Look homie, I’ve tried to explain the difference between a government massacring its citizens in the streets for something they didn’t do due to their prejudice and a military engaging a hostile fortress bristling with soldiers and weapons.
I mean, you can definitely say they are representatives of Silvermoon, but since they are stationed and living in Dalaran I would definitely consider them (in booming Ronin voice) citizens of Dalaran.
Dear C’thulu I check this topic after so long and the first thing I encounter is good o’l Cal trying to do a graph about how citizens are not really citizens so it’s A-ok to kill them.
Maybe I should get my femur measured and that will help me understand that logic.
its speculative where the elves came from that form the SC. but blood elves were already ‘hanging out’ in dalaran. they were opposed to them rejoining and studying among the kirin tor but i think their true purpose was just to act as a shield against any horde shenanigans
That’s a stretch. In Jaina’s speech she says that they made their home there. But a lot of High Elves live in Dalaran. It’s had it’s own population there for a long time.
Aethas has to convince the Kirin Tor to re-admit the Sunreavers after the Third War and Kael’thas. Then has to work to readmit them again after they ignore the Horde stealing the bell and get kicked out of Dalaran.