Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

And my guild leader debunked you.

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I also sent you cited wiki links that your selective memory forgot about.

Link em here then.

I don’t care about a guy whom is not in this discussion.

I dunno. I trust someone who has been playing Blood Knights for fourteen years more than I trust a random High Elf stan.

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Blood elves and High elves are both core parts of the Alliance how is this not hard to get? Void Elves (Blood Elves) and High Elves all lead the front lines of the war. While not in the horde.

Nevermind all the belfs in the Legion order hall gabbing on about how they love the Light.





example of glowy bits


Because we like the race more than we like the Alliance.


I been saying this for a long time high elves have as big alliance army as night elves.

I appreciate you leaving made up things in the box rather than try to claim objectively something that’s obviously not so

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I see you talking to your alt.

First, blood knights does not get there power from faith;

Following the Sunwell’s revitalization, the Blood Knights now take their power directly through the Sunwell itself - the restored fount now a mixture of both holy and arcane energy - to fuel their order and paladin-esque abilities.[17]


It may be possible some do, but it is a few in number.

2nd liadrin’s battle history was very small, mostly scrimmages with maybe one major battle, with no notable feats before she became the bloid knight leader;

Can be viewed there. Now, she leads an elite force of soldiers, whom until maybe mop was mostly consisted of the royal guard;

  • It was mentioned that many Blood Knights were formerly members of the “Royal Guard,” perhaps implying that said individuals upheld similar duties before becoming Blood Knights.

Site here

Their not there.

Oh okay, should be no trouble to prove this to us, what with the other links.

Should also be no trouble to explain how one cannot have faith in the light and use the sunwell at the same time, in your eyes.

Zan wakes up to a ping in the Pyreanor discord. I’m awake. I’m awake.

Oh. Someone’s wrong on the Internet. Also, why am I not in my armor?

This is false, as anyone can see by simply reading the page you linked. Liadrin was active in Blood of the Highborne, the second war, the third war, and so on. She was also a High Priestess, which is a notable feat.


There’s nothing about up until mop here. That’s entirely headcanon.

The Blood Knight order attracted elves of many walks of life. Among them were former priests and priestesses who had turned away from the Light following the Third War, like Liadrin had. Others were former members of the Royal Guard, proud defenders of Quel’Thalas. Warriors and war heroes also joined the order, embracing their new-found powers.


From the source given in your link:

It is a harmonious relationship, no longer one of discord caused by the blood elves’ attempts to bend the Light to their will, which will likely have a positive effect on blood elf society in the long run.

This doesn’t sound to me like hard confirmation against worship, just that they channel the Light through the Sunwell.



Who still number more than a division, which is thousands strong.