Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I’d also like playing a void elf to trigger random whispers like oldschool corrupted Ashbringer, the vocal artifacts, and some of the toys.

With an option to turn it off like dk reverb, and only over your speakers.


You can do that? I’ve heard about it, but could never find the option.

It used to be an option.

I’ve honestly never turned it off, but I remember the complaining about it in Wrath.

…I think it was under sound?

It used to be an option, you could also turn off the glowing eyes.

It used to be here
But looks like it was removed.

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Oh. Huh.

Disregard that “like death knights” and make it “like a vulpera canopy”, I guess.

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do you lovely ppl think we’ll get any new customizations today?

also sledgehammer you’re an icon. so cultured. so witty. never change.

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I’d bet against it, but one never knows.

Also, awww, thanks.

They could do that through an NPC in Telogrus in the same way the mage class hall lets you turn the fiery orbs on and off for fire mages.

Probably have seen it by now if we were.


I wouldn’t expect any new customization today. If it was there it would have been datamined already. There’s nothing new on the beta either yet. But you can be sure that once new options hit the 9.1 ptr it will be datamined with a swiftness.

sad ! a girl can dream

Hopefully the first patch focuses on core races as evidence by a plethora of lack luster stuff on that end of things.


I don’t support natural hair colors, but i feel fenelon’s idea of unnatural hair color, that looks close to natural colors, would do the job ppl needs.

Oh looks like nico linked the picture of em;


that bronzey one might be my favorite. so cool!

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I still support felsworn elves over darkfallen elves for BE. Because paladin.

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If they locked Paladin out of the customization I wouldn’t be upset.

But I support those options over Felblood Elves to be fair. It just is what it is.

If they don’t do Darkfallen ideas for BEs second visual theme I prefer Light or Felblood ideas to lean back on, and I’d like to see Darkfallen as an AR that would have toggles etc to their various aspects to allow for the regular Undead Elf fantasy to be played out on them as well.


To be fair, felsworn paladins would be just as awkward as undead paladins.


Hey, nothing can be as awkward and dangerous as a Void Elf Paladin.

EDIT: Oh wait, hang on, I need to switch to my Void Elf Paladin to say that.

VE Paladin in a nutshell.