Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Hmm your forgetting about Night Elves.

Iā€™m definitely pro NE paladins, but only if they get connected to Elune like Sunwalkers are connected to the Sun.

Yea, I know there is a normal light worshipping NE pally in the Silver hand, but I think thatā€™s A) suppose to be a rare case and B) kinda boring.


Careful now, there is a forum poster with the same name going around withā€¦ ā€œthoseā€ memes hopefully we wonā€™t summon him here.

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yes and yes.

Is not the same but similar. I think he tends to focus on different types of topics.

thankfully for now lol.

I think you mean one of our playable elves should have paladins.
I hope.

Gross, thatā€™s all Iā€™m gonna say because I know exactly who you mean. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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careful with that one, she likes to pop on occasionally asking for VE paladins and other BE themed stuff on VE. I dunno itā€™s true intent but normally causes trouble and disruption.

We just need Fen with his spray bottle and she usually goes away. Lol. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Some people just want Helves. They donā€™t care how thatā€™s done or what else is taken away or what lore is changed or really anything. As long as they get what they want. Itā€™s good stuff.


??? cut me some slack, native spanish speaking girl hereā€¦

Explain to me which one itĀ“s the weird part, please?

His posting avatar seems like a terribly condemning evidence against this argument. And coupled with ā€œpolitically correctā€ Lightforged High Elf Paladins, wellā€¦

IĀ“ll quote myself: if it sounds like a duck and walks like a duck and looks like a duckā€¦

Dear, Paladin trope in Belf narrative was literally nonexistant from Sunwell patch up to WoD (no seriously, guess which leader of which military unit never ever appeared even in Thunder King patch?). It just seems more ā€œrelevantā€ NOW because itĀ“s screentime is more recent too.

As per the lore, the three (fourth?) aspects are just as important and core of Belf cultural narrative regarding their military units: Light worship (High Priests / Blood Knights), Arcane/Fel mastery (Magisters, ā€œBlood Magiā€ and DH) and Nature (Farstriders).

Man, as absurd as that petition sounds, IĀ“d take it if this prevents actual stupid suggestions on the whole thalassian elf narrative like making Silvermoon neutral or worse, removing it from Horde and making the Belves basically pariah refugees so the MHP Helfers can enjoy their Helfer Silvermoon once again.

And yes IĀ“ve seen this ā€œtakesā€. Thank God, only seem popular with very few posters (usually the WC2 cosmetics fanatics).

I see, I too would like a void themed martial class.
I wanted to play a riftblade the moment i saw them in telogrus rift. Though i donā€™t think paladin would be good for that roleā€¦ maybe a spellbreaker or battlemage if blizz ever makes them.

A void themed martial class would be great as long as itā€™s not paladin (imo). Iā€™d really like to see something like a spellblade with like one spec arcane, one spec void, and one specā€¦ strawberry. or something.


I always wanted spell-blade to be a playable class in game. Always been a fan of magic sword users since I played the game crystalis as a kid.

I feel the game needs an arcane melee class, we have all in melee but that, and I think riftblade can fit as a spec for it.

ugh, when most people talks about void elf paladins, they always scream ā€œJust put a void skin on it and itā€™s ok!ā€ Makes me die alittle inside each time lol. Btw I agree with you Z, but Iā€™m out of likes.

Cautirizer or something like that? So we could get a new healing spec?

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I donā€™t think anything needs to be taken away or lore to change for people to have playable high elves but I digress.

It wouldnā€™t even need to have a void spec, frost or arcane would do just fine with void elves!
Maybe they could even modify entropic embrace to recolor spells and attacks as they go off while active.
Then it would fit with every spec and class.

I know this pain all too well, it makes me sad especially these days given how many posts I like. Lol.

Adding to the original response to this. I actually think LF does need more then just dreanei with them anyways. It would feel cheap if other races gotten the looks on their own races, but the OG dreanei since it would not make sense if the OG dreanei gotten the LF appearance due to the existence of LFD.

Iā€™m still holding out for Nā€™zoth eyes for Void Elves.


Actually. I think the Alliance could use more Holy and Pure Races. Thereā€™s already two dwarven and draenei paladins. I say there should be Kulā€™tiran Paladins, Gnome Paladins, and of course even Void Elf and Night Elf Race Paladins. Variety is better than forced gameplay and of course nothing.