Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

To the really devote Blood Knights the Sunwell is the light.

Then I see no reason why Blood Elves cannot find a new way worshipping the light. Or perhaps only Void Elves are allowed to have different ways of accessing power. I also like seeing.
You cannot use Liadrin as the norm for the Blood Knights.
While at the same time.
Why can’t our Void Elves be just like Alleria.

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That’s how leaders generally work in religious orders.

To be fair, Brae doesn’t hold this opinion. He’s against options to look more like Alleria on Void Elves.

I want farstrider fantasy for the Alliance. Its peak Alliance WC2 fantasy,

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Me too, but I also want it on the Horde.


To be fair, Alleria was transformed by consuming a whole dark naaru, a completely different way than the Void Elves were transformed. In comparison, Lady Liadrin regained the light from draining some small amount of power from a Naaru as did all the early Blood Knights. (The later ones gained theirs by praying with a vessel in the room where the Naaru was.)

That’s apples to oranges.

I’m going back to bed.

Keep in mind however that the only Void Elves who were transformed (as far as we yet know) are the ones with Umbric that got caught in Durzaan’s ritual trap during the unlock scenario.

How new Void Elves are gaining their powers has not yet been detailed by Blizzard in game or out. It’s logical to assume that new Void Elves are gaining their mastery of the void through a process similar to Alleria’s considering she and Locus Walker (her teacher) are right there to do the training.

And while Alleria did absorb great amounts of void energy from Nhal’athoth and L’ura, all Locus Walker says during the quests on Argus is that:

After some consideration, I have decided to allow Alleria another opportunity to pursue her destiny.

I suppose you want to know what that means, mortal.

Meet us deep in the Shadowguard camp ahead- my brethren are preparing a summons that will provide adequate energy for Windrunner to begin again.

Witness what happens when you harness the Void’s power.

This implies that only “adequate energy” is required to follow Alleria’s path, not specific types of void entities. “Adequate energy” could likely come from a variety of sources, with Nhal’athoth and L’ura just being conveniently accessible.

Telogrus itself is steeped in Void Energy as indicated by the Void Elf unlock scenario text, and the void storms that still linger in the zone after Void Elves are unlocked. This seems to indicate that it may be an ideal place to harvest void energy, whether from the void storms themselves or by summoning powerful void creatures to draw “adequate energy” from. There’s nothing in the lore or the game text that indicates that a Dark Naaru, or any specific type of void-infused entity, is required to harness the void as Alleria did.

And since players are typically never as powerful as their racial leaders, and can’t do many of the things their racial leader can do, it’s kind of unfair to expect that they follow the exact same path to their own power as their racial leader did, or at least they are at a point in their process that is further behind their racial leader.

Consider Alleria a master and player Void Elves as novices. It wouldn’t be logical to expect the novices to have consumed a Dark Naaru before beginning their career with the void. Alleria certainly had void powers long before her Argus story arc.


Like being unable to play as an undead elf, despite them existing as part of the Forsaken.


This. If pre-Naaru snack Alleria was around right now, she’d probably still be classified as a Void Elf.


I agree with that. Now if we could just get black hair, I’d be a happy camper! :sparkling_heart:


I’m good as is, but I certainly wouldn’t mind more.


I just want to be able to look the way I envision my character. She’s based on my first D&D character that was a half-elf with black hair and purple eyes. The arcane eyes coming soon + black hair would let me finally finish the look I want!

I won’t say no to more options in general though!


For me, all I’d need for that is the ability to mog the Leather Spirebreaker’s Harness I’m wearing, and maybe a face marking.

If new hair options became available, I might try em out, but I’m happy with the hair I have now.


I’d love tattoos, scars and/or warpaints as options for all races. I would also be ecstatic if Blizzard ever opened up armor types for transmog. Even if only by one step so I could use some leather as a cloth wearer, leather as a mail wearer, or mail as a plate wearer.


At the very least, I’d like Leather for Hunters. They usually wear it in the lore, and as NPCs.


Also dual wielding for Hunters. Almost every NPC Hunter that melees, does so with dual weapons. Usually axes.


Swords are pretty frequent too.


Yes that would please me greatly for my own Hunter. Thankfully we can at least hide all slots but pants so we can make a few specific looks that don’t pigeonhole Hunters into mail only.

Like the outfit I am wearing now, I have a version of it for every armor type!






Those are the Spritedarter pants, right? I need those, but I don’t have the gold right now.


Yes… before those, the only other pants I could have used would have been the Renowned Explorer Pants and I don’t have that set just yet. Eventually I will though!

Maybe what we really need is just a lot more cosmetic mog options…