Continued Diversity & Representation in Customization

This is a fictional game made of 0’s and 1’s why does everything have to revolve around this bullcrap wokeness topic. play the game or don’t. Soon they will have to include trans taurens who identify as female gnomes. This is what happens when we give people participation trophies and coddle them.


They won’t be satisfied, no matter what Blizzard gives them.


Preach amigo! People sometimes don’t get just how good they have it!

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So anyway after shoving even more people onto my ignore list…

I hope they add more options in the future. More options are good.


This is my point, you don’t want to debate or hear what others feel or say. So you name call and ignore, guess everyone who disagrees with you is racist, right?

BTW, why is your profile hidden, I could answer that for you but why?

FYI whatever he is saying I can’t see.

The word “woke” is urban slang for “wake”. It was originally used in the context of “wake up and look at the cell phone videos, the intolerables are gunning us down”.

For example, “woke” would apply to what happened at the LGBTQ club in Colorado. Apparently many people are against the idea of us waking up to that problem.

Makes you wonder why?


LMAO what utter nonsense.

I think most players are fine with extra skin tones but only want what reality has - two genders. Just accept it and move on. No need to break with tradition. Keep it normal.


I’m still waiting for skinny Kul Tirans.

Diversity got us free gender changes at the hair shop. So i am all on board with this and more.

Like why stop at gender? your race should also be able to be changed at a hair dresser!

Also orcs would look dope with some african style headcuts.


I heard about what happened that is super sad what happened to those folks.


Give orcs eyebrows too and trolls beards.


Hot take, as a visible minority. who cares? im playing a fantasy game to escape real life homie.

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Sorry but I don’t think anyone in these forums actually care about your ignore list.

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People sure do seem to get mad over more customization options

Wonder why


Aren’t you one of those people w an issue w this thread Tiffany

Like for example


Oh and again here.

But at least you recognize the problem I just wonder if you have the self awareness to realize your posts fit the vibe in the post where described the problem.

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It’s a mystery, Batman.

FYI I like that set on orc it looks cool.

That is not a contradiction. I stand by all of those statements. I believe it’s wrong to gun people down because of the color of their skin or their gender orientation but by the same token crying about the game not having all the skin colors of real life orcs and elves is just foolish.

I suffer from the plague of being a moderate in the day of the singing wing tips.

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I’m not against diversity. I myself am a member of a marginalized group, but here is my thoughts on it. There is a trend today to take fantasy worlds and try to modernize them and make them look like our world. This is completely against what fantasy worlds are. They have their own established rules and lore. It is this world that we can escape into and enjoy, getting away from our own world and reality. These worlds are disappearing and being dismantled as they keep trying to reshape them. The whole point of a fantasy world is to escape the reality that we live in for a while.

Let me provide an example, and I’m sure people will chime in to call me a racist. Do you know why High Elves have pale skin? They magically mutated over the generations after separating from their dark skinned cousins. They are isolationists with little to no genetic diversity. Then all of a sudden we have deep brown skinned Blood Elves. It’s great for diversity, but it doesn’t fit into this fantasy world at all. They were thrown in without any explanation as to why they came to be. It creates a disconnect and people lose their attachment to the established world and lore that we have been enjoying for decades. It is rewriting the universe without actually providing a reason, and so it dilutes the fantasy world itself.

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