Continued Diversity & Representation in Customization

Hispanics are not switching to Latinx, it is white liberals who came up with the term. You are obviously not telling the truth when it comes to being hispanic yourself.

The things we are concerned about is work, family, and going to mass on Sundays, please stop making posts that are flat out false.

BTW, it isn’t known how can it be known if an Orc or Elf is dark or light skinned when they are FICTIONAL, which means they aren’t real.

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The hispanics I’ve known are usually a little more “spicy” when they talk about themselves. I don’t think I’ve ever heard one call themselves “hispanic” usually it’s something I’d get banned for typing here.

People in the real world don’t take this stuff seriously unless they’re sitting across from the company HR lady.

Because people like the OP will never be satisfied, if Blizzard did this then people would find something else to be offended by.

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I don’t, IRL that would be freaking weird. But for these forums I do for context, and yes Latinx for us is asinine.

Imagine someone who isn’t hispanic telling me how hispanics speak?

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This is my point, I don’t need you speaking for me. Why do others who aren’t brown or black feel the need to speak for us?

To be fair, I’m not hispanic myself. And I don’t speak a lot of Spanish either. I don’t even speak Muskogean. Yep. I fail at my own ethnicity. :roll_eyes:

Or red.
It’s just not fun unless we have the Oppression Olympics? I dunno.

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Don’t speak for everyone. People play games for multiple reasons.


man I really should go and buy dragonflight soon. the people in these threads give me a headache and maybe that would get me away from the forums.

I will speak for everyone, we play to PvE or PvP it is that simple. I don’t log on to WOW to find something to nitpick at. There comes a point where we need to realize that no matter what Blizzard does people will never be satisfied.

Where are the Asian-looking faces that were on Shadowlands’ BlizzCon?

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That doesn’t diminish the importance of more representation that other people seek.

You’re literally speaking over and for everyone. Your experience doesn’t negate other people seeking representation. Period.

I’m Asian, specifically a brown South East Asian, so you need to calm down w the “you’re speaking for us” as you try to literally diminish others experiences and speak for them.


I honestly think this is someone just trying to shut down the conversation based on the things they’re saying, and spam like way they’ve chosen to respond.

Someone not standing in solidarity w people from minorities on this issue, is their business I might think or feel a type of way on it but at the end of the day that’s what they’re choosing to do I can only control me. But this poster to try to speak over others and to flat out declare they’re speaking for everyone I just think shows a lot of their intention in this thread.


How is having different skin tones in customization “woke”, exactly?


There’s a conversation to be had among the Filipino community too

This channel talks about it in a very educational way as well as being a part of the community themselves, I think it basically comes down to just what term you want to use, I’ve never seen anyone be upset if someone says Filipina or Filipino or Filipinx, and in this particular case the Philippines do not have a language that assigns gender to words.

It’s honestly a bit different conversation I just wanted to add on to what you were saying because I find it so interesting that its a convo thats happening in my community too, but ultimately just comes down to what each person wants to use and feels comfortable w.

That representation we are asking for / seeing isn’t a political statement (because it’s not) the political statement is the side seeking to remove / stop / or take issue w people being represented.


Clearly you haven’t read anything I’ve posted, and have opted to turn this into a “if you don’t think like me, you’re an x.” Sorry to say it, but sometimes I really do understand why the people you’ll have ‘issues’ with take issue with you’ll.

Also the irony of me being dark-skinned and someone claiming I have an issue with my own skin :skull:

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To be fair there’s people who don’t stand in solidarity w their own communities, it happens w LGBTQ+ all the time too and it’s some internalized stuff they project when it’s those cases.

I’m not saying that’s you I just think having a conversation w them as opposed to immediately jumping to “I see why you all have issues w people against this” is in poor taste both in standing in solidarity but also because the people against diverse options are coming from really questionable places.

Like you admit your stance is on a thin line.

So I don’t think it’s as easy as being able to say

This which is also a bit hostile on top of already saying things that are very close to being questionable.

While I gave you an example of someone who does a lot of work fighting for options like this as well as better stories, I don’t agree w your follow up statements that suggest a “paragraph” has to happen to justify black and brown people existing.

So I see where this person is coming from.

Not that they attacked your stance for wanting better story that does justice to real peoples real cultures but that they because of the thin line view it as questionable based on phrasing that makes it sound like you’re one of the people who use ”the lore” (which I’ll add again the devs repudiated) to stop these conversations and options.

To your credit you said this, but perhaps that person missed this?


You have to admit that the hostility has been happening well before I posted that reply. Think you gotto be fair in this assessment. And I think it’s only “murky” because of the audience here. I personally feel like I’m asking for something reasonable and that would actually express respect.

They have come a long way. Incremental change is generally best. Forums have morons, but yesterday a dude was freaking out about a dark skinned elf outside of org by the dock in local chat. I explaied that we have blue, green and purple skin, so is brown really so odd in a fantasy game. He backed down after a while. Fast progress, like 44, is hard for little minds to swallow, making a 45.

Bud, they have included all kinds of stupid plot hole things in the game that never got a lore explanation, but for some reason we need a paragraph to explain why there are different skin colors?

C’mon. Seriously.


Here’s my take on the matter:

To me, giving diverse characters more attention and lore = good thing. I don’t want them to just be given hair/skin and then forgotten.

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Creating a functional, lore-coherent narrative, such as

  • Elves are already the Eevee of WoW, just do Elf + Light = Dark Skin + Gold Eyes
  • Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes come from Robots of Metal and Rock + Old God Magic, just add Diverse Skin Tones for the Vrykul and “reveal” this expansion different rocks = different skin tones (which is self evident to begin with)

destroys and kills the weirdo RP types who want Black Humans to come from Tel’abim

To be even more explicit: I want the narrative to crush the weird race science/racist arguments in the player base we had to deal with to get here in the first place