You give as good as you get.
Calling em trolls is silly. Ya’ll get way too worked up about all this.
I’ll share my thoughts and opinions as I see fit.
That said, I entreat you to do so as well.
I’m sorry you see it as talking down to you, though, as I have empathy.
That sounds rather healthy overall.
I don’t think so. Saw one in one of these threads yesterday. Between people having to defend their right to say they don’t want a thing against those who disagree with them.
No, they’re out of touch because they thought people would look at a blood elf after 15 years of lore and think, “Yeah what this race is missing is a bracelet.”
Not necessarily. Since its popularity they’ve done several things that suggest they might be actually taking this seriously now.
For instance letting both Void Elves and Blood Elves have the purple eyes that arose from a glitch.
Perhaps from your point of view. Not from mine.
Thats two things getting borked for no good reason. I would rather they focus on one.
Yes, I believe I was clear about that.
Should probably state I won’t be immensely mad if they do choose to give the natural hair colors/other Helf related customization. I just do not at this time support it.
Not entirely sure its a compromise really. Belfs got nothing in return. Seems really it was a gift to the Helf community. One they for some reason choose to leave hair color out of.
Some people find it objectionable for others to be seeking “more more more” for Helfs contrary to lackluster Belf options (the actual core race) and to Velf’s who maybe got purple eyes, if thats meant for void rather than arcane. (Personally I think it was meant for a more voidy option myself).
Honestly if everyone would stop throwing so many insults everywhere the moment they get on here a lot of folk would find they’re not far off base of one another in reality. Or at the very least they can find common ground.
I defend the right for people to express the opinions of what they want for and in this game.
Opposition is just one part of the coin.
That is your right of course.
I’ll admit my actual imagining of it is more wrapping on the body of the Void elf themselves rather than the ethereal underbits.
Which is why I said I’d rather they be more additions over skintones.
Oh I am all for Old Gods antics. Chin tentacles for instance… perhaps worked into beards?
On the flip side I do support a tentacle toggle.
A plethora of possibilities await if done properly. Many could even be useful to your average Helf Pro.
My interest rests with the Void but I am not blind to your sides interests.
If they ever add dyes maybe that will be a thing.
Until then hair color is a defining category for many races. One that could be expanded sure, but still defining.
I suppose I wasn’t entirely clear.
Its more a neonish color. If it weren’t so late I’d go dig up a picture.
I’m open to Void based options for the most part. Don’t assume.
Again, That seems like a healthy choice to make.
Hmm. I hope San’layn are an AR if they’re added personally.
Otherwise I could see your point of view there. I’d have to think on it awhile before I said I supported it though.
Hmm also lets them not pull from LFD… Not a bad idea.
True all three thalassian elf could have call for it. Blood Elves do have the actual organization though. Preferential treatment would likely go to them.
Alleria is the only tie in Void Elves have.
Too many others throwing up their counter to their interests. You expect them to be silent against you? They disagree with you of course they’d spend the time.
A huge push was in the thread Blizz made announcing the high elf skin tones to Void Elves to ask for Blood Elf options. The same one this thread is a continuation of.
Honestly I’ve seen the High Elf list of wants just as often since as I see the Blood Elf ones.
We are talking fairly amicably here at this moment. Not all such has faded.
It will fade entirely for you if you just give up though.
Do what you need to to remain mentally healthy. Pixel elves are not worth getting bent out of shape over.
Then don’t respond if you can’t do so without insults. It will just make you look bad.
Perhaps you don’t care at this point but it hardly helps your argument if you respond with such hostility that they are the only ones being a problem.