Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

The Three Sisters comic, makes it apparent she hears a magnitude of void voices telling her to kill stuff. One could speculate the Void told her to go to the Sunwell and nuke it.


It was pretty much gut punch after gut punch. “Hey, go rescue thousands of citizens!” I got less than 100 and then was evacuated myself. Felt great.

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Yea, but isn’t that, by virtue of having the Horde players defecting, just another Alliance story. That’s not the Horde saving the day… That’s “The Horde is evil and now these former horde heroes are going to the Alliance because the Alliance are good” and that’s not missing the problem.


1000% this.

And this.


That would have been nice.

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It wouldn’t be them joining the alliance. Just refusing to take part in genocide and not following Sylvanas after. Kinda like how much of the horde worked against Garrosh pretty visibly.

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This is exactly what occurred.


They killed the race just so saurfang could feel bad, was pretty stupid.

She hears the void, all velves do that’s always stablished, however what the void says is pretty random. She doesn’t obey the void and there was no reason for her to see such reaction from the well happening at all.

It felt like nothing, because you know the result was nothing but you were also trying nothing. You were just seeing things happen.

With Teldrassil they pretty much completely undid the Horde development from MoP. All because barbie hitler needs her own filler expac.


To be fair, he could just honestly believe that’s the only way they’d update the zone.

Personally, I’ve just lost all hope in Quel’thalas ever being updated.

This so much.


So the introduction of a third faction? Blizzard is never going to do that, also that was basically the story of BfA, but it took the expansion to tell it. That was basically Saurfang’s whole arc.

Also, I’m frankly just over the “evil warchief” thing. It was done twice, both times were dumb and didn’t serve the Horde’s story at all imo.

Again, why can’t the horde just get a good horde story.


I hated that I didn’t get to do anything about that on my Horde characters.

I’m sure my Frostwolf shaman would just go right through with killing civilians and not try to help them whatsoever.

Would have played Alliance more if there was less Jaina.

It’s hard for me to say how much I hate Jaina.


It was going to be updated in BFA given that it would have needed to be for the new warfront. But then we all hated warfronts and they said, “err nope”.

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I don’t know I don’t buy it given the ideas thrown out.

Ariele flat out points out better to leave Quel’thalas alone if it’s going to result in what ever these ideas are where the Alliance shares the story in Blood Elf territory which anyway you spin it does have a vested interest from a decent amount of HE fans.

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Well I felt gut punched. I can’t speak for others. I cried.

Nah, she’s plenty sus. I can easily see her void inspired hidden motivation being re-join the Alliance or die.

After all if Blizz can retcon stuff from Wrath and claim Sylvanas did it all, they could easily do this.


There’s speculation that they never intended to program all the datamined Warfronts found in the text strings, and that they may have been there to throw people off.

It’s not a far fetched idea when you consider Blizzard has outright stated their design goal with BfA was to ignore all feedback.

Is the alliance fighting in the various troll dungeons in BFA canon?

Is there a large vocal community in the Alliance constantly trying to steal Troll territory that is going to take it and run with it anyway they can?