Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I’m a big fan. Got a foam finger, T-shirts and everything


Pics or it didn’t happen. :stuck_out_tongue:


What “matters” to people is subject to each and every individual, which is why these threads keep popping up. Uniqueness can still be upheld with additional options that make a lot of people happy. Blizzard could’ve created original, natural skin tones for High Elf options on Void Elves, but they didn’t. So I agree, we’re here now and it is what it is.

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And hopefully you can be content with what it is :hugs:

Personally I do not want to see the theme of VEs brought closer to BEs the models are already the same, and like you agreed with we’re here now - so for me that means dealing with this as opposed to any model changes an AR would have made.

That is where I will lend my voice, in support of Blood Elves and Void Elves, it just felt pertinent to point out the person you replied to had a valid argument for requesting people to be satisfied / wanting more uniqueness to be upheld, and instead you gave them a run down of the history of the HE request.

She was never a melee combatant… How should I summerize this?

A person that is trained on how to use the bow would not know how to swing a sword with just that training.

There is no lore on her training to be a melee combatant.

No one as bad as liadrin, not even jaina and thrall. Only equal to her is medan.

I linked what I used to come up with a my arguements, it is on you not to use it as fact.

Not really. Only liadrin “screw the light, wait nope I want it back” did

Yes, luckily so for many.

People like X npc and want to play it.

The unsubstantial and highly subjective loss of uniqueness is being weighted against the gain of more options.

Evidently the developers have decided that one outweights the other in the case of copy pasting the skin and eye colors.

In the very end this entire thread boils down to three basic requests:

1. More High elf themed options for Void elves.

2. More Void themed options for High elves and NO High elf options.

3. More High elf and Void themed options for Void elves.

Option 1. does not dismiss option 3.
Option 2. dismisses option 1. and 3.

Option 2. is based entirely on the premise that Void elf options will be lost or of lower quality because of time essentially ‘wasted’ on High elf options.

People that argue for this base their entire premise on the assumption that developers spread their work on customization equally among all races involved. Something which is seemingly easy to disprove based on the sheer difference in options added between say Orcs and Night elves as opposed to Blood elves and Gnomes.


No one even even comes to close to Med’an levels of Mary Sue.


Did you seriously just say that Liadrin is as much of a mary sue as Med’an? As Med’an!? Really?


My statement is still applicable to simply natural skin tones. No one asked for the copy/paste, and many are content with these options. I am a supporter of additional options for everyone to play the game as they would like to.


She is, always liked no matter what she does, defies the universes rules, and can be what ever just cause she wants to.

The very definition of a mary sue.

Which never really worked because there’s really no physical difference between a high elf and a blood elf, especially now with blood elves getting blue eyes. Only difference is political.

A whole race that exists with all the cosmetic options you guys need(blood elves), isn’t enough to work with?


Oh jeez, are we really going to play this game?

Med’an is a founder of the New Council of Tirisfal. He is Medivh and Garona’s son. He’s half Human, quarter Draenei, quarter Orc.

He’s not only one of the most skilled Mages alive, but he’s also the wielder of Atiesh, as well as the inheritor of the Guardian’s power. Not only did he inherit Medivh’s Guardian power, but he gained his knowledge as well. At not cost by the way.

He’s also an incredibly powerful Shaman, with natural talent that places him in the upper echelon of Shamanic power.

In addition, Maraad is his uncle, and tutors him in the ways of the Light.
In almost no time flat, he is an incredibly powerful and accomplished Paladin.

Did I mention that he, and only he, can specially interweave these otherwise incompatible magics together to form miracles that no mere mortal can comprehend? He can combine the powers of the Arcane, the Light and the Elements themselves to create full blown miracles, just by the very nature of who he is.

I don’t remember Liadrin being able to do that.

He’s also beloved and trusted by characters of both faction by virtue of nothing, so Liadrin doesn’t even have that kind of thing up on him.

You may not like her, but she comes nowhere near Med’an levels of ridiculousness.


All it reads off as to me is belittling the options / compromise that was done in an attempt to gain sympathy for why you continue to push for more in this situation you already come out ahead on.

That is literally the point every time someone goes “no one asked for this” right before their argument to petition for more to bring them even closer to the BE main visual theme.

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The statement was objective. You are welcome to take it however you please.

It’s current alliance as well because the Silver Covenant rangers never left.

Well, how very selfish of you.

They already can. On both sides.

Translation: Further wash off what makes Void Elves Unique.

Option 2 is the only one that would actually maintain the two separated as they should be.

Man I’m not a Liadrin fan…

But you’re waaaay off with this one.


I think that’s sort of what I did by giving my take on it.

Hope that clears everything up :hugs:

I am a supporter of more options as long as they don’t destroy the whole theme and aesthetic that make a Race what it is.

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And so she learned how to fight.

There doesn’t really have to be. She uses a sword. Tyrande never used a glaive before either.

Again, you are biased in this regard. Shes no different than any one of them.

EDIT: Changed my mind. No one is as close as Me’dan.

You linked various things that do not equal to what you are saying and presented it as fact.

You were biased in your viewpoint. For some reason you dislike Liadrin and apply that to the Blood Knights as a whole in some small part as well.

Your blindness to the Blood Knights since TBC is showing.

There are no Silver Covenant in any Alliance city aside from two portal keepers only there to facilitate travel to an expansion in the past.