Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Gratz on the tl3

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They’re both, are they not?


no, they need not to be faithful to use the light, just permission to draw from the sunwell.

Pay his view on the Blood Knights no mind. He has a massively biased view of them and Liadrin especially.

They are a religious and military order making up about a third of the Blood Elven military.

Despite their missteps in their inception many of them have rekindled their former faith and are as much a paladin as any other.

To his credit there are supposedly some who still take the Lights power by force, but they neither need permission to do so nor would they bother to ask being connected to a ready source of it.


And that is why we have been requesting to use the Alliance assets on the VE.

So, can we used this against you, and everyone else who disagree’s with the idea of High Elven customisations for Void Elves?

You missed the part where you admit that is to take extra steps to make them look like Blood Elves.


No, you’re just ignoring the part where Blizzard already said they’re giving the HE Fantasy to both groups.

They already did that.

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Have they said they’ll stop?

If you’re going to go back to misrepresented what they said yet again, don’t pull me into it.

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No Midare, they haven’t said they have stopped with the customizations. There is several times where they have said Customizations are an ongoing process.

Just because you’re against Alliance having anything to do with High Elves.

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I just said that I don’t want you to pull me into it if you want to misrepresent what they said again…

No means no missy.

Oh, we’re doing this again?

Clears throat

Why do you hate blood elf and void elves players so much that you want to deny their wish for uniqueness Sara?

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And where have they said no?

Where have they said yes?

Maybe =/= yes


At least you remain consistent with your selective reading comprehension…


I just hope to see BE uniqueness preserved moving forward based on the fact HE fans through VEs already got a huge win for RP tools.

Hopefully Blizzard is paying attention to that fact honestly, double down on the Wayfarers or what ever they need to in order to solidify that VEs will be keeping Void hair styles and colors within that theme, and maybe if they added anything to both again just leave it at Farstrider tattoos.


Why don’t you tell Midare Maybe doesn’t mean No either?

Or is it “Lets all go after Sara” time of day again?

Midare never said that Blizzard said no.


Well since I’m pretty sure that “no means no” was in reference to dragging her into what’s going on, doesn’t really seem needed.