Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

They just said “no means no”.

Yet, you’re ignoring that.

And what was the sentence immediately preceding that?


Just relax a little. There is no need to go flying off the handle for such a small miscommunication.

They said “no means no” in relation to you pulling them into a conversation.


Selective reading comprehension.

EDIT: Yes, I even quoted it ith the grammatical error.


About dragging her into misrepresenting Blizzard’s words. Reread carefully:


Sorry, misread then.

But the fact is, yes, Blizzard didn’t initially said yes, but they have also never said no.

Exactly. They haven’t said either. They said maybe.


Farstrider Tattoos, ear slider, and maybe some scar options I think should be on the shareable table.

The Farstrider tattoos (though again Blood Elves should have preference for this) has enough reason to be among all three types of Thalassian elf.

Ear sliders and scars are just things on the QoL line.



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And we don’t know what or who that would be for. I interpreted their statement on more as just a vague reference to more customization in general not HE specifically but it is what it is.

It could just be Farstrider tattoos that both could use, and they choose to preserve the BE theme in other areas.


And everything you just named is giving more to possible HE customization without even touching on hairstyles or colors if they choose to preserve the BE visual theme. And that’s just assuming the most optimistic outlook from a pros perspective on being promised more - more isn’t even a promise for the full HE fantasy and Imo shouldn’t be

Thats how I read it too. Even when I was more for Helf options being added.


Much can be done for their sides interest by supporting reasonable QoL additions and even supporting Void elf options that follow a more Void based line while at the same time it helps to keep blood elves blood elves.

I also think a tentacle toggle can help both camps. Helf and Velf fans.


It is that simple.

The developers have decided that adding High Elf options is a good idea because it makes people happy.

The next logical step for people that like High Elf options would be to keep asking for those, based on the knowledge that the developers earlier more conservative stance has changed.


Or people can be happy with what Blizzard has given and maybe can start asking for original stuff instead of trying to become a copy/paste of blood elves.

That’s a thought.


Facts is not bias.

All paladins had prior melee combat training and or experience before becoming a order leader, except liadrin, she magically knew how to fight.

Not to mention her Mary Sue moments in bc.

And no tge blood knights was specifically created to be a military body.

People have been asking for original stuff for a long time, even came up with different models, yet Blizzard decided to go the copy/paste route and this is what we have to work with.

Your bias is your bias. Your facts are just wrong.

The first paladins were a mix of warriors and priests.

Some had such skills others did not.

Liadrin learned how to fight.

Though to be fair she was a veteran of two wars by then.

Pick any wow lore character.

They’re all mary sues.

And have evolved past that.

I want void elves to be void elves with their own original stuff.


We all know, and others would like additional options to complete the High Elf aesthetic. Both are valid requests. Original stuff would be great.

While ignoring those BE players who want to remain unique and the VE players who want to maintain their choice as separated.

Why should players be affected because some NPCs have some fans?

But this wasn’t really a “here’s what you have to work with thing” it was a compromise entirely in your favor?

Yeah it sucks for people who wanted a full AR but that doesn’t change the fact that we’re here now, this is what it is, and part of that for a lot of people is valuing the visual uniqueness going forward- so it doesn’t matter the AR wasn’t done, or the HE community wasn’t given 100% and only got 90%, it matters to people that going forward uniqueness is upheld and I think that is what the user you replied to was meaning. Not that prior to HE AR as it’s own thing was pushed for, but here and now, the present.