Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Necromancers would be dope.

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Legitimate target that the Sunreavers as a whole had nothing to do with.

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Last time I checked, Teldrassil also got burned to the ground. So I don’t think there is much of a “Vengeance” leg to stand on.

Two, and I hate that you’re making me say this, military targets vs. slaughtering people who had little to nothing to do with the reason you’re slaughtering them in the streets.

Come on man.


Nah. not really. You can keep qualifying it, but they’d decided that the Sunreavers were military targets.

Not the same as setting civilians on fire or blowing them up with nukes.

Warcrimes. There is even a book about it called, “War Crimes.”

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Just because someone hold a pogrom doesn’t make their targets military targets.

Especially when they hadn’t actually done anything.


I mean, you’ve literally decided that civilian targets are viable military targets based on your views of Theramore and Teldrassil.

So everything is a viable target.

I have taken this to mean one of two things. It either means that new customization options could come in .5 patches and they simply aren’t going to mention anything about 9.1.5 during Blizzconline, or it means that they won’t be doing any more customization options at all until the next expansion.

It’s also looking more likely that the “transmog shoulders separately” thing is never going to happen.

It could be that it’s not a main panel too, but could still be addressed. I’m not holding my breath on that.


There’s a reason placing military assets amongst civilians is a war crime IRL.

Strategic bombing isn’t a war crime as long as it targets a military objective, even if it’s amongst a civilian populace. That’s why, for example, the bombing of Dresden which crippled the Wehrmacht’s ability to fight the Red Army by blowing up Germany’s rail hub in the east wasn’t a war crime while the bombing of Rotterdam, which served no military purpose and was instead meant to instil terror and compliance, was.


Oh I see the guy that cosplayed as a minecraft creeper is back in here.


Eh, Dresden being a warcrime is up in the air. Arthur Harris had terror as a goal and wanted to intentionally target civilians. It was pretty war-crimey.

And if you’re trying to spin warcrimes, then, The Sunreavers were a Horde terrorist organization within Dalaran and were lucky to be mostly exiled.


They were citizens of Dalaran.

One or two of their member helped the Horde steal the bell…

They weren’t terrorists. They were civilians rounded up by association alone. Many not exiled but imprisoned or killed.


It’s not a mainstream belief amongst historians. For the most part, it’s largely a view perpetuated by people with a… very particular reason for smearing Allied conduct in WW2.

But Dresden wasn’t even my point. The Allied strategic bombing campaign as a whole was not considered a war crime.

Strategic bombing isn’t a war crime. If your city is defended, offering resistance and has military value it’s a legitimate military target.

Theramore, from a legal and historical perspective was a legitimate military target.

What are you even talking about? The Sunreavers were innocent.

One guy helped steal the bell.


Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t the Silver Covenant forged because a bunch of blood elves just wanted to hang in dalaran? The sunreavers are guilty of having less than a handful of their members do something bad. While the silver covenant is guilty of creating an entire militant force based on purging blood elves once they get the chance. One here seems more like a terrorist organization than the other here…


Well Folks Blizzcon is tomorrow but also today since it’s Fridayish. I honestly can’t wait to see what happens next for Warcraft Content. What about you guys?

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blood elves needs tattoos and scars!!! blizz!!!


Lance made this concept for VEs.

I really hope Blizzard leans on their Void theme for future updates to the race, stuff like this is just both cool, more options for VEs, and will retain the last of BE visual identity.


Nah. They’re the military arm of Dalaran. Dalaran had a bunch of High Elves that lived there. The Silver Covenant was primarily concerned with fighting in Icecrown.

Eh, I’m not really thrilled about nuking civilian targets in Japan in World War II either. I hate me some fascists and white supremacists and Dresden is still pretty questionable. It’s not as cut and dry as you’re suggesting.

You’ve essentially check-marked everything in World of Warcraft as being a viable war target… as such, that makes the Sun-Reavers viable war targets as well.

There you go. Horde terrorist cell.