Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Don’t need an actual Paladin class to be a Paladin. All you need is…

wait for it


I’m sort of glad Blizzard mostly forgets dwarves except to trot one out as comic relief or token badbutt every now and again.

The lorehole is safe and we can drink with the Pandaren and Darkspear down here.

Decent beard/mustache combo for blood elves, bam I’m on topic.


And just like that, a dwarf walks out of a bar

May the void consume your warrior cosplaying a paladin.

Maybe I should level an Orc Paladin. Nothing like Green Bubbles for the bath tub :wink:

I love all of those. Might get me to change Somand’s hair colour, haha.

I dunno. Light tends to delete fel.

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is this a nod to lightbound orc as a model toggke for lfd???


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Where’s that paladin Garrosh in my time of need?

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Oh Drakengard is a happy story filled with relatable, and mentally stable characters.


Nothing but tearing noises will be heard at the dead of night around Stormwind mwahahahaha.

And that wolud be an even more miniscule matter than just hair color as it is, and we’re already in arguably nitpicky territory with that alone and yes, the result would be exactly the same… just with extra steps.

This whole matter is happening because far too many people simply can’t see Void Elves as their own, independent group.

I understand using them as a vehicle for people’s RP needs, but this is way beyond that and you must be well aware of this.

Blizzard also did them dirty with their introduction, but also, people willing to ignore what little has been established about them it’s another proof of this.

So yes, it would be washing them off when what they are in dire need of is to be their own group, that include their own seperate development, a stronger emphasis for their leader (Umbric) and yes, a more distinct aesthetic.

Sorry but I just can’t agree. The first 3, sure, the rest, that’s the threshold for me.

You expect blizzard to think outside “Orcs and Humans”?


Hmmm… didn’t delete the small fel taint in be’s for years. I dunno, maybe I am biased against the idea of undead paladins.

only a being of true evil strips off mutton chops!

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Nothing but baby faced humans, KTs and dwarves.

It will be the stuff of nightmares!

(No joke, I love dwarves but holy heck, them without a beard are ugly as sin.)


Can confirm.

Check out the sad state of my Dwarf Shaman with this helmet that removes his beard and moustache:


They are not dwarves if they don’t have a beard.

Oh god, the horror.


I tend to prefer the warpainted warrior elf look, and it’s not far fetched to say this is within the velf group. Alleria’s Argus plotline was the conceptual basis for void elves as a race, so I see her as a valid portrayal of said race.

When people talk about “washing the void off void elves”, I kinda feel like my love for void elves is being disregarded because I didn’t go with blue skin.


Look at his eyes.

He looks as if he’s gone through some serious… stuff.

I’ll have to be honest here.

But while I understand that she worked as a link and as a teacher for them… the continuous attachment might end up working completely against Void Elves.

Not at all, at least not in my case.

I don’t think them having the current options it’s a bad thing for their identity even if I personally am not happy about it. It’s certainly within the realm of what they are or could be.

But I also do think that going further down that path will result on said washing off.


It feels like fake concern. No one cared that Dwarves were washed off because Wildhammers or darkspear washed off because of other troll cultures.

No one minds new skin or hair colours never seen in other races. But somehow void elves, one of the newest races with smallest lore AND their biggest representative having a different look, has to be presented according to a much more specific idea.

It just doesn’t play out.


Boy, I sure love going from a civilized exchange of ideas between two people that are not entirely in the same boat, to flimsy strawmen…


To me, it was like the whole concept of void elves kinda shot void elves in the foot.

That’s a fair view.

While I would like more, I’m quite happy with what I have now, and wouldn’t be heartbroken to not get hair.