Continued Diversity & Representation in Customization

Your percentage is debatable.

There are sources saying Kael Thas took 15% of those remaining. At the end of the day though that doesn’t change the fact that the Void Elves are a fraction of the Blood Elves and should then by logic be fewer in number than the High Elves.


Instead they gave humans 40 different eyebrow options that barely look any different. That’s what blizz calls “diversity”.


No. You misunderstand. I already said above? Humans it makes sense to have a greater range of skin tones.

But with regards to certain fantasy races? I feel like there is more context/nuance to be applied. For example you wouldn’t make a green gnome unless you wanted a gnome to be a “Leper” gnome.

I’m saying that if you take certain races and add a wider range of skin tones? They should still fit within a certain gamut. If you make a Dark Iron say the same skin tone as your typical dwarf? Are they still a Dark Iron? The dark ashen skin are kind of an identifying feature of the Dark Iron.

But my thread is specifically about human skin toned races.

So that’s humans, gnomes, dwarves, Kul Tirans (also humans), Blood Elves the playable High Elf race

I didn’t speak on orcs or the other examples you gave. I think there are convos on how to have more diverse options on other races but I don’t know how to have those so I simply support them when I see them

Like this Draenei example for example

Leave it to someone that wants to argue about what’s lore accurate or not to make the most incorrect statements about said lore :rofl:


i’m almost there

And you aren’t taking into account the scourge

  • Started out all High elves were under the Sunstrider dynasty

  • There were a few living in Dalaran and abroad in remote bases.

  • 90% of the high elf population slain by Arthas.

  • Dalaran also destroyed. Bases abroad unaffected.

  • Kael Thas returns to Quel-Thalas renames remaining 10% Blood Elves.

  • Kael Travels to Dalaran to aid alliance (Still have blue eyes)

  • Fel Crystals introduced. Those elves who resist are exiled from Quel-Thalas. Exiled elves remain High Elves…not Blood Elves.

  • So in conclusion? High Elves would still be greater in number than the further splinter faction of the void elves.

The lore says 90% of the race died with a further 90% of the survivors becoming blood elves.

That’s wrong. It’s said that Kael Thas renamed the remaining 10% blood elves. But you aren’t accounting for the other bases that had high elves nor are you accounting for those exiled. Hence why again I say…

Highelves would exist in greater number than a further splinter faction i.e. the Void Elves.

And you’re ignoring an extremely clear statement that blood elves make up 90% of the remaining high elves without providing a single in-universe source saying otherwise.

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removing since its not pertinent to this thread whether or not people don’t know lore or direct statements by Blizzard.

But that’s never been my argument. I’ve been quite clear in that I am saying that the Highelves exist in greater number than the void elves which are a further splinter faction from the blood elves. Also bear in mind that there were elves that were exiled and who would still be high elves.

My point being is that Blizzard’s logic for void elves made no sense when Highelves exist in greater number than any void elves would.

Watch Taliesin’s videos about it.

3 high elf factions

og high elves, some scattered, most in quel’thalas. lich king. blood elves, who are former quel’thalas high elves, go to outlands. some high elves dont follow kael, stay with alliance. some blood elves and alliance high elves, become void elves

regardless, the devs have been killing off high elves for years in the lore. according to ian the surviving high elves are assimilated into other races, which is why elisande said the silver covenant were no longer high elves

I don’t know how every thread becomes a helf thread lmao

Other than someone came in w a bad helf take. Then additionally they don’t support diversity on human skin toned races? Or they do? I can’t tell they brought up orcs and leper gnomes etc and I’m not sure what that’s supposed to say on their stances on the human skin toned races, ie: humans, KT Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Blood Elves etc

My thread was never about the other fantasy races I want to be clear I do support more diverse options for them too I just don’t know how to start those convos because I don’t know how to have those convo I typically just support the convos when I see others having them if that makes sense

Like this Draenei example I know for a fact is an example people use in these convos surrounding Draenei options and more diversity there etc.

And for the purposes of this thread I want to make clear I support that all too! But it’s not the main point of the thread I’m just focusing on the disparity on the human skin toned races. So when someone comes in lecturing about orcs and Draenei not making sense for the skin tone options I’m asking for I’m not exactly sure what they’re saying? Are they for or against these options on human skin toned races? Combine that w their side argument w wrong lore about High Elves I’m just really confused.

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oh i agree with this

I apologize for contributing some to the offtopic convos.

But this. I feel like some people aren’t reading the threads Main post and are making leaps in logic about what you’re asking for here. Or they’re willfully doing it…

One or the other.


Because some people want them. Why do you care?

Because some people want them. Why do you care?


I know a great deal of people who do in fact want to see that.

Why does it need to remain the same?

Why should we not have 30 different skin tones? Why shouldn’t we have different sexualities represented?

Exactly. So they can expand it as they wish.


you’re so nice :sparkling_heart:


Can I just say before anyone whips “muh politics” that LGBTQ people exist IRL, so removing them from the universe is way more of a political statement than including them.