Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

You give as good as you get.

Calling em trolls is silly. Ya’ll get way too worked up about all this.

I’ll share my thoughts and opinions as I see fit.

That said, I entreat you to do so as well.

I’m sorry you see it as talking down to you, though, as I have empathy.

That sounds rather healthy overall.

I don’t think so. Saw one in one of these threads yesterday. Between people having to defend their right to say they don’t want a thing against those who disagree with them.

No, they’re out of touch because they thought people would look at a blood elf after 15 years of lore and think, “Yeah what this race is missing is a bracelet.”

Not necessarily. Since its popularity they’ve done several things that suggest they might be actually taking this seriously now.

For instance letting both Void Elves and Blood Elves have the purple eyes that arose from a glitch.

Perhaps from your point of view. Not from mine.

Thats two things getting borked for no good reason. I would rather they focus on one.

Yes, I believe I was clear about that.

Should probably state I won’t be immensely mad if they do choose to give the natural hair colors/other Helf related customization. I just do not at this time support it.

Not entirely sure its a compromise really. Belfs got nothing in return. Seems really it was a gift to the Helf community. One they for some reason choose to leave hair color out of.

Some people find it objectionable for others to be seeking “more more more” for Helfs contrary to lackluster Belf options (the actual core race) and to Velf’s who maybe got purple eyes, if thats meant for void rather than arcane. (Personally I think it was meant for a more voidy option myself).

Honestly if everyone would stop throwing so many insults everywhere the moment they get on here a lot of folk would find they’re not far off base of one another in reality. Or at the very least they can find common ground.

I defend the right for people to express the opinions of what they want for and in this game.

Opposition is just one part of the coin.

That is your right of course.

I’ll admit my actual imagining of it is more wrapping on the body of the Void elf themselves rather than the ethereal underbits.

Which is why I said I’d rather they be more additions over skintones.

Oh I am all for Old Gods antics. Chin tentacles for instance… perhaps worked into beards?

On the flip side I do support a tentacle toggle.

A plethora of possibilities await if done properly. Many could even be useful to your average Helf Pro.

My interest rests with the Void but I am not blind to your sides interests.

If they ever add dyes maybe that will be a thing.

Until then hair color is a defining category for many races. One that could be expanded sure, but still defining.

I suppose I wasn’t entirely clear.

Its more a neonish color. If it weren’t so late I’d go dig up a picture.

I’m open to Void based options for the most part. Don’t assume.

Again, That seems like a healthy choice to make.

Hmm. I hope San’layn are an AR if they’re added personally.

Otherwise I could see your point of view there. I’d have to think on it awhile before I said I supported it though.

Hmm also lets them not pull from LFD… Not a bad idea.

True all three thalassian elf could have call for it. Blood Elves do have the actual organization though. Preferential treatment would likely go to them.

Alleria is the only tie in Void Elves have.

Too many others throwing up their counter to their interests. You expect them to be silent against you? They disagree with you of course they’d spend the time.

A huge push was in the thread Blizz made announcing the high elf skin tones to Void Elves to ask for Blood Elf options. The same one this thread is a continuation of.

Honestly I’ve seen the High Elf list of wants just as often since as I see the Blood Elf ones.

We are talking fairly amicably here at this moment. Not all such has faded.

It will fade entirely for you if you just give up though.

Do what you need to to remain mentally healthy. Pixel elves are not worth getting bent out of shape over.

Then don’t respond if you can’t do so without insults. It will just make you look bad.

Perhaps you don’t care at this point but it hardly helps your argument if you respond with such hostility that they are the only ones being a problem.


I really feel it needs to be said that she absolutely implied that Lanny was somehow calling up a “mob”, her words not mine.


He has never called me up to support him.

I’m just always around it seems. Lol

Should be working… It finding a more permanent job…


oh an idea. bandage hair. see that bandage curling down her back. haha. strips of bandage hair… weird idea but wonder if it would look cool. velfs are so weird anyway!

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It is entirely ridiculous, until what, like today? He didn’t even have a way to contact any of us.


I disagree. I do not think we need a full copy paste of BE onto VE. We need our own assets.

No need for that. This thread just cooled down.

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with your permission avarie = your lady with bandage hair, sorta kinda


We don’t need to ask over and over again for options when we have a comprehensive list right here.


Lets not forget night elves. The new looks are great they just need a few more faces and hair colors. I should be able to mimic the seasons with my hair. I can kind of do that with the brown option as fall but I’d prefer something more like a deep changing-leaf red.

Thalassian Elves they need to just make all the same, no one will be satisfied until then.

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Uniqueness is a subjective quality. The mere act of disagreeing with the substantiality of that word that does not invalidate feelings.

The entire premise of that choice is unfounded as of yet.

Nobody is making you choose between ‘High elf stuff’ or ‘Void elf stuff’.

I wouldn’t call you a simpleton, but I find that a poor comparison. Let me have a go at this…

Santa gave Annie a toy horse. Santa noticed Carol also would’ve liked a toy horse and so gave Carol a toy horse the next year.

Annie still has her toy horse.

I’m missing the part where Santa steals Annie’s toy horse and breaks it in two…

Undead guys still not having beards is probably the biggest crime in WoW.

I think a toy horse is a bad analogy. A brand or a trade mark is a better analogy.

Blood Elves have a brand.


Bandages like these are a way cooler void themed aesthetic than tentacles imo


I disagree with undead themes on a race that can be paladins. They can be a toggle for the forsaken instead.

I disagree here again, the lightforged ritual is well defined in the lf unlock scenario, and be’s is too egotistical now to partake it successfully, and stay horde aligned.

The sunwell also does not have enough light power in it to lightforge either.


ve does need to be unique. He fantasy or no, they need separate assets.


I think it would be great if Void Elves got more Void themed customization.


But Paladins can still be Paladins, it’s not taking anything away from them. They don’t have to use the undead themes. Also it’s not like it is taking anything from the Forsaken. The Forsaken aren’t losing anything if Blood Elves get an undead theme.

Same here, Lightforged aren’t losing anything, they will still have access to everything they originally had. Who knows the Sunwell could suddenly empower those who believe strongly enough with radiant light.


Your opinion wasn’t asked for. It’s just a list of everything people have requested for Blood Elves all in one place.

So all characters of the same race can only have one personality? Good to know.

PS: You don’t use apostrophe to pluralize acronyms.

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Just to touch on this, for Void Elves I’d personally prefer “options”. Not “Void Elf options”, not “High Elf options”, but just… “options”.

What I mean by that is, there’s several options that could be added to Void Elves that can be used for either. Take the ear size and eyebrow size/style options that Night Elves got for example. If Void Elves got something like those, they could be used regardless of what theme you want to lean into.

Making the hair tentacles a toggle like Night Elf hair vines is another option that I think is universally appreciable. Instead of only have some hairstyles with tentacles and some styles without tentacles, ALL hairstyles could have tentacles… or not… depending on the player’s discretion. A feature like this caters to the player’s agency.

Even a player who wants to lean heavily into the void theme may not want tentacles in their hair, while a player leaning more into the High Elf theme may want them just because they think it looks cool. The hair toggle idea also removes the issue of all existing hairstyles, and any new hairstyles, being “voidy” or “not voidy” since they would all be able to have tentacles or not.

As for hairstyle’s themselves, I’ll leave that up to Blizzard’s discretion whether or not to create new assets, reuse existing assets, or simply modify existing assets into something derivative of the original. The above tentacle toggle can make any of them “voidy”.

As for hair colors, most of us seem to have no argument against jet black and stark white for Void Elves, and that also works for those looking for the “generic elf” look as well. Beyond that, it will be up to Blizzard to decide what colors Void Elves get in the future.

Currently Void Elves have no “traditional” hair colors at all, so I’m hoping to see at least a couple like a dark brown and a dull ash blonde (like the Human blond which is far less vibrant than the Kul Tiran blonde or any of the Blood Elf blondes), in addition to the above jet black and stark white, but that’s just me.


As a longtime Forsaken guy, I’d much rather they be an option for Forsaken than blood elves, it just works better for a number of reasons. I’d rather blood elves get them than no one getting them, but dark rangers are Forsaken, they were blood elves, there’s no jam up with paladins, the racials make way more sense and tbh Forsaken need options more than blood elves.


Don’t forsaken already have red eye options?

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