Continued Diversity & Representation in Customization

I was about to say didn’t you just post this but I see the delete up there and the addition.

Carry on.

So you’re saying they should all be horrible inbreds at this point

Yeah haha. I decided to do that instead of have all of those edits to tidy it up.

All good. I’ll read through it etc now that you got it fixed up how you like. :slight_smile:

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No, that’s not what it means. You can be isolationists but still have enough numbers for you all to not be related directly by blood. That’s a pretty ridiculous statement to make. There are thousands of examples that can be given in the real world to tell you that statement is incorrect.

Do people really sit at the character creation screen and fume about not being able to create a character that looks like them in real life, in a fantasy game? I’m Latino with a darker complexion IRL, built more like an Orc than a human in terms of physique, and most of what I play are Caucasian skin toned female characters in this game. :rofl:

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So you’re against people of color existing in WoW and are bothered by the call for more diversity. Got it.

That’s all you needed to say.

Instead of this

I’ll once again echo this bcz pertinent to the point of so many odd arguments from certain players that tell us exactly who they are but at the same time a great way to end those arguments.


I feel the same way. I want to play something that ISN’T like me. It’s why I enjoy fantasy worlds. It does seem important for a lot of people to create an avatar that represents them, and that’s okay too, but at what point do we stop? We don’t need every single human genetic diversity found in the real world in the game. Azeroth isn’t our world.

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When people stop asking for stuff.

Do you go to other threads asking for extra customisation options and tell them they should stop asking for it? Or is it specifically this one?


Nowhere did I say people should stop asking for cosmetic options. Focus on what is written, not the narration you created in your head. That doesn’t lead to any kind of productive discussion, only poop slinging.

This was well said. This is a fantasy game, with fantasy characters. It’s always the humans, gnomes, dwarfs and elves. How often do you see someone say they want more diversity in the Orc or Undead to better represent them in real life? As soon as a game creator makes something human-like, the crazies come out and start screaming diversity and representation.

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I’ll ask for what i want to see in game instead of crying over diversity existing.


Sorry, you just said they shouldn’t get them. Same question, do you go into other threads to say they shouldn’t get more options?


Super inbred elves

You heard it here first folks

Yes that’s what I mean. It isn’t just humans people want changed. I’m not against that idea. Humans are diverse, but now we’re adding that diversity to races that by their nature just don’t have it. I think the Kul’Tiran darker skin tones was a great direction, just too bad they’re all fat.

Exactly. It never hurts to ask. It just bugs me when people berate the game creators for not creating real-world representations in a completely fantasized world.

Can you please copy and paste the exact statement I made saying that no more cosmetic options should be added please? What you quoted there isn’t the statement I made. The reality is it isn’t possible to add every single human genetic trait into the game. Anyway, you’re on the attack instead of actually listening to what people are actually saying, so nothing productive is going to come out of this. I won’t continue the discussion.

Easy solution.

Remove humans from the game. We don’t need em. It’s a fantasy game after all.


People just need the urge to bring real life into the game by being humans

smh my head



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