity and inclusivity. People who, despite how loud and vocal they are, are increasingly becoming the minority as society progresses.

California really isn’t this huge liberal bastion some of you make it out to be. Not only does it depend greatly on which part you’re living it, it’s a state that’s had governors like Ronald Reagan and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

You’re making it sound like beliefs around these issues fall neatly into generational categories, and they don’t. I’ve been playing since vanilla, I’m Gen X, and I welcome more inclusivity and diversity. There are plenty of older people who feel the same. And plenty of millennials (and zoomers) who don’t.

If someone is “attacking” you, that’s against forum rules and you can report them. LGBT people disagreeing with you is not automatically “attacking” you.

Not sure I understand what you’re trying to say here, but it seems self-contradicting. You don’t have issues with the content provided, but you don’t like that they’re “forcing” something in Azeroth, in their own game?

This is a separate issue that it seems you’re conflating with this one. Two things you don’t like about the game aren’t necessarily connected.

Who do you fault then…the LGBT community?

The answer isn’t in making everybody happy, as that’s simply not possible. There has never been universal happiness when society has progressed. There are still people who believe the South should have won the Civil War.


Of all you wrote, herein lies my greatest issue with society today, and its trickling into every aspect form music to films to gaming. You’re here outright criticising people who do not agree with something, you label them hostile. You seem to champion the concept of people with a difference of belief than you as a hostile minority. But, we all know history repeats itself, what happens when the hostile people you clearly dont like become the minority and start fighting (politically) for their beliefs and traditions to be upheld? Advocating for people who dont think like you or live like you to be lesser humans is dangerous, and if and when the woke ever becomes the majority, you will be loud and vocal when the religious and traditional strive to attain their rights back. Every country in the history of earth repeats this cycle unending, and our era is no different.

I choose not to address the rest of your post because in your first two paragraphs assuming I’m hostile means my point is proven as far as not being able to debate or have a difference of opinion than you.


Can you provide some articles/quotes where you felt that way? Cause other than the Overwatch diversity tool controversy, I don’t recall an official source that made such statements.

I mean, removing the choices of male and female options during character creation were a pretty obvious sign, in my opinion, the changes pre/post dragonflight were intended for the more liberal crowd.


False equivalence. You’re equating people who find marginalized people obtaining equal rights and representation “offputting”, with marginalized people themselves.

Yes, history does repeat itself. That’s why people like me–queer, Jewish, and female–get concerned when we see the same indifference and/or opposition to inequality that led to atrocities in the past.

Then why do you expect people who “dont think like you or live like you”, aka LGBT people, to accept lesser treatment and stop expecting representation? Don’t you find that “dangerous”?

For one thing, many of us so-called “woke” are religious. For another thing, people who are “religious” and/or “traditional” have not had their rights taken away simply because other people have finally had their rights respected more. You’re treating human rights and equality like a zero-sum game when it isn’t.

You’ve strongly implied yourself that you find diversity and inclusion–at least in Warcraft–to be “offputting”.

If you don’t like the word “hostile”, fine, but it seems like a strange excuse to bow out of debate (especially as you don’t even really need an excuse to decide not to debate something further).

One suspects any and all pushback is easily classified as “see there’s no debating with you people”. Personally, I think we’re currently debating just fine.


Three of the four highest grossing star wars movies are the sequels.


It’s ruining so much media. You can’t even make fantasy races anymore cause everyone demands you include every single human race in every fantasy race. It’s immersion breaking and stupid.


Curious, does that chart adjust for inflation? Because movie tickets weren’t $12 in 1977, which can skew the results quite a bit.

According to wikipedia, the original film’s box office returns = $775.8 million, which is more than double what your chart shows.