Continued Diversity & Representation in Customization

You’re just overly simplifying it for the sake of arguing at this point.
Post ideas, post hopes, post dreams. Post until your fingers fall off. Just don’t expect to get everything you ask for. When you don’t get it, don’t cry. When you do get it, be happy instead of asking for more. That’s the real point here.

I’m not saying you are doing these things, but it’s the point people are trying to make.

Tbh idk how to argue any of that because it feels pointed at specific people you have beef with

Makes sense. I’m just playing the neutral party and have no beef. I just play the game and use the options that are given to me. I ask for no more or less than to have something that lets me escape for a little while.

Yeah I mean that’s what I do as well, but I also like to dwell in the what ifs for fun. Especially when I compare WoW to what other games have done when it comes to how they write their stories and some of the character customization options. I know there’s limitations due to the old engine and all.

Like imagine this :stuck_out_tongue:

So anyways.

Still going to ask Blizzard to continue what they started and add more diverse options for our characters, both in skin tones, hairstyles, facial features and allowing further unlocks to parts of that system that are, well, locked off.


A reminder that the devs aren’t funding the game themselves, players are. We pay to play, and buy expansions. There’s nothing wrong with wanting them to put some of those funds into aspects we enjoy.


OMG Diversity! Yes! Slay kween!

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Actually you can’t argue that. Because we know what skin tones they have Blizzard has commented on the more inclusive options and said adding them has been an oversight.

So you quite literally can’t argue against black and brown Blood Elves Tiffany.

Like did you really think you were doing something w that line lol? Because it’s actually you that can’t argue against the diverse options we see on Elves. But you certainly have been trying that’s for sure and you’re right that does tell us all we need to know.


The fact that OP made a fairly concrete post- with pictures and examples yet still gets people saying “NAH” to just asking for more customization options… after they said they wanted to do that… :man_facepalming:


Your changing the subject again. I mentioned real life orcs and elves and once again you are twisting my words to fit your argument which you can’t win. But hey, prove me wrong. Show us examples of real life orcs and elves of any color. Of course you won’t because there are none. You will just do what you always do, claim I said something I never said and argue against that.

This is no different than going on the Fox site and trying to tell people there are no Lizard people trafficking immigrants through pizza joints or Liberal space lasers starting wild fires in California. They will claim you came out against motherhood and apple pie then call you a bleeding heart commie.

Extremists on the left and right are like peas in a pod.

And you’re bothered by Blizzards portrayal of pixel fantasy elves allowing brown and black people to exist.


That’s what I’m taking away from this poor attempt of trying to sound like you’re doing something w this one line about “real life” elves. The human skin toned races in WoW allow black and brown people to have options as well now, get over it or don’t but your argument is lacking and the gotcha moment you think you’re having is non existent.

I’ll keep asking for more diverse options like I showed in my OP.


Do you guys remember when draenei got a purple skin tone that doesn’t look like any of their past skin tones? Or how about the black nelf skin tone? Or when Pandaren got blue fur?

Curious how no one makes a big fuss out of those and how they’re not “lore friendly.”


A fair question then. Why were you so extremely against Alliance High Elves to begin with, which would also fit into the importance of representation? Because you’re basically on the other side of the garden wall now, where people want the characters to let them have their uniqueness before anyone gets mashed up together. What gave you a reason to switch the sides, out of the sudden?

But I’m glad that you made the right choice with this topic.

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The race already exists on the Horde.

There’s people who want diverse options for humans but don’t want humans as a Horde race because that detracts from visual distinction on that faction.

Let’s not make this high elf thread like you always do either. This is the beginning and end of my responses to you w that.


Lemme jump in here.

Because they added nothing new to the game. They’re already existing.

I’m a fan of giving all races all classes (but only that way, no pick and choosing winners and losers, open it all up) But I’d be against it if they made a class named say “Fighter” that was just a complete copy of warriors as it’s not a new class, it’s just repetition of an existing asset and pretending it’s adding to the game.


I don’t bother with the High Elf topics anymore, because it’s a done deal anyway. But color me surprised when I see your name popping up in an apparently 10 day old topic I haven’t seen before and the sudden interest in character representation, although you fought so much against the very similar topic years ago.

All power to you and the topic, but it’s quite strange to see such a good topic coming from you, to be honest. More representation across all races, yes, but don’t overdo it.

I HATE helf threads, so all I’m gonna say about this is high elves are not needed at all for representation of irl human races. That’s what HUMANS could be used for. Alternatively, other races can also get more face and hair options that still make them look like they are something other than white. I’ve seen multiple void elf edits where the character still has blue skin but due to the facial features and hair/tendrils they look like other real life races.


There’s a big difference between not supporting High Elves.

And not supporting diverse options on human skin toned races period.

I’d ask you to be serious but you’ve also compared asking for high elves to LGBTQ+ people fighting for rights in the past so I don’t really expect that from you.

But I do expect you to at least stay on topic.