Continued Diversity & Representation in Customization

I see what you’re saying about the fat thing, I never rolled a Kul’Tiran for that reason but that’s their representation in the game! That’s THEIR look, their culture that’s in a fantasy game. No harm in asking for skinny Kul’Tirans but if that’s how they are represented as THIER race/culture in a video game, why should I get upset that I can’t have a skinny Asian to represent my persona.

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To be fair, based on the body proportions and facial structure of the males, I believe they are neandertals and not humans anyways.

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Yeah, but my 10% rep buff :frowning:

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That may explain some things with the plot…

Too bad. Humans =/= fantasy so removed.

(btw if it isn’t obvious I’m just being mischievous lol I don’t want humans removed)


This thread slowed way down, at first I thought it was the fact we were being nice to each other and having a logical discussion. Then, I noticed the realms all came back online.

See you in game my friends.

The servers were down?

Unless you worded this extremely poorly you’re straight up saying there should be a limit to how much diversity is represented. Why are you acting like you didn’t dude?

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You are represented, though. There’s are trolls ingame, right?

I’m not advocating for Narue but you are definitely taking his comment out of proportions. As an outside observer, I see how you interpreted it but based on other comments made by Narue, it was not a definitive “no more” scenario.

There is a representation and expectation of this fantasy world of how these characters are supposed to look INSIDE the game. If you dilute them with too much external, non-relative inclusion, you start to remove their very nature and individuality represented in the game… and it’s just a game.

Imagine being upset people want more diverse options. Couldn’t be me, and also couldn’t be any less of a moot point when Blizzard themselves already support and started the ball rolling on these kinds of options FOR this specific reason of facilitating more representation.

They spoke on it. Called the lack of diversity in customization an oversight up to this point as well. So this thread and its request while recognizing the importance of stuff like this is also just continuation of whats already started in SL. Meanwhile everyone else arguing against the options or bothered by black and brown people existing are stuck in some other year, we’ve quite literally moved on from their arguments what they’re arguing against now I guess is continued diverse options? Which is sad. Because I can’t imagine not standing in solidarity w people.

Once again I’m taken back to this post being so so accurate


Why does there need to be a limit though? When it comes to fantasy, you can create all sorts of characters, stories, worlds, and concepts. The sky isn’t even the limit. It goes beyond that.

Like I said, it is impossible and unreasonable to ask for every genetic diversity in humanity to be represented in the game. It’s a massive undertaking and it isn’t realistic. It is never going to happen. I’m making a statement based on the reality of the situation. In no way did I say no further customization in the game should be added. At some point we have to be content with what there is and understand there isn’t an exact option for exactly what each of us want to have. I don’t feel represented in this game at all and I’m okay with that. I’m not playing this game to emulate reality.

They need to consider how they fit into the game world at large as well. Don’t tell me it is quite strange to quest through all of the Blood Elf areas in the game, see all of their leaders and major lore characters. They all have a distinct appearance that makes them look like a BE. Then suddenly you have a dark skinned BE running around, but they don’t exist in the game world at large. That’s just adding diversity for the sake of it. If you’re going to add it, do something meaningful with it. Add some kind of story. Just don’t throw people in as tokenism.

Because this is reality and there is only so much man power and money a company will and can expend. I don’t know why people are so unbelievably unrealistic.

Maybe blood elves cannot be black because they aren’t human beings.

Shocking, I know. But let’s frame this another way: should there be an option to assign, say, common eastern-Asian physical attributes to a tauren? No? Well then, there’s your answer, OP.


This is what people don’t understand. They don’t like the fantasy world and the rules in place, so they want it changed to reflect the real world. If a person doesn’t like the fantasy world they are engaged in and don’t like why races are the way they are, find one that does. Don’t try to make the world bend to them.

lol @ “lore” okay buddy.

What lore explain why we wiggle our fingers and a flippin DRAGON emerges out of nowhere?

What lore explains why our MOTORCYCLES were afraid of the Maw at launch?

What lore explains why we can’t fly at the start of expansions (one exception being Wrath’s cold weather flight)?

Come on. More customization should never be a problem in a video game =/

People gotta be real fragile to be butthurt about x fictional race getting z customization because the “lore” doesn’t make sense.

Our most recent big bad was a broken robot – let’s get the lore business out of our heads because it’s long gone lol.


I get this a lot. I’ll say one thing which someone realizes they can’t argue against so they invent something else and claim I said it.

For example I pointed out that we don’t know what different skin colors real life orcs and elves have. You can’t argue against that so you make believe I said something against people of color then you argue against that.

Meanwhile someone on the right who really can’t stand diversity talks about how they are bothered by the word “woke” which means wake up and see the evidence of attacks on people of color. That’s another true statement no one can argue against.

So of course the people on both wing tips are unhappy with what I said. Typical of what a moderate has to deal with while dealing with radicals on either the left or right.


How is that unrealistic? Are you expecting for all this to be delivered by tomorrow itself? Are you trying to use the existing tools instead of thinking of new ways of doing things? E.g. sliders? And even if we focus on what we currently have, sharing more existing hair options between races will create a greater variety of customization options?

Look, I admire your fantastical view that all is possible if we all just put our minds to it. I really do, but that isn’t the world we live in. That isn’t how companies are run. That’s not how they make a profit. If more customization in whatever flavour they wish to add will bring them money and make sense financially, then expect to see it. Otherwise, don’t get your hopes up.

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Do I gotto look at a companies balance sheet to post about ideas now?