Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

All of the warrior abilities are interesting, fun, and fairly powerful… except the Maldraxxus one.

Kyrian: Ursol’s Vortex and Ravager in one move, and it doesn’t even replace Bladestorm. 1 minute CD.

Night Fae: AoE damage that causes knockdown, and leaves behind an AoE that continues to damage and knockdown. 1.5 minute CD.

Venthyr: Execute is replaced by Condemn, which is stronger, deals Shadow damage, and can be used on targets above 80% health as well.


Necrolord: Plant a banner that gives you and 2 allies 20% health and 10% crit if you’re within 15 yards of it. 3 minute CD.

I mean… come on.

In 8.2 I stacked health buffs and hit 4 million health on my warlock, I should use this to see if I can hit 1 million this patch.

But yes that’s really underwhelming compared to the others.

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It also gives you a stacking buff where each 20-30 rage you spend gives you a 30 second buff that adds +1% crit per stack.

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Ah, I didn’t notice that in the tooltip. Wasn’t paying enough attention I guess. Thought it was only killing blows, and then forgot about that part of the effect.

I can behind this.

The pony is a phony!

Kyrian healers would love this though O.o those crits can mean an extra auto heal. From the soul bind of course.

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My initial intent with the character was to do 2s, and I can’t imagine that beating out Spear of Bastion or Condemn.

I also just find it kinda boring.

you answering this just put a image of Jaina with a big bear of a man.

Not bad.

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I could imagine it useless in arena. Ya move too much to take advantage of it. But that condemn though.

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I picked Kyrian mainly for well looks but the class ability is nice for free soul shards when stuff is dying left and right. :yum: :yum: :yum:

I actually liked the Door of Shadows ability, if I could have the Scouring Tithe with the Door of Shadows I would be a very happy Warlock. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


I went Kyrian on her, but I’ve switched to a Kyrian paladin, so now I’m considering having the warrior switch to Venthyr. I need a Venthyr character for the story, and Condemn is just so cool.

I had Somand go Necrolord because if I had to pick one of the four afterlives tied to the Covenants to be her afterlife, Maldraxxus seems like the best fit.

That’s why I have these turquoise eyes. I switched to them because they kinda look like Draka’s.

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So for one example, the classic Anti-Paladin? Additionally, I see no good reason why you couldn’t have - for instance - Troll Priests of Bwonsamdi and some Alliance (so much for the Alliance being all goody two shoes :wink: ) counterpart.


thinking on going maldraxxus on my pally, I like the buff Emeni gives on his first skill for pve, and want to use fleshcrafter for pvp. Been wondering though if the lfd racial proc on death of the 2nd time with that effect.

Edit: when your phone edits your words to make your sentence mean something else;

I love this.


I haven’t done it but do you have to stand all over again with the new one if you switch covenants?

Good reasoning and color coordinated, I approve.

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Yes. And if you’ve previously switched away from the Covenant you’re switching to (as in, you’re returning to it), you have to do a two week grind to be allowed back in at all.

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yes. They want ppl punished for switching.

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From what I’ve heard, Bastion is top tier for ret, prot, and holy for arena. Venthyr also seems to be a contender for holy though. You can get the blood door to be a disorient, and use that into a HoJ into a Repentance for massive CC.

That’s way too much work for me, it’s bad enough having to do what I do every week lately as it is, especially with The Maw and Torgast added in. Lol.

Not that I agree with that but in a way I do so I have mixed feelings.


I suppose, but I don’t like much of the venthyr’s aesthitics for paladins, at least maldraxxus gives me a bigger hammer to toss and a free divine storm.

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