Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

So what, our demonhunter’s literally killed themselves to open a portal, warlocks use their life force (thus pain) for their spells. It wouldn’t be any different. Warlocks and mages are literally set on fire.

Eeep, see that’s why you need to be careful with elf royalty, they shatter easily when dropped.


Man, Kael looks like he needs some moisturizer

I think if anyone deserves redemption it should be him. Not Sylvanas, not Garrosh. But this guy who shouldn’t have been a villain in the first place. It makes sense since he has spent all this time in the “attonement” realm of the SLands. He actually cared about his people.


Actually no, they fuel their power by siphoning souls and using them as fel magic.

Incorrect, demon hunters takes in the essence of a demon to gain fel powers, they normally gouge their eyes out from the sheer pain and insanity of the proccess, they don’t die. Also demon hunters does not stay in the state of pain.

and undead paladin would be in a state of constant pain even worse then that of a demon hunter tbh, and it would never cease. No sane undead would be willing and sane enough to do that.

I am still holding out hope for Slyvannas. I would like to think she saw the greater picture and is trying to save the world. And lured us into the shadowlands to kill the Jailer, she Kidnapped our leaders, she didn’t kill them why? I think she wants us to stop the Jailer, and she may have tried to before but Genn messed up her plans.

She sees the horde and everyone as nothing because their is something much worse that needs to be dealt with and she is trying to help in her own way.

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Thats not out of pain. its part of the process to allow them to see fel magic and other magics… Its a sacrifice to make them more capable of hunting down demons.


thinking on this, doesn’t lorethemar sworn to never let another sunstrider rule qual’thalas? Would keal’s return really be a welcomed one?

Whatever dude. We see ingame mechanics where we use our own life to get mana back (life tap), Destro warlocks literally set them selves on fire to go faster, and demonhunters have killed themselves to open legion portals in the questing. Undead paladins isn’t much different then human warlocks.

They are, there was never a in-control undead paladin nor a sane one. And it is not common in forsaken nor scourge to be one. Also paladins functions lorewise the exact opposite of warlocks. All the way down to the mentality. Warlocks strive for power, paladins strives for the light. Warlocks does not care for people, paladins seeks to protect. Warlocks would do anything for their goals, the paladin follows a code.

A paladin needs to feel just and righteous, and not lash out in rage. They need to think they are doing right. Something extremely difficult to do while in constant pain never ending.

He doesn’t need Lorthemar’s approval to be redeemed in my opinion. And he doesn’t have to rule either.


Your right, he could go back to dalaran, but that would mean he’d be neutral, or he could seek out the high elves, but I doubt that too.

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I think your right actually, thank you for the correction.

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Honestly though… >.> its canon that some take it much less well than others.

How bout a story where one of em does do that, but everyone just thinks he did it for the sacrifice bit? lol

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Demon hunter: What have you sacrificed?

Death knight: My first life for the cause of my people. You?

Demon hunter: ummm… just my eyes… and my ability to have lone time… That demon loves to bug me when I’m on the can!

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I don’t think he needs to rejoin society to get a redemption. Just be helpful/a good guy in the Shadowlands, and have some cool questline that has him turn the PC blood elves into San’layn.

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Nothing is cool about any kind of undead paladins. So no, I disagree.

Lorewise it doesn’t make much sense. But this is the only way I can think of San’layn getting added. I just don’t see them being an AR because of the existence of Velfs.

Then they don’t get added in?

I dunno, they look very closely to BE as is anyways except for the queen. I feel we don’t really need them.

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Well as I’ve stated before… I would much prefer Venthyr because I think they bring more to the table. But this is just an idea in case Venthyr are too lore restricted.

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I actually do like the idea of venthyr being playable horde side. In fact, Horde has allot of good party peps in there :stuck_out_tongue: I doubt they would say no lol.