Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Oh okay I’ve never seen anyone give any indication they were a thing besides that one guy with Uthers Tomb but then people have discredited that I thought? Idk it rather seems more wishful thinking to me. Which isn’t enough to give Elf Paladin via Thalassians to Alliance. But that’s just my take on it based on what I’ve seen people say and my desire to preserve BE exclusives (in regards to Thalassian stuff) moving forward.

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As long as there’s a “tentacles on” option for hairstyles without tentacles and an “tentacles off” option for styles with them so there are no tentacles at all. Entropic Embrace is enough of a visual signifier of “void corruption” imo.

I see no problem with variations on the tentacle void look though. The Night Elf hair vines have color variants. The tentacle glow could have color variants too.


I’m going to need sources on this.

I’m in this boat, but I get why others aren’t.

I’d love this. Purple and a dark colour like the heritage Void wings come to mind.



The thing is, we already have hairstyles with tentacles and without tentacles. So it’s not like being able to toggle tentacles on or off is going to change the current dynamic. It will simply give more hairstyle options to those who want more tentacles styles and those who don’t. It also future-proofs any new hairstyles added to Void Elves by ensuring they can always have tentacles but don’t have to have them if the player does not desire them.

But yea… color variants for the tentacle glow would be kind of awesome and I’d use that specifically on my Warlock so the tentacle glow matches his eye glow. He’s currently using one of the cyan eye options which doesn’t quite match with the darker blue tentacle glow he’s sporting.


How is it unfounded?

It’s based on the fact that things take time and resources.

Working on both reduces the result for both.

Working on only one ensures one gets proper attention.

I’d prefer the void aspect gets that attention.

I disagree with this entirely.

However, I will suggest an alternative.

Sunwell theme instead of light based. More of a focus on the Phoenix iconography and a Burning light concept.

Ear sliders, tattoos, scars and tentacle toggles are all a part of my list.

Excepting the toggle part I think these are just standard things most races should have. (ears where applicable).

Also is already an npc option for void elves.

Personally I’d not like to see those. I want the focus to be on more void based options overall.

I agree with this.

Also this…

Oh… That’s an idea I can write very amusing stories for…

Why? We have at least four hair options without them already. They started that way.

A toggle gives the option to have or not have tentacles for all hair styles. It increases void options overall not decreases them.

I would agree if we had had no non-tentacle options to begin with but that was not how it went.

At least once SC trainer was a paladin. You can still see him in wrath Dalaran.


It’s a shame the tentacles only come in a single colour.

It somewhat narrows down what mogs or customizations you can use with them without it clashing too much.


I guess my question is did HEs get portrayed as Paladins before the founding of BEs with the Blood Knights? Like was it ever considered a HE thing before BEs achieved that as BEs are HEs?

Or was it just like how the SC showed up out of nowhere to be a tit for tat with BEs to give Alliance story.

I found him.

There’s another one from Wrath, though he appears to be more a joke reference than a character.


As far as I can recall, there’s not solid evidence of there being High Elf Paladins before the fall of Quel’thalas.
The closest thing is Mehlar Dawnblade having been Uther’s apprentice, presumably before the fall of Quel’thalas, but I can’t recall any solid statements of this.


Especially since we’ve met so many chill af belf pallies this patch as part of the Argent Crusade.

Which I thought had split up…

But uh…

The Crusade decided that it wasn’t fair to make so many Paladins have to go with either faction on alternate weekends, so they got back together for another chance at making it work.

They thought the Paladins deserved to be raised with a complete family.

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Still have no idea why they weren’t the pally order


Honestly I think we were meant to assume every major race of the Alliance had the ability to have paladins back then.

However in actual lore and available information links only Mehlar Dawnblade as having been so before.

Given though how blood elves became paladins and the time frame of TBC and Wrath its unlikely a paladin trainer would be ready to train new paladins if they hadn’t been a paladin for awhile. So the SC ones may represent high elves having had them previously but being few in number.

Honestly though, blizz hasn’t said specifically.

And void elves should not get them.

The weird thing is, I thought the Silver Hand was part of the Argent Crusade. Then all of a sudden the Silver Hand by itself is the Pally Order Hall? What?


Except Gnomes. Poor little guys are always forgotten.

I contend this too!

They should totally be pally capable.

Yeah. Regardless of any lore based argument, Void Elf Paladins just don’t make sense thematically.


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