The great thing about the Blood Knights getting a redemption is that players have a choice between if they’re going to play an edgy Blood Knight who dominates the light or if they want to play a light-faithful Blood Knight. Both are right choices and that freedom of choice is pretty awesome.
Blood Elves, prior to the fall of Quel’thalas, had light users, and light faith was a part of their culture. There’s no indication that some didn’t regain their faith with the restoration of the Sunwell. To imply otherwise is incorrect and fan fiction. Fan fiction belongs on AO3 not in a discussion like this.
Fact of the matter is that Blood Knights have been redeemed for much longer than they were edgy light stealers at this point and people clinging to this and not acknowledging the redemption that happened at the end of Burning Crusade are objectively wrong and need to stop.
Given that elves seem to mutate when they’re exposed to magic, like some sort of Warcraft version of Eevee, and that Blood Elves have already had a physiological change that involves light colored glowing eyes at all times, there’s little reason why other magic oriented customization options, like glowing tattoos, runes, etc. should exclude the option to further express the light mutations we’ve already witnessed Blood Elves having.
It’s absurd to argue against light customizations for Blood Elves. There’s no valid reason to deny it, there’s no excuse. In the words of high elf fans–don’t you know how to share?
only if everyone that can be paladins also can look like lightbulbs first. Other wise it makes little sense even with your arguement.
It seems blood elves does not get enough light energy naturally drawing from the sunwell to matter enough, certainly at least to prevent void curruption.
Personally I feel making light themes for blood elves overshadows the other more dominant blood elf cultures, that of farstriders and magisters.
Or you know, maybe players actually INVESTED in Belf lore. Cause that zone is quite important in regards to getting the new players up to date with the WC3:TFT to WoW transition for the Belf cast.
World´s apart case of study; for starters Nightborne didn´t had a decade of baggage related to any of the factions -at the most they had old baggage related to Tyrande herself-. And I repeat: after BfA the last thing I want is to see more Alliance / formerly Alliance / Alliance flavored “heroes” saving the Belves´ collective behinds and implying these poor weaksauces can´t even take care of their own territory by themselves.
So, no. Please keep Alliance (yes, including the Helves and especially the Velves) the censored away from Quel´thalas… it is time those people actually put their actions where their mouths are and find a new life with their human & co. buddies, period.
Dear; that was just day-to-day Belf case of study, certainly NOT an actual event in which they get sieged for reals.
You want so much to have them get help? Wonderful, then how about HORDE races helping fight the invasive threat? I mean, if we talk about actual scenarios that can be used to give more faction pride to the Horde players and all…
As a matter of fact his military personal had not came back from Northrend, reason why he HAD TO resort to Veeresa. And if we analyze that particular bit of interaction, we can notice a lot of interesting stuff:
Vol´jin -a troll- OFFERED the help. And was indeed quite helpful, the operation to neutralize Zul´Aman basically had his Shadow Hunters as a crucial strat.
Veeresa NEVER OFFERED. Halduron HAD TO summon her -and mind you, considering Vol´jin warned Stormwind, this would imply the Alliance (and more important, the relevant political figures there) knew the trolls were up to no good. So most probably her Gary Stu of a husband knew, and by default, her herself knew too). Sooo… why did she resorted to prideful a-holish tactics and waited until she got summoned? Had Halduron Farstriders came back sooner, she would had stayed -as she´s used to- apathetic and passive regarding the actual protection of Quel´thalas? Cause me thinks that yes, she actually doesn´t care for her nation.
If anything, canon lore actually points to EVERYBODY AND THEIR MOTHER going back to usual devotion and worship. We kinda don´t have post-TBC indications that Blood Knights are simply sucking the Light portion of the Sunwell with NO religious piety involved. All the depictions of Blood Knight lore post Sunwell Plateau raid show them Bewlf pallies as glorified long eared humans with regular devotionto the Light (reason why I find them such a bore).
Now the real question is can we get some playable races that worship death energy.
Everybody and their mom worships some form of light.
Elemental/Nature has all the druid/shaman cultures.
Shadow has the Forsaken
NB and aspects of NE and BE and VE venerate the arcane. Though it and fell tend to be viewed in more of an academic/scientific light.
Where is my death cults! The Ebon Blade doesn’t count. Bunch of wannabe edge lords that just show up to move the plot along on occasion. Yes I’m bitter. I want necromancers and actual death knights and perhaps a pony!
From memory there was a dev statement that some blood knights might just suck the Light from the Sunwell sans worship, they simply aren’t in the mainstream.
Probably for people who want to play that type of character. That’s one of the things I love about Shadowlands. They aren’t trying to force a specific backstory on us anymore.
It’s flashy, but the cast feels sluggish for the damage it does.
If they didn’t nerf the incinerate buff so that it still worked with havoc it wouldn’t be as bad but it still wouldn’t be as fun as soul rot from Ardenweald.