Continued Diversity & Representation in Customization

It is a video game, if playing Green Orcs and Purple Draenei isn’t diverse enough for you then maybe you aren’t logging on to play the game. I would be okay for more customization, but when you put for “diversity” it just makes me cringe. This isn’t real life, we log on to get away from people trying to tell us how to think and what to think.

BTW, I am not the only one disagreeing with you. I think Blizzard has catered enough and you need to just be happy with what the game is. If it bothers you that much create your own game and let the rest look forward to the 28th.

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You stand for brown and black people

That statement alone tells me you are disingenuous. Nobody speaks like this, just say you want more options. Why do you feel the need to virtue signal and portray yourself as some hero for minorities?

I think we’ll be seeing more diverse options from additional skin tone options to hair styles when they address customizations again.

Bringing up what they already said was important to them is pertinent to remind them to continue on the path they started on. If that bothers you that sounds like a you issue.

You came to a thread I made bothered. Your stance doesn’t bother me you’re bumping the thread okay go ahead do your thing let people see who you are and what you’re about, but make no mistake the only one bothered here is you.


Go and read the other posts, many people on your thread disagreed with you and almost said the same thing I did verbatim. Now you are just making stuff up. I think people in this country are tired of being told America is racist and inherently unaccepting of minorities. As an immigrant myself this is further from the truth.

To have more options as the current situation on human skin toned races we see disparity in that regard from skin tone selection to hair styles yes. Now you’re understanding.

I’m a brown person of color and proud of that does that bother you? Lots of people speak like this, and in a thread where I’m specifically pointing out options lacking I find it pertinent yeah, context matters right.


Thread simply asking for more hairstyles and skin tones gets flagged. Totally not people being racist. Not at all. It can never be that.



Is that racist orc still typing stuff?

Holy cow #cringe

Nooo never… not at all. XD


I wish.

/10 char

You are speaking from your very new immigrant experience but American history tells a different story. People don’t change so easily and the foundation that the US was built on racism. In fact you can thank the Civil Rights Movement for how you have been treated thus far.


It is amazing how the forums could still surprise me. I cannot believe that people think that adding diversity to customizations is somehow a “woke” value, as if people of color are “new” and “political” ideas to them. This is ridiculous. Add extra skin tones to every race, who cares? It’ll be good for the game.


I guess we’ll see if it gets restored again since it’s already been flagged before lol

I cited the exact article and quote where Blizzard themselves spoke on representation so lol some people take issue I guess


The whole world appears to have devolved into a “race to the bottom” of victimhood status. Some people live to be offended, and those people are best left to themselves.
It’s a fantasy game. Dragons aren’t real. Orcs aren’t real. Elves aren’t real. Tauren aren’t real. I’m going to take the low road of some folks around these boards and say, “If ‘x’ doesn’t meet your standard, this game may not be for you.”

I’d rather Devs spend their time balancing classes, creating dungeons, and making sure servers are stable than their whole time making an extra 40 shades of Orc and 59 different nose rings.

Suspension of Disbelief, folks…look it up.


Exactly why it would be okay to give diverse skin tones to all races. Heck, even go into the blues/purples/greens.


You’re clearly not gonna be happy till you get your way.

Again: Only so many hours in a day…do you want 40 different spell animations and new zones to explore, or 40 different colors of Orc?
Me, I prefer the former to the latter and if you don’t, that’s your call, it’s a free country.


You know they have more than one artist right? In fact they have multiple artists in charge of various different tasks. There are people who focus on character design, some on armor, some on environmental aspects, some on special effects.

It’s not just one person sitting there drawing as fast as they can when blizz shouts “Hey art peon, drop the new zones and do customization!”


the art team creates new npc models all the time, every patch to be exact. so it’s always funny when people try to argue that adding a new skin color is this unfeasible thing.


And they do not have an unlimited amount of resources, either. Blizz has just so many resources to assign, and you can either pay 25$ a month, or 15$ and direct their talents in order of priority. You want 50 more artists working on characters, or 50 more level designers working on zones?

The “all things to all people” game would be cost-prohibitive to the point of extinction.
The character appearance area is nice up to a point, but before long, is just a waste of resources.

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I didn’t say ‘unfeasible’, I claim it’s a fairly unimportant area of resource allotment.

Yeah I have to laugh when people act like one aspect of the game being worked on will wreck the whole rest of the game. There are teams within teams within teams, and skin colors is one of the least problematic things to ask for as far as resources go.