Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

You’re right, it’s like there’s two of them. :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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They’d just need ears and posture.

Also, Elves are the Eevees of Warcraft. They mutate based on whatever magic they last rolled in.

It’s perfectly plausible for heavy light users to have light based mutations.

They’d just need ears and posture.

I disagree with this for two reasons.

  1. Slapping pointy ears on the Forsaken model looks horrendous imo.

  2. Existing elven Dark Rangers look nothing like that, so it wouldn’t appease people looking for that aesthetic.

A model toggle for Forsaken would be preferable to that IMO, though it would entail far more work on Blizzard’s part than simply giving Blood Elves the skin and eye options I think.

Also, Elves are the Eevees of Warcraft. They mutate based on whatever magic they last rolled in.

It’s perfectly plausible for heavy light users to have light based mutations.

This I agree with. Thalassians are canonically mutable. Adding light-themed aesthetic options to Blood Elves makes perfect sense in my book.

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I imagine elves taking magic dust baths like fancy humanoid chinchillas.


I wouldn’t say it looks horrendous, but it looks more (undead) half elf to me. It would make a great addition in addition to a model toggle for Undead or skins for belves, but yeah I wouldn’t want it instead of.


I wouldn’t want it instead of that’s for sure to be fair. And I think my outlook is like Grabbags but in reverse in favor of BEs, and or if San’layn was its own AR I would be okay with the RP tools being tucked in there through toggles to San’layn for various customization.

But it would still leave me wanting a second visual theme for BEs. To which I’d probably favor Felblood but I wouldn’t use those options myself.


I love felblood elves. I love their little wings.


tbf you could make Felblood available by just making DH options available universally. Or at least warlocks.

Lightforged belfs would be cool as well. Or go all in on Farstriders with feathers and tattoos and stuff.


I’d love Farstrider stuff for my hunter.

Honestly felblood stuff could be a glide glyph for DHs. Feathery wings.


I agree with you, I to think they would be a much better option fo the Forsaken. I was just pointing out the olde, but, but, but, it isn’t really taking anything from them arguments that some Helfers use to take away what remains of the Blood elves aesthetic, and to further destroy the Void Elf one.

I read it as, this is how I think this should be so I’m against this. But at the same time it’s wrong for people to hold customizations hostage just because of how they perceive a race to be.


I’d love this for both belves and velves. But honestly, if my Hunter was allowed to mog Leather I’d pretty much be good on this.


My bad, homegirl.


Not the point. There us 2 issues with this;

  1. There is no sane undead paladins in lore. The Sabine undead would most likely not want to go through the constant torture if being a paladin.

  2. The forsaken players will have c e an uproar if an undead paladin exists on a non-undead based race.

It also takes away established lore of paladins.

If you read my post, you would already know my answer. It does take away established lore on the lightforged.

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Lightforged do not have a monopoly on the light.


VE can have a toggle in my opinion, but with different void options to replace the tendrils. There needs to show some void corruption.

Light don’t mutate…

they don’t, but they have a monopoly on lightforging.

Also should I point out that you don’t want ppl taking “BE” stuff, but your perfectly ok on taking other races stuff?

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Light themes don’t automatically equal lightforging.

Lightforging is a specific process that includes gold plates being attached to the skin. Having some visible manifestations of Light like glowing hair or Light runes doesn’t make it lightforging.


I mean you push for LF HEs which basically takes the Elf Paladin combo from Horde. Despite (someone correct me if I’m wrong) where are the HE Paladins? Why are they considered a desire from HE fans?

And you already got / have taken from BEs you’re using the very regular elf visual theme rn on your VE.

And the Sunwell was reignited before LF was a thing? So it doesn’t have to be LF for BEs to get light things.

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They exist. They’re minor, much less important than belf Paladins, but they exist.

Off the top of my head, only a few generics in the Paladin Order Hall come to mind, but I think there was at least one in Wrath too.