The 1000 years of war actually already established and dealt with the void whispers issue. From her own head perspective.
Blizz can always retcon random stuff but at that point we’re in a random speculation scenario.
A lot of random dialogue did seem to indicate that they wanted the Alliance to attack Silvermoon though, from Umbric, to Turalyon wanting to retake more warcraft II stuff.
Wanna also talk about how many times I’ve had to remind people that for the Alliance to “retake” Lordaeron, it would have needed to be part of the current Grand Alliance to begin with?
It was pretty dumb and out of character, but it would be a logistical nightmare in terms of gameplay and unlikely in terms of lore (and small faction trying to break away from the Horde while Sylv was still in charge was going to end up dead…quick like)
The smart thing to do would have been…Don’t erase the character development from MoP and WoD and Legion with Garrosh 2.0.
It’s… a really dumb story point and it made me feel nothing but tired.
The problem with this is that it was a big part of the alliance classic story. Which was pretty dumb but it was a way to create conflict with the forsaken…as if the zombies attacking and kidnapping alliance wasn’t enough lol.
It’s pretty stupid that to this day our pv symbol is Lordaeron’s crest.
The Alliance doesn’t even have a version of it really, none of our gameplay leads to it.
Well i was thinking of the one with the golden troll boss, i think it’s obviously canon that the horde would have dealt with horde problems in zandalar. but in game alliance can still do their dungeons.
Atal’Dazar? The Alliance canonically go there to confront Gallywix during the war campaign, if I recall correctly. Not sure if they do anything else there.
Look I’m one of the rare folks who liked large parts of BfA, but the big war thing was:
A) Lackluster at best
B)An unnecessary retelling of the Garrosh story, but even less believable and
C) Dumb…really really really dumb.
That final cut scene with Saurfang and Sylvanas was cool to watch though. Even if it makes as much sense as a tune and jelly taco.