Continued Diversity & Representation in Customization

would look awesome



Black and brown people are allowed to exist I don’t agree w your take at all.


Don’t assume that you speak for others.



last I checked World of Warcraft humans are not on Earth.

wrathion is a blood elf model with black skin and a relaxed fro. and some regard him as the best looking model in the game. you’re confused. hehe

All good.

And yeah it makes it incredibly difficult to discern what exactly they’re saying pertaining to my actual OP lol

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This really is so true now especially bcz I’ve seen Dracthyr options.

Do they only have 8 skin tone options though?

aye, their visage has 8 base skin colors, scale patterns for the face with 15 colors, scale style, 4 body scales then 3 headdresses, 31 hair colors with 18 highlight colors, 20 hairstyles, 2 noses, etc etc

Apparently you missed the part of my post where I said:

And it doesn’t matter. Okay. You pixiedusted some humans into existence. They’re still humans. They still walk, talk, think, and behave like humans. They still breathe air. They still have the same biological imperatives that humans have
 presumeably for the same reasons. They still bleed if cut. They’re still mortal (well, this IS a game).

You start messing with the nuts and bolts of things and you’re going to get stuck in a spiderweb of inconsistency. “These are humans, but they don’t need to breathe air, because there is no air.” “Okay, If there’s no air, how do you hear what they say? Because that’s sound waves traveling through air? No air, no sound.” Etc. Etc. Etc.

It’s easier just to presume the same laws of reality even in a fantasy setting. Unless you have a really interesting workaround, that makes sense in the context of the setting. None has been offered. So you can’t presume any to exist.

My question is actually tediously logical. Minor differences in genetic expression are the result of point mutations that are selected for by pressure on a population from either environment or predation. So it stands to reason even in a fantasy environment that the same environmental conditions would yield the same adaptations in people over time.

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Evolution isn’t a factor. Humans came from rocks. Its entirely logical that they just had different tones from that as it is anything else. Its not earth. These things do not apply in a world of magic and fantasy.

No lore specifically defines what humans looked like. You’re only going off of what you’ve seen in game to this point and its a game with limited resources. All humans are the same exact size and have the exact same body type. (far as the players)

Either you accept that there are limits to the engine and thus everything you’re saying is borked anyways or you apply that same logic of evolution to literally every little thing and you’re borked anyways.

Regardless as Lann said
 Its still a moot point anyways. We’re past that point.


I mean the Stormwind weapon master was definitely Asian, right?


not necessarily. for example, humans would not be effected by magic ley lines in the same way as high elves were/are. same environmental conditions would not yield the same adaptations in people over time.

Those orcs were all real make up and stuff. It will forever hold up. The make up artists spent an entire year of their lives on the stuff because they love the source material.

Amazon’s is an empty shell, devoid of anything meaningful.


Evolution is ALWAYS a factor. The strong survive, the weak die off. Those who can reproduce displace those who cannot. Those with the biggest teeth and claws eat those without them. “Nature, Red in Tooth and Claw” is the most unshakeable principle of ANY complex ecosystem. Only the most absurdist of post modern thinking would claim otherwise, and that isn’t worth bothering with.

Again. How many times do I have to say this? It doesn’t matter. Either they’re humans or they aren’t. Which is it? If they’re human, then your argument collapses. If they’re not, then your argument is irrelevant. I’m done playing semantic games with you, you decide how your proposition falls flat on its face.

Really? That’s what you’re going with? Because
 video game? You’ve kind of been able to look at them since the original Warcraft released back in 
 (help me out here wikipedia) 1994? There’s literally a picture of a human male on the box. And just from what it shows, it looks like humans are of Northwestern European stock, wearing chainmail (distinctly european), and from the size of the sword’s crossguard he’s carrying over his shoulder, I’d guess it would be an epee batarde, zweihander, brescia spadona, or some other form of hand-and-a-half longsword (again, distinctly european).

LMAO! That’s your gotcha ultimatum? The game engine? Really? The game engine wouldn’t let the people who made the box art do things any other way? Let me 
 clue you in on something you may or may not have been aware of, you being a fellow afficianado of the game’s lore as you are. The tribes in the game? They’re actually analogs of real world peoples and cultures. Shocking I know. You can scream racism about it if you want. Personally I think it’s charming and funny in a lighthearted kind of way, even if does equate my ancestry with that of a Tauren. It’s fine. Really.

You can take each one of the game’s races and point to a similar earth culture. Starting with the humans, who are obviously Carolingian French, you can make the argument that the Orcs are Mongolian (even if their rhetoric does seem distinctly Prussian to the point that it was stolen from Otto Von Bismark himself), and so on down the list of races.

This is what the game engine will let you do: Parody Real World Cultures. So maybe you’ll want to rethink that point before digging your hole a bit deeper. Of course this is the forums and people rarely bother. They just make more and more wildly absurd arguments. So again, up to you.

Okay. I’ll happily engage with that one. That’s a different environmental condition? So it stands to reason that it might have a different outcome. But even in a fantasy realm you want the outcome to make sense. Maybe the people affected have glowy skin? Maybe they have pixie dust dandruff? I don’t know. Something logical. Otherwise, what you’re calling Magic is really nothing more than Raw Chaos and from a writing and world building standpoint raw chaos is an absolutely dangerous and horrifying thing. If you haven’t read Stephen Brust, I recommend him. He does an excellent job of including that concept in his setting.


same environment, different results. stick humans in quel’thalas for 10,000 years, they wont end up looking like high elves. evidence of that is their proximity to the same ley lines in eastern plaguelands. i dont think the lore writers for the game are following evolutionary theory to the exactness you’re suggesting, unless it bolsters where they want to go with the story.

Well of course not. Elves and Humans are two different species with two different physiologies. Of course they’re going to react differently. However, if you were to plunk a bunch of Night Elves down next to the Sunwell and leave them there for 10,000 years
 Oh wait. That already happened didn’t it? See my point?

well your point suggests all variations are evolutionary pressure evidence, but some changes are not evidentiary and some are instantaneous, ex. void elves instantly turning blue and sprouting tentacles. others are magical, ex. druid shapeshifts. we have walking, talking, cows, foxes and wolves, with many different fur colors.

Actually, that was precisely my point. The environment acting on its own takes a while, whereas “magic” seems to mutate the entire population immediately (or at least a lot faster).

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not entire, otherwise races who have a propensity for nature or elemental magic, would have mages summoning totems and hunters shapeshfting by virtue of their belonging to the race

I almost annoyed you that he is putting you against the sensualization and beauty of a fantasy video game.

he is right, remember that the game is not only human customizacion as they have done, blizzard needs more customization, I am not saying for diversity and representation, just that it is bland nonsensical political propaganda that does not affect the good state of the game at all.

I say that it is only for more variety and freedom in being able to create our characters at will, whether it is an avatar representing us, how to reflect any character from the geek world in a character, be it anime, show business, comics or movies in order to have a good

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