Yes they do, and it’s something I posted on quite a bit when SL was in development. I agree with the decision. While player agency is important so are consequential decisions. Without this you could literally see someone flipping back and forth between factions for perks when they swap from Raids to M+ or open world PvE.
I think choices without consequences when it comes to character builds are meaningless.
I’d like to see more afterlives for sure. But iirc the ones we have now are the only ones run by the Pantheon. So I don’t know if the other ones would be, I dunno if important enough is the right wording, to have Covenants?
I’d be so mad if they do that and there’s something I liked better than Kyrian because then I’d be like but I put all this work into Kyrian so then they’d get the rage.
hmm… I have a theory that other powerful entities exist in the sl, and for other purposes. Perhaps not apart of the pantheon that binds the jailer. But I see that not happening too.
I guess if there was some kind of skip for the new Covenant(s), like you could port your progress from an old one or something? I still don’t see it happening though.
I still haven’t gotten past being able to have all my class/covenant abilities in all zones then only having the Kyrian one because it was cool and I thought okay so you get all 8 of them and they change by zone but nope pick a covenant and you are boxed into that one and only that one.
Well we are in the Shadowlands and usually when we encounter people there they are dead so maybe if they showed up they’d all be dead so, perhaps then the whole we want High Elves might actually die finally.
Guys!!! The Kyrian ability is broken cause it was never tuned mechanically speaking (so to say, it´s BADLY designed and the devs frankly seemed to admit defeat and just buffed the damage to comical proportions so people could pick it).
On the other hand, rogue Covenant abilities are like between 1 - 3% damage between ALL of them so… underwhelming.