To be fair, when they gave us the purple eyes, they did change all the helf NPC eyes back to blue. That and the purple eyes we got aren’t the same purple eyes the NPCs had.
True there is that, but they don’t have unique eyes now.
Everyone can play “high elves” now.
It would be nice if some npcs used the new purple though.
Those NPCs are weirdly lacking in variety.
Not from the ploace I´m sitting, Reno.
Well it´s clearly a matter of tastes, for me the better part of the male Belf model is the obvious -and glorious- anime hair. Look just amazing on the model.
In regards to the customizations proper, it´s indeed sexier than contradictory / nonexistant Belf ones. Heck, maybe devs focusing in “Helfer” customization is WHY the Belf implementation sucked so bad (I can perfectly see rando city dwelling Helves that have been living carried by the Alliance having the time to play the Barbie wardrobe game; also I think I´ve only seen one poster using the short ears and that was done trying to emulate a Belf/something humanoid hybrid.
Regarding the regular Belf playerbase from my realms, the short ears may as well not exist. Talk about waste of resources for the Belf community.
TBC runic tattoos are a MUST in comparison to the non consistent “Farstrider Warpaint”. If we have to pick between each one? Yeah, pl0x throw the “Warpaint” in the trash, I rather get the actual art done for the race from the start.
Indie company /joking; now more seriously back then NO race had tattoos, the graphic engine of the game probably couldn´t sustain them.
As much as I hate her fanservice guts, non magical practicioner Valeera Sanguinar and her purple eyes on the comics would love to have a word with you.
Belves simply put it, manipulate several different schools of magic; why are you trying to reduce their broad reach with merely two sources fixed to the QoL giant battery? Warlocks / DH still exist, Monks exist, Blood magic manipulation (Anima Golems) still exist, etc?
Hohoho… jealous much? Cause those words can turn my skin green with how much errr “sentiment” can be felt behind them.
Literal Word of God when Golden eyes were implemented -cause believe me, all the freaking Helfers and MHP posters in this place jumped to say that "Blue eyes for Belves WILL NEVER HAPPEN cause Light magic was displacing Fel and arcane half on Sunwell wasn´t important- was that ONLY the pious and very devoted Belves would canonically get the Golden eyes (ergo, it´s a matter of faith not a matter of Sunwell. The giant battery is irrelevant regarding this lore canon fact).
If anything, as someone who loved the unique flavor of TBC Belves (I don´t see the issue with Belves appreciating Light in the same way they appreciate Arcane A.K.A. as a useful type of magic with 0 faith connotations -both good and bad- involved), I kinda disliked that "but Belves are SO religiously invested BS. Felt like they lost something that made them unique before.
Oh, my poor sweet summer child!!! He believes Blizz devs -especially the story ones- would endorse any type of actual narrative coherence and NOT wildly homogenizate ALL class/race combos under Alliance / formerly Alliance / Alliance flavored organizations.
I mean Legion´s Paladin Class Hall says “Hi”.
Don´t ask miracles nor much less coherency from exhibit A of a regular anti-Belf Helfer poster.
Awww… he doesn´t like to hear the truth plain and naked!!!
Not reaching dude, you´re the one that does nothing but to prove my point with any new biased post, full of lore innacuracies and blatant double standards. You basically got even Averyx schooling you on Belf Paladin lore last weekend ffs.
If it walks like a duck and looks like a duck and sounds like a duck…
People´s own individual opinions are called “headcanon” for a reason. And those are pretty much IRRELEVANT in regards to canon lore proper.
Canon lore is fact as per Blizz official media delivery they deem so (game, books, comics, etc.)
His point is that his own headcanon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blizz canon lore, period.
We players deserve better stuff than lore aberrations whose implementation is done supported in stupid lore.
Christie Golden´s mommy self insert, duh.
So obvious it´s actually painful.
Currently? Only the Sunfury that came back at the end of TBC and probably the Illidari DH are the last survivors of the “Fel sucking” portion of Belf society. As per cDev, all the Belves stationed in Azeroth sucked arcane energy from mana critters and similar pests.
Why do you think the term “mana vegans” was born to be used regarding NPCs like Renthar Hawkspear?
Please, don´t think so high of yourself. We kinda lack actual knowledge of your irl persona, so it´s quite hard to “hate” the guts of someone one doesn´t know.
Some of us DO despise your forum behaviour in regards to some especific stuff, no more and no less.
I don’t really think he’s a helfer… just a odd one who wants everything light-forged on the alliance and he sees blood elves as a threat to that; especially with the light themes blood elves do have going for them.
sure he wants high elves i think… lightforged high elves eeww.
Meh, I can live without lightforged he, I just think it adds to the dark portal veteran fantasy I want. I do want lf humans though.
It being a threat is laughable, I just feel if be goes to much into light themes, they would over shadow the farstrider/arcane themes they already have, it is bad enough as is they showcase paladins more then they should.
Edit: disregard this post I misunderstood what was said.
I mean, I’m super biased, but I would definitely be okay with Belves having Paladin being their main focus class. Humans and NB and Gnomes can have mages. Tauren, NEs, Dwarves can have hunter.
The alliance should be the one faction with elf paladins.
I don’t really. We already got a light themed race, dreanei, and they made a holier same version race lfd on the same side at that. I view it as no different, just for years we barely seen a farstider from be’s, and tge arcane part barely shows up with the occasional reliquary showing up. They need more appearances, light-bilb themes ( holy scars is one example) feels like a nail on the coffin for that.
I don’t mind facial runes or minor spell circles honestly, as it shows more then just light themes from them, an mage had to help with or what not
Funny the way it looks Alliance will be the one faction that never has elf Paladins so.
… no. I disagree.
I super disagree with this statement.
Which makes me a sad moose because imo they looked way better.
I like both for different reasons. Would be great if we could have both.
Would you accept them as customization options for humans? They wouldn’t get the Lightforged racials that way, but at least they’d have the look.
Honestly while is a bit disappointing, I cannot blame them, i heard that when a company finds some cool bug they want to keep, they have trouble reproducing it 100%.
I am greedy, want the whole package
On fire as usual with those hot takes, huh?
EDIT: Ofhdear C’thulu… here we go…