Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Void Elf Paladin is a nutshell

why don’t void elves have that Chronomage hair style that blood elves have?

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It looks sooo weird.

Neat transmog, but I just can’t get into it.

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Because we have class. :stuck_out_tongue: (I couldn’t resist)


I think it’s fair to point out they just got the BE skin tone options in a second visual theme and to that … BEs received 0 VE hair styles they could have taken the tentacles out and chose not to.

So the narrative of “Why can’t VEs have more BE stuff” and then list a hair style.

Like idk maybe because you just got BE stuff.

It does make me think if they hadn’t have shared the skin tones for the regular Elf visual fantasy and just done hair between all races but kept Void Elves Void it might have been a better scenario.


Not for me it wouldn’t have. To each their own.

That’s fair but you’re also fine if they don’t share natural hair with VEs, which I am fine with as well as things stand now.

I just don’t see any scenario where VEs get 100% of the BE theme is fair or good for BE fans who have thus far got an eye color and jewelry that can only be used on one character model.

I’d rather they massively expand blood elf options and also let void elves have Kul Tiran hair colours or something similar, rather than just giving up and accepting nothing further for both.

But yes, I’m satisfied with what I got for void elves, and not getting more hair won’t break my heart.


I have no reason to believe based on the first go around that they’ll consider BEs when they look to give more BE stuff to VEs so that is where I form that stance.

If anything some of the colors from the pic earlier would fit for VEs and double as RP tools but furthering the Void options is all I support in the more department for Void Elves.

Starts catching up.

Cries in gutterspeak

Yeah I’m 4 hours late but I feel the need to clarify this once more:

Speaking of “assests” it’s a misleading at best. The origin of the asset means nothing if the result it’s the same: VE’s visual identity being washed off further and brought even closer to the BE one.

Yeah I think that’s all for now.

EDIT: Oh and daily reminder that my warrior still needs decent facial hair.

Where’s my boy’s beard Blizzard?


I maintain decent beards is the actual Alliance aesthetic.

Horde’s is sad anemic chin rats.

I don’t like the rules, I don’t make the rules… those are apperantly the rules.


Daily reminder trolls still don’t have facial hair even though Blizzard has portrayed trolls with beards a bunch of times.


Oh don’t worry. We see you too.

Night Elves and Forsaken should be left alone by blizz… So tired of getting beaten and broken.



I swear I’ll go around Stormwind with big wax strips and tear off every single beard I see like a mad woman possed.

It is sad that attention on the story front usually ends up on races being ruined, left homeless, or leaderless…

I think that things would be less depressing if Yoko Taro (director Nier automata, a game that will destroy your soul) wrote this.


As far as I’ve seen and heard, his other works aren’t much happier.

Look at the original Drakengard.



You will not. It frames my face!

Edit: I forgot. Only mutton chops. :sweat_smile:


And what if both the source of the asset is alliance and the result is a hair color that Blood Elves don’t have? Because Blood Elves don’t have every shade of blonde imaginable nor do they hold exclusive rights to such.

As to Void Elf visual identity being “washed off”. I disagree. I consider the Void Elf visual identity simply being expanded. If Blood Elves can have blue and purple hair options without their Blood Elf identity being “washed off”, then Void Elves can have some hair colors in the Human spectrum without losing their identity as well.

These hair colors are reasonable requests for Void Elves in my book. Even the last two.

If players choose options that eschew the Void theme, that is there prerogative. I am still seeing new Void Elf characters in Telogrus using the blue skin and non-High Elf eye options, so it seems that many players are still embracing the Void theme even with alternative options available.

That’s not to say there shouldn’t also be more Void themed customization options. In fact I have a wish list for those as well. But there’s no reason Void Elves cannot have both, especially when said options pull double duty like the black and white hair colors.

My other void themed option desires include:

  • Additional skin tones with the void corruption on hands/feet
  • A tentacle toggle for hair to add tentacles to currently non-tentacled hair (and remove tentacles from currently tentacled hair)
  • A blue-black eye option similar to the heritage wings.
  • Void-scarred skin options similar to how Demon Hunters have skin options with those glowy fel scars all over their bodies but void-colored. Something like this:


It’s almost like people don’t like their races homelands being torn away and their edifices being made meaningless so they can spend more time in bland empty human or orc lands and that homogenization of core content is debilitating to creating a full and vibrant world.


Hey, don’t just blame Blizzard. Blame Sylvanas too.

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Either an ar or a model toggle for forsaken works for me.

True, but at least it is more in a grey area then undead would be.

Still dislike this.