They didn’t banish her or the void elves because they were being malicious. It’s just a sad fact that being a void elf means you can’t be anywhere near the Sunwell. Period. It was a completely pragmatic decision.
Which is fine but you’ve been pushing some sort of phased joint Alliance experience, Horde likes the zone too and it’s our zone the update shouldn’t benefit you on your Alliance characters / HE fans just because you also are fond of our zone.
QoL updates would be fun, but I’m not down for another Alliance saves the Horde story. Let the horde do their own thing and show their stuff if you’re going to have a new story there. Letting the Blood Elves shine could be an interesting story in itself. Also Maybe Liadrin will do cool things.
For Teldrassil, it would have been nice if it had been a horde saves the alliance scenario. See horde members defect and try to help evacuate or even try to put the fire out rather than having shaman help it burn faster would have been great, and maybe I could have played my horde toons for bfa.
But there is a tendecy of building the Horde… as villains, so in come the shiny beacons of justice to fix the mess we started. It’s not even a last minute thing either, it’s pretty blatant from the start at this point.
And it’s not something that affects Horde alone either. Look at the war of Thorns for example. Horde was built up as the aggressors and any display that it all was in fact an huge, out of proportion, escalation of the Alliance striking first was quickly rectonned out of existence… and after that the Night Elves essentially were put in the background to let their humans overlords fix things for them
It’s not a matter of Horde or Alliance bias. It’s a matter of human potential™ bias.
What would she know? why would she even imagine that at all?
It would have been fine if we got an alliance saves the alliance thing, we didn’t even get that. It was pretty much doing nothing on the alliance side.